Surprise! WaPo Hearts 'Irrepressible' Meghan McCain's Memoir

September 7th, 2010 12:29 PM
She's the heir to the House of Maverick - the Republican the liberal media establishment can love, who's just as embarrassed by those icky conservatives as any network anchor or newspaper columnist. Like her senator and erstwhile presidential candidate dad John, Meghan McCain is a willing weapon for the media to use against her fellow Republicans. But unlike "the Maverick," there's little…

Time's Padgett Likens 'Misogynous' Catholic Church to Segregationists

July 20th, 2010 5:29 PM
Time magazine's Tim Padgett, who claims to be a Catholic, used the rose-colored glasses of his leftism to mercilessly bash his own church in an article on Monday where he compared Catholic bishops to "white Southern preachers [who] weren't ashamed to degrade African-Americans," labeled the Church "misogynous," and accused the institution of an "increasingly spiteful bigotry" against homosexuals.…

Washington Post: Independence Day an Atheist Holiday

July 6th, 2010 11:06 AM
Someone get Lee Greenwood on the phone; he's going to want to know about this. In a front-page Style section report July 5, The Washington Post breathed a sigh of relief that Independence Day gives Americans a break from those God-heavy holidays like Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving. "The trouble with most major holidays in the United States, if you're an atheist, is that it's difficult to…

Disappointing, But Not Unexpected: HuffPo 'Comedy' Celebrates 'Tea Par

June 30th, 2010 6:36 PM
It's a curious phenomenon to see what the minds at The Huffington Post deem funny, and at least this one wasn't filed under the category "HuffPo Religion," but a series of images depicting Jesus Christ making unhinged statements wins the HuffPo's "Comedy" classification. In a June 30 post, Katla McGlynn wrote that mocking Tea Party protestors by "juxtaposing" "hateful, ignorant, or otherwise…

HuffPo Writer Also Wants to Eradicate Limbaugh, Beck, and O'Reilly

June 24th, 2010 12:55 AM
Huffington Post blogger, Frank Schaeffer, has been trying to eradicate elements of the right for quite some time.  Katie Bell had a great post on Monday covering his recent call to ‘eradicate' fundamental Christianity. It's no secret that Schaeffer is very critical of religious elements in society.  But on a side note, were you aware that he is a former member of the religious right?  Apparently…

Newsweek Takes Another Shot at Palin on Cover: 'Saint Sarah'; Palin Re

June 12th, 2010 2:13 AM
Not this again. There is obviously not enough going on in the world for Newsweek magazine this week because once again Sarah Palin is on the cover. Palin, the former governor of Alaska and the 2008 Republican vice-presidential nominee was also on the cover of Newsweek back in November 2009, in running shorts. This time she is featured as "Saint Sarah: What's Palin's appeal to conservative…

Larry King Goes on Attack for Homosexuality: Asks Pastor Why He Didn

April 24th, 2010 10:38 AM
Whatever your view on homosexuality might be as it pertains to Christianity, there's probably one place one wouldn't go to seek clarity on the issue - a Jewish TV host that's in his seventh marriage. However, CNN, the so-called most trusted name in news, had "Larry King Live" host Larry King tackle this issue on his April 23 program in a special broadcast entitled "Can You Be Christian and Gay…

Pentagon Rescinds Franklin Graham’s Invitation, Al Sharpton is Welco

April 23rd, 2010 10:21 AM
The Pentagon rescinded the invitation of evangelist Franklin Graham to speak at its May 6 National Day of Prayer event because of complaints about his previous comments about Islam. The Military Religious Freedom Foundation expressed its concern over Graham's involvement with the event in an April 19 letter sent to Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. MRFF's complaint about Graham, the son of…

Behar Claims Liberals More Intelligent and Open-Minded Than Conservati

March 30th, 2010 6:44 PM
  The latest edition of CBS’s “Sunday Morning” featured a glowing profile of “The View” co-host Joy Behar in which the stand-up comic implied that conservatives are not intelligent and insisted that liberals are more open-minded.Interviewer Russ Mitchell asked Behar how she developed a liberal worldview, to which Behar responded: “It comes from, uh, being smart.”Mitchell then pressed Behar on…

Deutsch Says Tebow Ad Starts Down 'Slippery Slope'; Compares it to Gay

February 8th, 2010 5:28 PM
Even though, the day after it aired on the Super Bowl broadcast, the consensus on the Focus on the Family advertisement featuring former Florida quarterback and Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow was that it wasn't as bad as the left had feared, at least one person that isn't going to let it go. On MSNBC's Feb. 8 "Morning Joe," host Joe Scarborough made the point that the TV spot played during the…

Sportswriter Dan Graziano Claims Tim Tebow ‘Made a Poor Decision

February 5th, 2010 11:41 AM
NFL FanHouse writer Dan Graziano tried to sound concerned in his Feb. 4 column about the collaboration of Tim Tebow and Focus on the Family for a pro-life Super Bowl ad. It quickly became apparent, however, that Graziano's main point was to vilify Focus on the Family. "Tebow must be careful as he moves from the world of collegiate athletics, where he was an unassailable hero, to that of…

N.Y. Times Skipped March for Life, Highlights Leftist Critics of Natio

February 5th, 2010 9:03 AM
When tens of thousands gather in Washington to protest legalized abortion, The New York Times has in recent years mostly ignored it – which seems especially odd when they spotlight tiny liberal protests as newsworthy. It happened again on Thursday, as the Times ran a photograph of about ten protesters of the National Prayer Breakfast – outside the Capitol Hill house of "The Family," the secretive…

Predictable Lefty Outrage at Tebow Pro-Life Superbowl Ad

January 26th, 2010 11:29 AM
Told ya so. When reports first surfaced a few weeks ago that Focus on the Family was planning to run a pro-life ad during the Super Bowl broadcast featuring University of Florida quarter back Tim Tebow, the Culture & Media Institute predicted liberals would be upset. Like clockwork, an article in the Huffington Post on Jan. 25 reported that "a national coalition of women's groups" that…

From Tiger to Tebow: Secular Left Doesn't Get Religion in Sports

January 13th, 2010 2:21 PM