Cheap Shot: Playboy Disparages Cultural Conservatism to Trash Glenn Be

November 13th, 2009 3:07 PM
How much do lefties dislike Glenn Beck? So much that the vitriol has bled over into low-rent, soon-to-be-obsolete publications like Playboy magazine. In the December 2009 issue of Playboy, Thomas Frank "takes down" the Fox News Channel host by analyzing the conservative movement and how Beck rose to prominence. Frank, with an obvious need to meet a high-word count in mind, attempts to dismantles…

Ted Danson: Rush Limbaugh, Religious Right 'Really Piss Me Off

November 3rd, 2009 7:01 AM
There's no better example than political commentary from a Hollywood elite to demonstrate how low some conservatives are regarded. According to actor Ted Danson, some conservatives are just being manipulated by Rush Limbaugh and organized religion because they're not smart to formulate their own beliefs.  Danson, who has starred in both "Becker" and "Cheers," appeared on HLN's Nov. 2 "The Joy…

Olbermann: Prejean's Complaints About Breast Surgery Publicization 'Ir

October 21st, 2009 10:46 AM
It was bound to happen - an inevitable character assault on former Miss California Carrie Prejean by a host from MSNBC, the place for misogyny, after K2 Productions, the company that directs the Miss California USA pageant, filed a publicity-seeking, lawsuit. Prejean unintentionally created a firestorm when she answered a question from self-proclaimed gay rights activist and gossip blogger…

Unnecessary Roughness: Columnists Slam Religious Convictions of Florid

October 14th, 2009 11:22 AM
Basing his October 14 column on an anti-evangelical Christian screed by another opinion columnist, Sam Cook of the Fort Myers [Fla.] News-Press tackled Florida Gators quarterback Tim Tebow for his both his religious convictions and his commitment to being open about his faith (h/t NB commenter and Florida alumna Blonde).It's hard to find fault with such an exemplary young man, but I have.In a…

Daily Beast's Blumenthal Catches Ratigan Flu, Shouts Down Scarborough

October 7th, 2009 5:57 PM
It isn't often that one can see two decades of history re-written in under ten minutes.  But such was the occasion on this morning's episode of Morning Joe. Max Blumenthal, author of "Republican Gomorrah: Inside the Movement that Shattered the Party," spent his time on the show demonstrating the combined power of cognitive dissonance, wanton ignorance, and a willingness to re-write historical…

CBS’s Teichner: Americans Abandoning Organized Religion for ‘Spiri

October 6th, 2009 2:36 PM
Reporting the lead story on CBS’s Sunday Morning, correspondent Martha Teichner touted a new on-line poll conducted by Parade magazine about religion in America: “nearly a quarter of the respondents call themselves spiritual, not religious. And how about this? Half the people polled say they seldom, if ever, attend religious services.”One supposed religious expert Teichner spoke with about the…

Alternet: Christians are the Real Haters

September 22nd, 2009 10:25 AM
It takes a breathtaking lack of self-awareness, or selective amnesia, or just bald hypocrisy for the left-wing blogosphere to speculate on the cause of “right-wing hatemongering.” But there it was on Sept. 21 – an article asserting that the “anti-Obama hyperventilating” was the result of … Christianity.Appearing on, Frank Schaeffer’s “Right-Wing Hatemongering Fueled by Christianity…

MSNBC's Schultz: 'I Believe Jesus Would Vote Yes for a Public Option

September 3rd, 2009 9:19 AM
What would Jesus do? Well, Ed Schultz thinks he knows - that is on health care reform at least. Schultz, on his Sept. 2 MSNBC program, "The ED Show" told viewers he believed Jesus would vote for a government public option. That, he said, was to the dismay of some on religious right, or what he used the pejorative "Bible thumpers" to describe. "Now, I have been referring to the health care…

ABC Hosts Bigoted Snark Against Fertile Christians

September 2nd, 2009 8:30 AM republished a bigoted attack against a famously large Christian family on Tuesday. Amelia McDonell-Parry of gossip website snarked about Michelle Duggar's latest pregnancy in the post, stating that it "can't be good news...if you're at all concerned about overpopulation." She also hinted that Mrs. Duggar's daughter-in-law was forced to have a baby of her own.McDonell-…

Olbermann Guest Dan Savage: Beck, Bachmann 'Actively' Trying to 'Get t

September 2nd, 2009 12:05 AM
Only on MSNBC, the network that prides itself as the "place for politics" could you see this type of anti-religion, anti-conservative vitriol. On MSNBC's Sept. 1 "Countdown with Keith Olbermann," host Keith Olbermann entertained the musings of Dan Savage, a syndicated sex columnist, author and gay-rights advocate about religious conservatives and their participation in public policy debate. "…

CNN's Sanchez to 'Progressive' Pastor: Right Wing Media Spreading Lies

August 19th, 2009 7:09 PM
CNN anchor Rick Sanchez accused anti-ObamaCare activists of forwarding “misrepresentations, and flat out lies in some cases” during a segment with “progressive” pastor and Obama apologist Jim Wallis on Wednesday’s Newsroom program. Sanchez placed the blame on the protesters relying “exclusively [on] right-wing media and right-wing television channels.” The anchor brought on Reverend Wallis, the…

Providence Journal Buries the Lede in Pepper-Spray Assault on Conserva

July 30th, 2009 4:04 PM
The Providence Journal’s coverage of the assault on traditional marriage advocates in Warwick, Rhode Island on July 28 has consistently downplayed how pepper spray was used on the conservative protesters, in favor of how food was thrown at them.’s Wednesday report on the attack ran with the headline, “Same-sex marriage protesters assaulted with food,” and didn’t mention the pepper spray…

HuffPo's Rowe: Right-Wing Media Culpable For Holocaust Museum Shooting

June 11th, 2009 4:27 PM
Michael Rowe has an article on the Huffington Post, posted today, that makes a few wild-eyed claims about right-wing extremists.For example, Ann Coulter is responsible for yesterday’s tragic shooting at the Holocaust Museum.Bill O’Reilly is responsible for the shooting of well-known abortion doctor George Tiller.Oh, and the coup de grace: Sarah Palin and all of her supporters are raging racists.…

CBS’s Smith: GOP Base ‘Mostly White, Older, Very Religious

June 8th, 2009 6:17 PM
While discussing the future of the GOP on Sunday, CBS’s Harry Smith wondered: "Is there room for moderates in the Republican Party?...there’s a brand-new Gallup poll that mostly white, older, very religious, just almost demographically the future of the party can’t just be based in those folks."Smith, filling in for Bob Schieffer as host of Face the Nation, spoke with former Speaker of the House…