ABC, CBS, NBC All Ignore 2011 'March for Life' In Mon. Evening, Tues

January 25th, 2011 5:13 PM
None of the broadcast news programs from Monday evening and Tuesday morning covered the 2011 "March for Life" in Washington, DC, a pro-life rally that reportedly drew at least tens of thousands of attendees. Neither NBC, ABC, nor CBS gave any coverage Monday to the march on their respective evening news programs; none of the networks covered the story Tuesday morning. The New York Times did…

Could Financial Prudence End Our Culture Wars

January 24th, 2011 3:42 PM
Has our financial mess brought us to the brink of getting beyond the culture wars? It's a question that we might just see play out on Capitol Hill in the coming months, as the new political majority seeks to make the late pro-life congressman Henry Hyde proud, by prohibiting taxpayer funding of abortion and de-funding Planned Parenthood. "Hell no," now-Speaker John Boehner said, when he was…

Huffington Post Video Mocking GOP Women Contains Sexually Explicit Lyr

November 2nd, 2010 4:46 PM
There is a fine line between tasteful political comedy and crossing-the-line crudeness, and the Huffington Post’s new song “My Girl's A Republican” just leaped over that line. With lyrics such as “Dick Nixon sucking lips” and “she made her oil money last, and now I’m tapping it,” even the most liberal among us could agree that the attack on Republican women is downright revolting. Hailed as…

'Funny or Die' Urges Viewers to Vote: 'Do You Realize How Motivated St

October 28th, 2010 3:40 PM
Actor and former Obama White House staffer Kal Penn joined Alyssa Milano and a handful of other actors in a short video urging "Funny or Die" website visitors to take time to vote next Tuesday, comparing the time it would take to do so with "much worse ways to spend 10 minutes," like "talk[ing] to your parents about the first time they had sex." [h/t blogger Robert Stacy McCain] "That is a…

Hollywood TV Producer Slams Creationists, Traditionalists on Twitter

October 27th, 2010 11:58 AM
Voting is encouraged, unless you don’t agree with me – then you can go pound sand. That’s essentially the message ABC TV producer Danny Zuker tweeted on October 26. “Next Tues. please vote,” the “Modern Family” writer tweeted. “Unless you're a racist/homophobic/evolution denier. U should probably just go to the dentist.” Zuker, whose Twitter profile states he is a “TV writer/producer” who is…

CNN Anchor Claims Christine O’Donnell is ‘Arrogant’ For Praying

October 26th, 2010 2:13 PM
Conservative Delaware Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell (R), a popular target of the mainstream media, was questioned on CNN’s “American Morning” for her statements about faith and prayer in her interview with Christian Broadcasting Network White House Correspondent David Brody. The Christian candidate cited prayer as playing a central role in her campaign, and her comments drew raised…

Trifecta of Distortion: Kathy Griffin, Wanda Sykes, Lance Bass Blame C

October 5th, 2010 6:07 PM
Are religious leaders, conservative activists, and Jim DeMint responsible for the deaths of gay teenagers? That's the impression left by Kathy Griffin, Wanda Sykes, and Lance Bass, in an extensive interview on the October 4 "Larry King Live."Focusing on the slew of gay teens who have committed suicide in the past week as a result of bullying, the panel of gay rights activists spewed offensive…

'This Week' Wages 'Holy War' Month Before Midterms: 'We Believe that O

October 3rd, 2010 10:58 AM
You have to wonder what on earth ABC’s “This Week” host Christiane Amanpour is thinking by holding a so-called town hall meeting this close to a pivotal midterm election. On the Oct. 3 broadcast of “This Week,” the brainiacs at ABC determined it would be appropriate to pitch Christian leaders against moderate and extremist Muslims. This choice of programming comes at a time when many…

CNN Omits 'Watchdog' Group Leader's Anti-Christian Attacks

September 24th, 2010 8:23 PM
On Friday's Situation Room, CNN highlighted the Military Religious Freedom Foundation's concerns over a planned concert at Fort Bragg, North Carolina organized by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Foundation, but omitted the MRFF president Michael Weinstein's past invective against Christianity. Anchor Wolf Blitzer referred to the MRFF as merely a "watchdog group."Blitzer introduced correspondent…

CNN Contributor Avlon: Christine O'Donnell 'Queen of the Wingnuts

September 20th, 2010 3:50 PM
CNN contributor John Avlon returned to his consistent theme of bashing conservatives on Monday's Newsroom, labeling Delaware Republican Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell the "new queen of the wingnuts." Avlon also referenced Reason magazine's label of O'Donnell as a "crackpot of the first order" and didn't provide the full context of her 1997 remarks on AIDS. Anchor Kyra Phillips led the…

CNN: 'Hardcore Conservatives' Meet in DC; Reagan 'Most Secular' Presid

September 17th, 2010 9:11 PM
CNN's Suzanne Malveaux led Friday's Situation Room by labeling the social conservative Value Voters Summit a "traditional showcase for hardcore conservatives." Later in the same segment, senior political analyst Gloria Borger stated that the Tea Party movement was "anti-health care" and bizarrely referred to Ronald Reagan as "the most secular president we've known in our lifetime."Malveaux used…

Cable Nets Barely Cover Christine O'Donnell's Values Voter Summit Spee

September 17th, 2010 5:10 PM
While the mainstream media have been in a frenzy to denounce Christine O'Donnell as a kook for her socially conservative statements on abstinence from the 1990s, the cable news networks had a perfect opportunity this afternoon to let her speak for herself. Collectively they gave her less than five minutes. The Republican Delaware Senate nominee gave a speech at the Values Voters Summit in…

Former CNN Anchor O'Brien Attacks 'Nutbag' O'Donnell on Twitter

September 15th, 2010 7:29 PM
[Update, Wednesday, 11:15 pm Eastern: The Tweet by O'Brien apparently "doesn't exist" any more. A screen cap of the Tweet in question can be seen after the jump.] Former CNN anchor Miles O'Brien (no relation to current CNN special correspondent Soledad O'Brien) slammed Delaware Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell as a "Tea Party nutbag" in a Tweet on Wednesday evening. O'Brien continued that he…

Newsweek's Alter Distorts Gingrich's Ground Zero Mosque Opposition

September 13th, 2010 6:24 PM
You can agree or disagree about former Speak of the House Newt Gingrich's view on the Ground Zero mosque, but is it fair to vilify him with a false characterization of his views? Newsweek columnist Jonathan Alter had a peculiar take on Gingrich's point of view during a Sept. 13 appearance on Fox Business Network's "Imus in the Morning." He expressed his frustrations with the attacks on Islam,…