
Dean Cain Recalls Gosnell Film, Slams Sex Abuse Double Standard

September 24th, 2018 9:57 AM
Appearing as a guest on Friday's Tucker Carlson Tonight on FNC to promote his film on the trial of infamous abortion doctor and convicted murderer Kermit Gosnell, actor Dean Cain not only recounted the challenges he faced in producing and advertising the film, but he also called out the double standard employed by liberals on issues of sexual assault.

Calm Reasoning in NYT: ‘Burn the Frat House of America to the Ground'

September 24th, 2018 9:14 AM
The front page of the New York Times Sunday Review confirms it's now a bulletin board for the revolution-minded angry left. Michelle Alexander’s debut column used the accusation against Brett Kavanaugh as a hook for a loosely formatted shout-out to a hodge-podge of left-wing causes loosely lied to the anti-Trump “resistance." Meanwhile, Jennifer Weiner focused her ire solely at the patriarchy in…

CNN's Cupp and Tapper Call Out Double Standard on Ellison & Kavanaugh

September 23rd, 2018 8:59 PM
While most of the liberal media have been silent on the latest developments in the domestic abuse allegations against DNC deputy chair Keith Ellison, CNN host Jake Tapper on Sunday brought up the issue of the liberal double standard between Ellison and U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on his show. And on her Saturday show, right-leaning CNN host S.E. Cupp also raised the double standard…

NRO’s Goldberg Takes On Liberal Media’s Rush to Convict Kavanaugh

September 23rd, 2018 4:46 PM
Since the allegations of an attempted sexual assault by Judge Brett Kavanaugh first surfaced, very few on the right had been able to get onto the liberal media’s airwaves and give them the proper reality check they needed. During a Sunday appearance on NBC’s Meet the Press, National Review senior editor Jonah Goldberg burst their bubble by explaining how “the preponderance of the evidence that we…

NYT Times: GOP in 'Extreme Peril' for Showing 'Contempt' for Blasey

September 23rd, 2018 3:21 PM
The New York Times’ co-lead story naturally dealt with the Kavanaugh controversy: “Nominee’s Fate Is Pivotal Point In U.S. Politics – An Apex in the Struggle Over Women’s Status.” Reporters portrayed Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination, and last-minute sexual-assault accusations, through the prism of Kavanaugh taking away women’s rights through gutting Roe v. Wade as a future member of the…

ABC’s ‘This Week’ Can’t Understand How People Believe Kavanaugh at All

September 23rd, 2018 1:04 PM
With absolutely no evidence to speak of and no public testimony from the accuser (so far), the liberal media had found Judge Brett Kavanaugh guilty in their kangaroo court of public opinion. They’ve declaring his confirmation dead in water the calling for him to withdraw himself. During ABC’s This Week, none of their liberals could understand how people could believe Kavanaugh, and lamented that…

NBC’s Chuck Todd Predicts No Good Outcome for Kavanaugh from Hearing

September 23rd, 2018 10:17 AM
After Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and her Democratically connected legal team gave the Senate Judiciary Committee a week-long runaround, the parties finally agreed on a tentative hearing scheduled for Thursday. And despite all of Ford’s named witnesses telling the committee they had no recollection of the party where the alleged sexual assault took place, NBC Political Director Chuck Todd couldn’t…

Reagan’s Fault: NY Times' Kate Zernike on Why Accuser Stayed Quiet

September 22nd, 2018 3:22 PM
New York Times reporter Kate Zernike made Saturday’s front page with her take on how Christine Blasey's allegation against Brett Kavanaugh is playing with the public: “Swing District Supports Her, But Gingerly,” from Doylestown, Pa. Zernike was struck that no one she talked to brought up Anita Hill -- but what about Bill Clinton, Hillary’s husband? Bizarrely, Zernike skipped Clinton and reached…

NY Times Goes 'Conservative' Label-Crazy on Kavanaugh in Lead Story

September 21st, 2018 10:08 PM
The Brett Kavanaugh confirmation saga has led the New York Times back into its bad old distorted labeling habits, in which stories included the term “conservative” as often as they included conjunctions. Friday’s front page led off with “Religious Right Wary of Delays On Court Pick – Threatening to Sit Out Midterm Elections.” The 1,600-word story contained a whopping 15 “conservative” labels, a “…

Heartless? ABC Ignores Death Threats Against Kavanaugh’s Family

September 20th, 2018 9:57 PM
Sadly, since coming forward with accusations of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and her family have received numerous death threats. During that time, Kavanaugh and his family have also received horrific treatment. Despite the seriousness all around, ABC’s World News Tonight sided with Ford on Thursday by choosing to only report the…

No Self-Awareness: Krugman Says Kavanaugh 'Smarmy, Smirking, Entitled'

September 20th, 2018 3:52 PM
As the last-minute accusation against Brett Kavanaugh was breaking, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman fired off a self-righteous mini-tweetstorm that showed an unusual absence of self-unawareness, even for a GOP-hater not lacking in conceit. The three tweets form a representative triptych of Krugman’s attack-dog persona, with equal parts attacks on his colleagues in the media and dire…

NYT Weaponizes Kavanaugh School Drinking Jokes: 'Raising Eyebrows'

September 20th, 2018 12:11 PM
New York Times writer Matt Stevens seized upon a dubious angle regarding the last-minute assault accusations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, “Drinking Days Fondly Recalled, Raising Eyebrows.” Stevens’ story was manufactured wholly from bad-faith insinuation and innuendo, based on a light-hearted cracks by Kavanaugh in speeches about high school and law school drinking shenanigans…

Cowardly NY Times Editorials Smear Kavanaugh: ‘#BrettToo?’

September 19th, 2018 8:07 PM
The New York Times had (through Wednesday morning) refrained from full-court partisanship in its coverage of last-minute sexual assault allegations concerning Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. But the paper’s editorial page went full blast against Kavanaugh, devoting lead editorials on Tuesday and Wednesday to anti-Kavanaugh and anti-Republican sliming, beginning with the tasteless…

Boston Globe Hails Hill With Page One Chat, Assumes Kavanaugh Guilt

September 19th, 2018 2:13 PM
After last-minute accusations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, Anita Hill is back in the spotlight, and Boston Globe reporter Stephanie Ebbert got prime front-page space Wednesday for an incredibly fawning interview of Hill, who accused her boss Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment near the end of his Supreme Court confirmation hearings in 1991. Ebbert’s story is headlined like a…