Citing Charlie Sheen as Recent Precedent, Media Continues to Mock Angu

November 29th, 2012 11:06 AM
You may recall when CBS fired Charlie Sheen early last year from the popular Two and a Half Men series for a string of "felony offenses involving moral turpitude." In the weeks and months that preceded this decision, an increasingly erratic Sheen received an inordinate amount of media attention for his drug-induced rants. To this day however, Sheen's bad boy persona is received warmly by the…

MSNBC's Martin Bashir Slanders Mike Huckabee: Says Huckabee Hints Obam

November 1st, 2012 5:24 PM
Back in April, MSNBC's Martin Bashir charged Gov. Mitt Romney with being a liar, went on to quote Mormon doctrinal texts, and strongly hinted that the Republican presidential candidate was in danger of hellfire. In early December 2011, Bashir hinted at a similar pronouncement of anathema on GOP candidate Herman Cain. But now with just five days left until the election, Bashir is infuriated by…

Morning Shows Skip Obamacare Repeal Vote; Evening Newscasts Whine Abou

July 12th, 2012 3:37 PM
All three morning shows on Thursday ignored the House vote to repeal Obamacare. Despite finding time for such important topics as women who are addicted to tanning, Good Morning America, as well as Today and CBS This Morning, skipped the latest on the President's unpopular legislation. In contrast, all three evening newscasts on Wednesday did cover the story. Both CBS and ABC whined about…

Lolo Says No-No to Sex; ‘Infuriates’ Liberal Entertainment Media

June 1st, 2012 11:48 AM
Once upon a time waiting to have sex until marriage was seen as a beautiful thing, well that time has come and gone according to the liberal media. Lolo Jones is a 29-year old Olympic track star who recently came under the left’s scrutiny after openly speaking about her virginity on HBO’s “Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel.” She said her reason for sharing something so personal was, “because…

Fox's Chris Wallace Asks Cardinal About MRC's Finding of a Near-Blacko

May 27th, 2012 8:09 PM
On “Fox News Sunday,” host Chris Wallace not only interviewed Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington DC, but asked him about the MRC’s finding that the broadcast network evening news shows only gave the Catholic lawsuits against Obamacare 19 seconds of air time. He asked: “I don’t know if you’ve heard this, but it you haven’t, I’ll inform you. What do you make of the fact that the broadcast…

WashPost 'On Faith' Editor: If You Oppose Same-Sex Marriage, You're Li

May 15th, 2012 11:20 AM
"I’ve never understood the opposition to gay marriage." That's the confession with which Sally Quinn -- the agnostic, liberal editor of the Washington Post's "On Faith" religion section-- began her May 11 column. But rather than humbly seek an understanding of the religious faith that informs the beliefs of millions of American Christians, Quinn launched into an attack on them by comparing them…

Eye on Culture: The Crusade Against Faith

March 29th, 2012 2:43 PM
“Thousands of atheists, agnostics and other non-believers turned out in the US capital on Saturday to celebrate their rejection of the idea of God and to claim a bigger place in public life,” wrote Agence France-Press of the “Reason Rally” on the National Mall March 24, 2012. The Reason Rallyers carried crucifixes with profane statements on them, and signs like “So many Christians, so few…

Religion of Liberalism: Washington Post's 'On Faith' Blog

March 12th, 2012 11:31 AM
The Washington Post’s “On Faith” blog network bills itself as “a conversation on religion and politics.” But the conversation of “On Faith” more accurately resembles a diatribe justifying liberal politics with religious imagery.  During this past week, Becky Garrison claimed that Christian actor Kirk Cameron was not a Christian because he opposes homosexual marriage, and Lisa Miller…

AP Nonsense on Santorum: 'Misidentified' As Evangelical -- By Time Mag

February 26th, 2012 1:52 AM
An AP report by Rachel Zoll brought to our attention by a NewsBusters tipster headlines a truly weird assertion about GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum ("Santorum benefits from mistaken religious identity"), and submits as evidence an item in a Christian magazine which in turn has its own weird headline ("Catholic Politicians You Thought Were Evangelical"). It turns out that the…

MSNBC's Bashir Subjects Conservative Black Theologian to Hostile Inter

February 22nd, 2012 5:02 PM
MSNBC's Martin Bashir has been off for a few days, but he was back in the studio and in fighting form today, eager to push the network's leftist talking points on the ObamaCare contraceptive mandate that would force religious institutions to provide contraceptive coverage in their health insurance plans. Bashir opened up an interview segment with Baptist theologian Craig Mitchell entitled "…

Soledad O'Brien Parrots White House Talking Points on HHS Contraceptio

February 7th, 2012 3:19 PM
Even when told that paying for birth control would violate the consciences of certain religious organizations, CNN's Soledad O'Brien wondered why the groups still shouldn't have to cover contraceptives for interested employees. O'Brien cited statistics from the abortion-supportive Guttmacher Institute showing that even the vast majority of Catholic women use birth control. She then asked why…

CNN Hypes Planned Parenthood's Claims of 'Bullying by the Right

February 2nd, 2012 12:10 PM
Normally, when a leading charity cuts ties to a large non-profit organization, the news will not spark a media controversy. But when the Susan G. Komen Foundation severed financial ties to Planned Parenthood due to Congressional investigations into the organization, CNN hyped Planned Parenthood's cries of foul play and "bullying from the right." Correspondent Mary Snow aired a pretty one-…

Yahoo Trumpets Study Supposedly Linking Conservatism to Low IQ

January 26th, 2012 3:51 PM
Yahoo! News, which recently entered into a partnership with ABC News, somehow thought it fit to use its "Destination 2012" site for the 2012 election to highlight a new study that found a purported link between conservatism and low intelligence. The headline for the story by's Stephanie Pappas exclaimed, "Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice." Pappas wasted…

Lefty Media Blame Tebow for Broncos' Inaction on Anti-Bullying Campaig

December 22nd, 2011 4:29 PM
Recently, nearly 8,000 fans have petitioned the Denver Broncos to participate in an online campaign against the bullying of gay teens. But the team has declined to join "It Gets Better," saying it is already, "committed to tolerance, acceptance and respect for all in the community." But that wasn't enough for liberal media like the Huffington Post - they are intent on blaming their favorite…