
Devil in the Details: Nets Ignore the Massive Holes in Kavanaugh Tales

September 26th, 2018 11:13 PM
Journalistic standards and ethics no longer exist. That has become painfully obvious as the Kavanaugh confirmation process has dragged on. Wednesday saw a third outlandish accusation (a fourth and fifth by nightfall) that the liberal media pounced on with a blatant disregard for the facts and no curiosity for the truth. During their evening newscasts, the major broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and…

CNN Panel: Kavanaugh Backers Are Racist, Sexist Conspiracy Theorists

September 26th, 2018 10:23 PM
In the 40 minutes since President Trump’s early Wednesday evening press conference, CNN’s The Situation Room did nothing to combat the notion that the liberal media is the opposition party. All told, the assembled analysts and journalists accused Brett Kavanaugh supporters of being racist and sexist conspiracy theorists who are being spoon-fed their talking points from Fox News.

NYT Gleeful Over Kavanaugh’s Fallen Reputation, Hails ‘Fiery’ Hirono

September 26th, 2018 6:32 PM
New York Times congressional reporter Carl Hulse, always eager for signs of Republican trouble, gleefully piled on to the Kavanaugh scrum with “Resume Glittered, but the Reality Was Something Else Again” in Wednesday’s edition. Not to be outdone, Sydney Ember filed a fan letter in the guise of an interview with “fiery” Democratic Sen. Mazie Hirono of Hawaii, infamous for saying Kavanaugh’s…

KABOOM! Kavanaugh Attorney Schools Katy Tur on Presumption of Guilt

September 26th, 2018 4:59 PM
Seeking to push back against the liberal media’s rush to convict Supreme Court Brett Kavanaugh of being a serial, sexually violent criminal, Kavanaugh attorney Beth Wilkinson spent Wednesday on a media tour across broadcast and cable news, but none were as tense as her battle with MSNBC’s Katy Tur. As usual, Tur only brought the proverbial knife to a gun fight when it comes to the facts and…

NYT's Guilt By Association With Kavanaugh on Page One: 'Heavy Drinker'

September 26th, 2018 3:37 PM
The front page of Wednesday’s New York Times swallowed whole Democratic talking points in the fast-moving barrage of allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The paper is moving on from the original accusation of sexual assault by Christine Blasey Ford and is now moving on to paranoid guilt by association, having fully embraced the shoddy New Yorker story regarding his latest…

Todd Slams Kavanaugh as ‘Partisan Warrior’ for Defending Himself

September 26th, 2018 12:12 AM
There is nothing Judge Brett Kavanaugh can do to clear his name in the eyes of the ravenous liberal media. Even after his interview on Fox News in which he defended himself and his reputation from the dubious allegations, it drew the ire of those who wanted his nomination to fail. During Tuesday’s MTP Daily on MSNBC, host Chuck Todd slapped the Supreme Court nominee with a “partisan warrior”…

Four Scorching Kavanaugh Hot Takes from Tuesday’s ‘Hardball’

September 25th, 2018 11:17 PM
Tuesday’s Hardball saw host Chris Matthews and a few of his guests come locked and loaded for battle, illustrating the left’s rabid desire to convict Supreme Court pick Brett Kavanaugh in the court of public opinion and perhaps a future court of law based on, at best, wobbly evidence. With cameos from SiriusXM’s Zerlina Maxwell and everyone’s favorite fake Republican in The Washington Post’s…

Whiplash: ABC Now Opposed to Senate GOP Hiring Outside Lawyer for Ford

September 25th, 2018 9:28 PM
It’s truly amazing to witness how fast the liberal narrative changes in a week. Last Tuesday, ABC’s World News Tonight was deeply frightened by the idea that the 11 Republican men on the Senate Judiciary Committee would be asking the questions to Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. This Tuesday, they did a complete 180 and were huffing about the panel hiring a female…

NYT Front: Kavanaugh Faces ‘Growing Doubts...Kegs and Innuendo'

September 25th, 2018 4:21 PM
Tuseday's New York Times featured co-lead stories on the accusations against Brett Kavanaugh: "Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, facing new allegations of sexual impropriety and growing doubts over his confirmation to the Supreme Court..." The Times reveled in the unsubstantiated left-wing sliming of Kavanaugh’s “clean-cut” image." More dubiously sourced “innuendo” against Kavanaugh appeared in the other…

WHAT? CNN, MSNBC Compare Kavanaugh to Convicted Sexual Predator Cosby

September 25th, 2018 3:24 PM
Reacting to Tuesday’s sentencing of Bill Cosby for sexual assault, CNN and MSNBC guests were allowed without pushback by CNN Newsroom host Brooke Baldwin and MSNBC Live’s Katy Tur to compare Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh to the sexually violent celebrity who’s had 60 women accuse him of sexual misconduct.

Rather: If GOP Confirm Kavanaugh, They’re ‘Extinct’ Like the Dinosaurs

September 25th, 2018 12:42 AM
Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh has been accused by two women of sexual misconduct and their claims are flimsy to say the least (particularly, the people the accusers claim were witnesses say he either wasn’t there or the parties didn’t happen). But for Lyin’ Dan Rather, the facts don’t matter, which explained why he pompously declared the Republican Party dead if they confirmed him.

CBS Scoffs at the Notion These Claims Are Smears Against Kavanaugh

September 24th, 2018 9:56 PM
Despite the fact that the latest sexual misconduct allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was so full of holes it looked like Swiss cheese, CBS Evening News actually scoffed at the notion that the accusations against him were part of a smear campaign during their Monday broadcast.

Womp, Womp: NYT Buries Ramirez Admission, Nuking 'New Yorker' Piece

September 24th, 2018 3:30 PM
With the liberal media in a frenzy thanks to The New Yorker’s contribution Sunday night in the campaign to smear and stop Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, it was rather amusing to see how not only did a slew of fellow liberal media outlets pursue but not publish Deborah Ramirez’s claim, but The New York Times admit to coming up empty in the facts department.

Media Libs Demand ‘Rapist’ Kavanaugh’s Head Over Flimsy New Allegation

September 24th, 2018 12:57 PM
Upon reports of a second sexual assault allegation against Judge Brett Kavanaugh, progressives on Twitter opened fire on the potential SCOTUS nominee on Monday with a barrage of slime. John Cusack had a field day with the Kavanaugh news, tweeting several slanderous statements against Republicans for their support of the judge.