New CMI Special Report: Baptism by Fire

December 5th, 2011 10:19 AM
With the 2012 elections less than a year away, the liberal media are attacking President Obama's potential opponents on a number of fronts, but especially on religion. ABC, CBS and NBC have used religion in two ways, either painting the field of GOP primary challengers as a God Squad of religious zealots or playing up differences in their faith. Whether they're letting viewers know that "Rick…

On Sunday, WaPo Celebrates 'The Inherent Queerness of America

November 27th, 2011 8:22 AM
On the first Sunday of Advent, The Washington Post devoted two stories on the front of its Arts section to revisiting last year's controversy over a gay-left exhibit at the National Portrait Gallery that starred a video with ants crawling on the crucifix of Jesus. The "Hide/Seek" propaganda assembly is now on display at the Brooklyn Museum, and Post critic Philip Kennicott thinks the "right-…

AP Hit Piece on 'Dominionism' Tries to Tie in Perry, Even With No 'Dir

October 17th, 2011 11:52 PM
This afternoon, Associated Press Religion Writer Rachel Zoll devoted over 1,600 words to "dominionism," spending much of it attempting to cast Rick Perry as their guy, even though, as she admitted, "Perry has never said anything that would directly link him to dominionism." Oh, but he's sorta said some things that might hint at such sympathies, and he's been on stage with people who are…

FNC Notes Democrats 'Least Tolerant' of Mormons While Nets Focus on GO

October 11th, 2011 5:32 AM
While morning and evening newscasts from all three broadcast networks in the last few days have focused on anti-Mormon sentiment within the Republican Party that may hinder Mitt Romney's bid for the presidency, FNC's Special Report with Bret Baier on Monday noted that self-identified Republican voters are substantially more willing to accept a Mormon President compared to Democrats. FNC…

Maher: 'In Today's Republican Party There's a Term for People Who Hate

September 17th, 2011 11:47 AM
It sure didn't take HBO's Bill Maher long to make his first hateful remark about the religious right. Roughly one minute into his opening monologue on Friday's "Real Time" the host said, "In today's Republican Party there's a term for people who hate charity and love killing - Christian" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

ABC's Dance with Chaz Bono Highlights Networks LGBT Agenda

September 7th, 2011 11:41 AM
The controversy continues over Chaz Bono's participation in ABC's upcoming season of "Dancing with the Stars." The response to the transgender contestant's role in a once-family friendly show has left ABC with an ongoing PR problem. Chaz Bono is considered a "star" for one reason: Using his status as the child of Cher and Sony Bono to make a very public display of gender identity change,…

Coulter: Hell Is 'Chris Matthews and Contessa Brewer Sneering at You f

August 25th, 2011 10:02 AM
As NewsBusters has been reporting, Obama-loving media members have been on the warpath in recent months attacking conservative presidential candidates for their religious beliefs. In her weekly syndicated column, Ann Coulter took a few of these hypocrites head on:

MSNBC Blames Conservative Israelis for No Peace, Frets Over 'Dangerous

August 25th, 2011 6:33 AM
On Wednesday's Last Word on MSNBC, substitute host Chris Hayes of the left-wing Nation magazine used conservative talk radio host Glenn Beck's rally in Israel as an occasion to blame conservative Israelis like Prime Minister Netanyahu for the absence of a peace agreement with the Palestinians and asserted that it was "dangerous" for such Israelis to ally with America's Christian Zionist…

'Malice in Wonderland' Rewrite has Tea Party led by 'Mad Hatter' Bachm

August 23rd, 2011 10:57 AM
The left and its media allies have systematically reduced Tea Party members to caricatures, calling them everything from "bigots" to "racists" to "terrorists," hoping to make something stick. The latest installment is a rewrite of the famous story tale "Alice in Wonderland," in which their "Mad Hatter" leader is none other than GOP presidential contender Michele Bachmann. TBTM Media, the…

Jack Cafferty Gives Credence to Liberal Conspiracy Tying Bachmann, Per

August 17th, 2011 7:20 PM
Citing a Daily Beast piece linking GOP candidates Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry to a radical Christian strain called "Dominionism," CNN's Jack Cafferty fretted about a possible Christian theocracy in America on Wednesday's Cafferty File. "I got to reading this piece, and it scared the hell out of me," Cafferty fearfully remarked of the article's conspiratorial claims. "We contacted both…

CBS's Norah O'Donnell Presses Michele Bachmann On What 'Submissive' Me

August 15th, 2011 6:27 PM
On Sunday's Face The Nation, CBS's Norah O'Donnell interrogated Congresswoman Michele Bachmann on a 2006 statement she made about being "submissive" to her husband. O'Donnell not only played a clip of the five-year-old moment, but asked her three questions about the biblical verse: "What do you mean wives should be submissive to their husbands?...Do you think submissive means subservient?" […

Bachmann Is Latest Target in Media's War on Conservative Women

August 10th, 2011 12:35 PM
Liberal bias is rampant among the media, but there is no more tangible example of it than in how the media treat Conservative women. The most recent cover of Newsweek features a very wide-eyed Michele Bachmann, looking surprised and unattractive. Perhaps more disturbing is the caption Newsweek placed below the presidential candidate's photo: "Queen of Rage." Bachmann, an attractive 55 year-…

ABC: Is Rick Perry Going 'Too Far' With Prayer Event? Frets 'Even Main

August 8th, 2011 12:22 PM
Good Morning America's David Kerley on Saturday offered up a one-sided, biased take on a prayer event led by Texas Governor Rick Perry over the weekend. The ABC graphic for the segment chided, "Prayer Controversy: Is Rick Perry Going Too Far?" The piece featured four clips from those hostile from the event and none in support. Yet, Kerley still attempted to speak for the faithful: "Even some…

ABC Finds ‘Some Mainstream Christians Are Concerned’ About Perry R

August 8th, 2011 7:25 AM
On both Good Morning America and World News, two different ABC correspondents filed separate reports recounting that some Christians oppose Texas Governor Rick Perry’s prayer rally from the weekend, but, in both reports, clips of left-wing figures like the Reverend Barry Lynn of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, and Drew Courtney of People for the American Way were shown…