
CNN’s Cuomo Bitterly Demands Kavanaugh Not Be Presumed Innocent

October 10th, 2018 12:25 AM
You know, for all the times CNN host Chris Cuomo has reminded us that he was a lawyer at one time, he sure does like throwing out the rule of law to administer his own form of wicked justice. Just last August, he rationalized the leftist violence of Antifa, arguing that they had “morality” on their side and were fighting an “evil” regime. During Tuesday’s PrimeTime, the raging CNN host argued…

After Kavanaugh: Vogue Writer Warns of Lefty American Revolution

October 9th, 2018 1:08 PM
Where do we go as a nation in the wake of the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation? Is it possible to bridge the current partisan divide? Well, according to the writers at Vogue, to hell with that. The time is right for a French Revolution-style uprising. Since when did fashion bloggers turn into full-blown anarchists?  

CNN Has Porn Star on to Slam Trump for Seeing ‘Hoax’ Against Kavanaugh

October 9th, 2018 12:15 AM
It has become painfully clear in recent days that the liberal media have absolutely no shame for the antics they pull. Case in point: during Monday’s CNN Tonight, host Don Lemon began the program by railing against President Trump for calling the accusations against Justice Brett Kavanaugh a “hoax”. The expert he brought on to discuss it? Porn star Stormy Daniels. And of course, there was no…

Hollywood Unleashes Fury in Wake of Brett ‘McRapey’ Confirmation

October 8th, 2018 2:33 PM
The confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh was a major political loss for the left-wing mob. As expected, all sorts of wailing and gnashing of teeth ensued, especially from Hollywood liberals who have apparently made it their life’s calling to engage in the hysteria. Many of them took to social media to vent their frustration, and their status updates were extreme to say the least.

NYT Treats Kavanaugh as Guilty: 'Blow to the Moral Authority' of Court

October 7th, 2018 4:57 PM
Brett Kavanaugh may have won his Supreme Court nomination, but New York Times Supreme Court reporter Adam Liptak tried to defuse the excitement on the front page of Sunday’s paper: “Confirmation Battle May Have Eroded the Public Trust.” Now that conservatives have an apparent majority, the Supreme Court is now suddenly “injured and diminished.”  Liptak also warned with this liberal talking point…

CNN Veteran Sesno Slams Media’s Lack of Vetting for Kavanaugh Accusers

October 7th, 2018 4:32 PM
After defending the liberal media’s anti-Brett Kavanaugh crusade Saturday night, CNN’s Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter got rebuked by former CNN bureau chief Frank Sesno on Sunday. According to Sesno, the media’s coverage of President Trump was “unrelentingly negative”. He then ripped into the utter lack of standards the media employed before running with uncorroborated allegations against…

NBC: Kavanaugh Confirmation ‘Crisis’ Is ‘Partisan Taint’ on the Court

October 7th, 2018 10:11 AM
It was like election night 2016 all over again for the liberal media hit squads that tried desperately to sink Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation. The liberal media were so incensed that they were describing it as one of the darker times in American history and started to call the court’s legitimacy into question. During NBC’s Sunday Today, host Willie Geist was so confused by their radical…

CNN’s Stelter, Cupp Defend Liberal Media’s Anti-Kavanaugh Crusade

October 6th, 2018 10:07 PM
With Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh newly sworn into the Supreme Court, CNN host S.E. Cupp wanted to discuss how “the media has played a starring role” in tearing down the Judge during her Unfiltered program. CNN media reporter Brain Stelter joined her Saturday evening where they defended the media’s antics and downplayed their anti-Kavanaugh fervor as simple “sloppiness.”

Alyssa Milano Admits Clinton Assaults Should Have Been Taken Seriously

October 5th, 2018 10:15 AM
Almost 18 years after former Democratic President Bill Clinton left office, liberal actress and activist Alyssa Milano finally admitted on Thursday's Cuomo Prime Time that sexual assault charges against him should have been taken more seriously, although both she and CNN host Chris Cuomo avoided words like "rape" or "sexual assault" in referring to the accusations.

CNN’s Raging Cuomo Lashes Out, Smears Kavanaugh, Lies About Him

October 5th, 2018 12:59 AM
With the FBI investigation of the dubious sexual assault allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh concluded without corroborating evidence, the liberal media have grown desperate in the vicious attacks against him. The angry fit host Chris Cuomo threw during his Prime Time CNN program demonstrated the liberal media’s frantic desperation.

ABC Goes Full Dem Party Mouthpiece, Rails Against FBI Investigation

October 4th, 2018 9:51 PM
In a grade-A case of hypocrisy and double standards Thursday, it became clear it’s only the liberal media and Democrats who were allowed to rail against FBI investigations as illegitimate. After spending well over a year decrying President Trump’s attacks on the Special Counsel investigation, it was their turn to claim an FBI investigation was rigged. During World News Tonight, ABC became a…

CNN’s Don Lemon Visibly Depressed By Likely Justice Kavanaugh Outcome

October 4th, 2018 12:25 AM
Never let anyone tell you that CNN journalists are not politically biased and politically invested people. Because the FBI investigation into the sexual assault claims against Judge Brett Kavanaugh wrapped up Wednesday night and hosts Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon wasted no time in decrying the process. Lemon himself was predicting that Kavanaugh would be confirmed and he was clearly bummed out about…

Nets Begrudgingly Admit Ford’s Memory ‘Gaps’, Skimp on Contradictions

October 3rd, 2018 9:25 PM
The liberal media were up in arms Wednesday after President Trump mocked Judge Brett Kavanaugh accuser, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford for having a poor memory at a rally in Mississippi the night before. But while they were perturbed by the act, ABC’s World News Tonight and CBS Evening News begrudgingly admitted that Ford couldn’t remember many of the details surrounding that night. Despite that…

CNN Falsely Claims Kavanaugh Was Pushing a 'Choir Boy' Persona

October 3rd, 2018 12:31 AM
It has become painfully obvious that nearly everyone at CNN has been afflicted by “Kavanaugh Derangement Syndrome.” Symptoms included a seething hatred for conservative justices, an aversion to the truth, the inability to accurately report what the Judge had said, and a blind spot for Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s blatant contradictions. And judging by the anti-Kavanaugh smears from hosts Chris…