
ABC, NBC Ignore Congressional Hearing on DEA Sex Parties in Colombia

April 14th, 2015 9:06 PM
On Tuesday night, ABC and NBC made no mention of a congressional hearing that took place earlier in the day addressing a scandal unveiled in a Department of Justice (DOJ) report that said Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents in Colombia had participated in sex parties over a multi-year period funded by American taxpayers and the very drug cartels they were fighting.

WashPost Deflects From Virginia Dem’s Election While In Jail

January 14th, 2015 11:34 AM
On Tuesday, Joseph Morrissey, Democrat turned Independent, was elected to the Virginia legislature despite currently serving a jail sentence connected to his relationship with a 17-year-old girl who worked in his law office. In the Washington Post’s coverage of the scandal-plagued politician on Wednesday, reporters Laura Vozzella and Jenna Portnoy insisted that Morrissey’s current prison status…

WashPost Buries Dem Convicted of Sex With 17-Year-Old Receptionist

December 16th, 2014 8:17 AM
When December was new, we reported that The Washington Post was incensed enough to put obscure congressional press aide Elizabeth Lauten on the front page for disparaging the Obama daughters on her personal Facebook page, while the story of a former Democratic congressional aide pleading guilty to two counts of sexual assault ended up in a 281-word article tucked away on the far-right edge of…

Nets Note Rolling Stone Retraction -- But Leaped On the Initial Report

December 6th, 2014 1:40 AM
When the now-retracted article by the Rolling Stone magazine was published on November 19 about a brutal gang rape of a first-year student at the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity house at the University of Virginia, the major broadcast networks rushed to the story and devoted multiple segments to both the article and reaction on the school’s campus. In doing so, they failed (unlike other outlets) to…

In The 'Good Old Days,' Bob Woodward Let Gary Hart Crash At His House

November 3rd, 2014 4:08 PM
Former Newsweek and New York Times Magazine writer Matt Bai has a new book out making the wild claim that the 1987 adultery scandal around Sen. Gary Hart marked "the week politics went tabloid" and ruined everything in national politics by pushing the media into focusing incessantly on the "character issue." In a review Sunday in The New York Times Book Review, Reuters media columnist Jack…

'No Labels' John Avlon Blasts Lewinsky 'Witch Hunt' Against Clinton

October 21st, 2014 5:05 PM
John Avlon, who has modeled himself as a "no labels" moderate, acted as a liberal on Tuesday's New Day on CNN, as he gave his take on Monica Lewinsky's recent "cyberbullying" speech. Avlon praised the "so thoughtful and funny speech, and contended that "it reminds us 16 years after that constitutional crisis – that celebrity-driven scandal – the human collateral damage in that political witch…

Mitchell on Lewinsky's Speech: 'Timing Couldn't be Worse' For Clintons

October 20th, 2014 9:39 PM
On Monday night, ABC and NBC offered segments on Monica Lewinsky’s first public comments in years that came during a conference in Philadelphia for millennials by Forbes and explained how she was the first victim of cyberbullying during her affair with then-President Bill Clinton in the late 1990s.  During the segment that aired on NBC Nightly News, NBC’s Andrea Mitchell declared that the “…

WashPost Writer Slams WH Claims It Had No Role in Prostitution Scandal

October 10th, 2014 5:20 PM
Appearing on Friday’s edition of MSNBC’s The Daily Rundown, the reporter with The Washington Post who broke the story that White House officials knew that advance team member Jonanthan Dach had a prostitute stay in his hotel room during the 2012 Colombian prostitution scandal joined the program and took to blasting the White House’s numerous claims that no such cover-up exists. Reporter Carol…

ABC, NBC Continue to Omit Mention of Reported WH Prostitution Cover-Up

October 9th, 2014 10:04 PM
According to a report in The Washington Post, senior White House officials knew that an individual with the White House advance team had a prostitute spend the night with him as part of the 2012 Colombian prostitution scandal despite the White House previously denying any involvement during the official investigation.  After failing to cover the story on their morning newscasts, ABC and NBC…

Michelle Bernard Rushes to Defend Obama Staffer Who Patronized Hooker

October 9th, 2014 9:39 PM
Self-proclaimed "victims' rights advocate" and MSNBC contributor Michelle Bernard wasted no time on Thursday's edition of Hardball defending former White House volunteer Jonathan Dach -- now employed at the State Department in the Office on Global Women's Issues -- from charges that he patronized a prostitute while on official business as an Obama advance man in Cartagena, Colombia.   

ABC, NBC Ignore Report That W.H. Involved in Prostitution Cover-Up

October 9th, 2014 10:07 AM
On Thursday morning, the Washington Post reported that senior White House officials knew that an Obama volunteer hired a prostitute during the infamous Colombia prostitution scandal of 2012 but Team Obama tried to cover up such information during the official investigation. Despite the Post report, CBS This Morning was the only network morning show to acknowledge the story during its Thursday…

WashPost Won't Use I-Word (Islam) on Rotherham Child Abuse

September 16th, 2014 12:44 PM
Sure, nobody expects The Washington Post Editorial Board to earn a “Profile in Courage” entry anytime soon. But with its Sept. 16 editorial on the systematic decades-long sexual abuse of children in Rotherham, England, the Board showed the same cowardice that enabled the Rotherham abusers. According to the Post, “Sorting out why officials closed their eyes or looked the other way as an estimated…

Networks Join Brit Authorities in Hushing Muslim Sex Abuse Scandal

September 9th, 2014 10:00 AM
Imagine a sex scandal centered on a small area, involving decades of abuse, with hundreds of children raped, assaulted and prostituted. Authorities suspected or knew of the crimes but did nothing, preferring to protect the abusers than aid their victims or see justice done.  If that city were in, say, Ireland, and the abusers Catholic priests, the U.S. networks would report it immediately and…

He’s No Tim Russert: David Gregory Sucks Up To Anita Hill During Pro

July 13th, 2014 2:30 PM
David Gregory sat down with Anita Hill on Meet the Press Press Pass on Sunday, July 13 and treated his guest to a softball filled interview that would have made his predecessor Tim Russert sick to his stomach.  The interview was intended to promote Ms. Hill’s new documentary entitled “Anita: Speaking Truth To Power” and Gregory made sure his viewers knew that more than 20 years later the…