
Colbert: Alleged Predator Moonves Would 'Be Better' POTUS Than Trump

December 19th, 2018 2:38 PM
Late Tuesday on CBS’s The Late Show, host Stephen Colbert riffed at length about the continuing downfall of his former boss and alleged sexual predator Les Moonves, who stepped down as the CEO of CBS in September after accusations of rampant sexual assault and harassment from several past female colleagues emerged against him. But ultimately, in spite of the seriousness of the charges against…

Oprah Winfrey Helped the Career of Alleged Abuser of ‘300 Women'

December 18th, 2018 2:20 PM
America’s therapist, fairy godmother and progressive fantasy candidate Oprah Winfrey might deserve a round of second looks when it comes to the quality of emotional schlock she has sold and promoted to millions of women. It seems that while she was doing public relations work on behalf of Brazilian “faith healer” “John of God,” he was collecting hundreds of rape accusations.

NYT Laments HRC, Cruz Hits by Enquirer; Should Have Hit Trump Instead

December 17th, 2018 4:35 PM
Media reporter Jim Rutenberg’s column in Monday’s New York Times went after the National Enquirer for supposedly installing Donald Trump in the White House by withholding scandal dirt on him while throwing it at his opponents: “2016 Put Full Might Of a Tabloid On Display.” Curiously, Rutenberg didn’t come out against tabloid journalism per se, just its target; he would have preferred it to be…

NBC Ignores Judge Ordering Stormy Daniels to Pay $300,000 to Trump

December 11th, 2018 9:02 PM
In another legal victory for President Trump Tuesday, a California judge ordered porn star Stormy Daniels to pay almost $300,000 to President Trump to cover his legal fees because of her “meritless defamation lawsuit”. And just as they did when her case was originally thrown out, the liberal broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) downplayed Trump’s victory during their newscasts. NBC ignored it…

Chris Matthews: 'Witch Hunt' to Impeach Trump for Hiding Affairs

December 10th, 2018 8:54 PM
On his MSNBC show, Hardball, Chris Matthews suggests that it would be a "witch hunt . .  . to impeach a President for his sexual misconduct, even if it is illegal."

Nets Tune Out from Sexual Misconduct Charges Against CA Dem Chairman

November 29th, 2018 9:52 PM
On Thursday, California Democratic Party chairman Eric Bauman resigned the position after allegations of sexual misconduct arose last week. The accusations were serious, with the state party vice chairman leading the charge for Bauman’s outer. But from when the story first broke last Saturday to Bauman’s resignation, the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) couldn’t be bothered to report any of…

Bitter NY Times Can’t Let Go: ‘We’re Still Investigating Kavanaugh’

November 29th, 2018 2:40 PM
News of interest solely to dead-end Judge (now Justice) Brett Kavanaugh haters appeared on page two of Wednesday’s New York Times under the headline, “We’re Still Investigating Kavanaugh,” by Times reporters Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly, who covered the Kavanaugh controversy. The online headline was more defensive: “Why We’re Writing a Book About Justice Brett Kavanaugh.” The cash-in promises to…

NYT: Media Mocked Clinton’s '92 They Were 'Toxic Waste'?

November 27th, 2018 2:34 PM
New York Times writer Amanda Hess issued surprise criticism of the media’s coverage of Bill Clinton’s sex scandals in her review of The Clinton Affair, A&E’s six-part mini-series on Bill Clinton’s scandal over White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Hess argued that the women who accused the former president of sexual harassment were unjustly mocked and shunned by the mainstream press: “Paula…

Sleazy: CNN, NY Times Headlines Punish Mark Meadows, Downplay Democrat

November 17th, 2018 7:39 PM

The House Ethics Committee reprimanded Democrat Rep. Ruben Kihuen, accused of sexual harassment, and Republican Rep. Mark Meadows for his handling of sexual harassment by an aide.   The resulting coverage from the New York Times and CNN was a classic example of the double standards the media applies to Democratic and Republican scandals.


Fox Comedy: 'Now It's Our Turn' to Harass Male Employees #MeToo

November 5th, 2018 12:34 AM
The current hot-button topic of sexual harassment in the workplace took a turn during the November 4 episode of CW’s Rel. One woman tells her friend, “Now it’s our turn” to get revenge for the years of harassment she and other women experienced harassment.

Surprise: NYT Editorial Slams HRC Defense of Bill, Mentions Broaddrick

October 19th, 2018 1:02 PM
Michelle Cottle, the lead New York Times editorial writer for national politics, issued a surprising signed lead editorial in Thursday’s edition, “Hillary Clinton’s Master Class in Distraction” (perhaps a quasi-lead editorial, as it carries the paper’s “Editorial Observer” tag, but it is in the regular editorial slot). Cottle actually mentioned respectfully the case of Juanita Broaddick, who…

Mika Calls Trump 'Base, Animalistic, and Disgusting'

October 17th, 2018 9:35 AM
On Morning Joe, reacting badly to President Trump's labeling of Stormy Daniels as "horseface,"  Mika Brzezinski calls Trump "base, animalistic and disgusting" and wondered "what the Russians could have on him."

'The View' Calls Out Hillary for Tone-Deaf Comments in CBS Interview

October 17th, 2018 8:49 AM
During Monday’s edition of The View, the panel weighed in on Hillary Clinton’s interview on CBS Sunday Morning, where she said that her husband should not have resigned over the Monica Lewinsky affair, dismissing the idea of the affair as an “abuse of power” and asking “where’s the investigation of the current incumbent, against whom numerous allegations have been made?” Believe it or not, co-…

Megyn Kelly and Panel Slam Hillary’s Hypocrisy on #MeToo

October 15th, 2018 1:11 PM
Reacting to Hillary Clinton’s Sunday interview with CBS News in which she defended her husband Bill Clinton’s mistreatment of women, on Monday, NBC anchor Megyn Kelly and her panel of guests slammed the former First Lady for her hypocrisy and “many lies” in the #MeToo era. Kelly also blasted liberal feminist groups that rushed to former President Clinton’s defense in the 1990s.