MSNBC Republican: ‘It’s Not Fair’ to Clintons to Bring Up Lewins

May 12th, 2014 5:35 PM
It looks like the MSNBC-Republican syndrome is starting to affect Joe Watkins, Alex Witt’s go-to GOP strategist now that Susan Del Percio has left the network. On Saturday’s Weekends with Alex Witt, Watkins joined his more liberal colleagues in defending the Clintons from Monica Lewinsky’s re-emergence in Vanity Fair. [Video below. MP3 audio here.] When asked his opinion of the whole matter…

CNN's Mixed Signals: Lewinsky Scandal Casts Doubt on Hillary, But GOP

May 8th, 2014 6:50 PM
Thursday's New Day on CNN hyped Monica Lewinsky's Vanity Fair article and acknowledged that former President Clinton's sex scandal with the now former White House intern casts doubt on Hillary Clinton's credibility in the realm of women's issues. Chris Cuomo noted that Lewinsky "makes a decent case that women, who are all gathering around Hillary as the obvious choice for them, may want to…

MSNBC Host on 'Today': 'Every Time Lewinsky is Mentioned, It is Good f

May 8th, 2014 11:08 AM
During a report on Thursday's NBC Today about Monic Lewinsky's article in Vanity Fair magazine, correspondent Peter Alexander touted liberal spin that the former Bill Clinton mistress speaking out would actually help Hillary Clinton's political prospects: "Clinton watcher Ruth Marcus argues Lewinsky has done Hillary a big favor." A soundbite followed of the Washington Post columnist proclaiming…

Laura Ingraham: ‘Clintons Pioneered’ War on Women by Demonizing Le

May 7th, 2014 12:57 PM
Radio host Laura Ingraham dropped a dose of reality on the Democrats’ “war on women” narrative on Fox News Tuesday night. Filling in as host of The O’Reilly Factor, Ingraham began the show with a segment about Monica Lewinsky, who resurfaced this week to write about her affair with Bill Clinton in Vanity Fair. [Video below. MP3 audio here.] Ingraham reminded viewers that Hillary Clinton…

FSU Accuses NY Times of ‘Obscuring Facts’ in Football Rape Story

April 25th, 2014 10:40 AM
Note to institutions embroiled in scandal: when The New York Times calls, don’t bother taking the call. That, apparently, is the lesson Florida State University learned the hard way on April 16, when a front page Times hit-piece by Walt Bogdanich left out nearly all the information the school said it provided the Times.

ABC Ignores Death of Heiress Involved in John Edwards Scandal; CBS and

March 18th, 2014 10:24 AM
ABC News completely ignored the Monday death of heiress Rachel "Bunny" Mellon, who used her wealth to help conceal the mistress of former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards. CBS and NBC both noted the passing of the 103-year-old and her connection to Edwards, but failed identify Edwards as a Democrat. [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] On Tuesday's CBS This…

MSNBC’s Witt Apologizes After Guest Utters Lewinsky’s Name

February 17th, 2014 12:09 PM
MSNBC’s Alex Witt is clearly one of those journalists who wishes Bill Clinton’s Monica Lewinsky sex scandal would completely fade from memory so as not to obstruct Hillary Clinton’s potential bid for the White House in 2016. On Sunday’s edition of Weekends with Alex Witt, the host went so far as to apologize after her guest mentioned Lewinsky’s name. [Video below. MP3 audio here.] Witt was…

Mika: Republicans Who Mention Monica Are Sexist 'Little Peanuts

February 17th, 2014 8:08 AM
So who's being the sexist?  Mika Brzezinski went ballistic on today's Morning Joe over Republicans like Rand Paul raising Monica Lewinsky in the context of a possible Hillary presidential run, calling them "sexist" and "misogynistic."  But in the course of her rant, Mika mockingly referred to such Republicans as "little peanuts." Hmm. Did Mika need to use such suggestive, demeaning language…

Sharpton: Rand Paul Trying 'To Do The Monica Lewinsky on the Democrats

January 28th, 2014 7:52 PM
Did Al Sharpton just stumble into some unfortunate phrasing, or did he take an intentionally vulgar shot at Rand Paul?   On his MSNBC show tonight, discussing the fact that Paul recently raised the most salacious scandal of Bill Clinton's presidency, Sharpton said "Rand Paul is really going to try to do the Monica Lewinsky on the Democrats as a way of countering the war on women that they're…

Former Enablers at NYT Ignore Weiner's Hint at Comeback Attempt, Criti

December 27th, 2013 9:29 AM
On April 10, the New York Times almost singlehandedly revived the political career of disgraced Anthony Weiner with an 8,300-word profile of the former Congressman, his wife, and their baby boy Jonathan. Clay Waters at NewsBusters noted shortly thereafter that Jonathan van Meter's profile, which revealed Weiner's intention to become a candidate in New York City's mayoral race while somehow…

Name That Party, 'War on Women' Division: Democratic N.Y. Assemblyman

December 22nd, 2013 9:07 PM
Let's get it out of the way up-front, and excuse the "too much information" element via the New York Post: New York State Assemblyman Dennis Gabryszak is a Democrat who has been accused of having "tormented three workers with lewd antics such as sending a video of himself supposedly receiving oral sex, suggesting they shack up with him in hotels and ..." — sorry, readers who really want to know…

Unlike Halliburton in the Bush 43 Era, No-Bid Nature of CGI's Obamacar

October 23rd, 2013 9:53 PM
In 2003, Halliburton Company received a great deal of scrutiny from the establishment press over certain no-bid contracts obtained in connection with the Iraq War. Examples, two of which are from the Associated Press, are here, here, and here. A Google News Archive Search on "Halliburton no-bid" not in quotes allegedly returns 1,760 items (Google's counter is suspect, but the list extends to at…

Politico Redacted: Republicans Having Hearings on Disastrous HealthCar

October 21st, 2013 10:18 PM
Earlier today, as seen here in a clone post elsewhere, the Politico reported, as if it is an undisputed fact, that "Republican opponents of the law (Obamacare) are preparing for their own victory lap." That alleged "victory lap" will be the "first hearing to spotlight the faulty Obamacare website." Apparently that intemperance was a bit much even for the clearly left-leaning Politico. The…

Great Grandmother Accuses Democrat of Sexual Harassment; NBC Yawns

August 16th, 2013 5:16 PM
NBC hasn't covered the ongoing Bob Filner sexual harassment scandal an almost a week, despite a fifteenth woman – a 67-year-old great grandmother – coming forward on Thursday, accusing the former congressman of making lurid comments to her. The last time that NBC's morning and evening newscasts covered the Filner story was on August 10, 2013. On Friday, ABC and CBS's morning newscasts aired…