
ABC Omits Polls Showing Most Americans Oppose Obama on Syrian Refugees

November 18th, 2015 10:40 PM
Following the Wednesday morning newscasts in which ABC, CBS, and NBC praised the “outraged” President Obama for “slamming” Republican wanting to restrict Syrian refugees, the “big three” were back on the case Wednesday night in spinning for the President. However, CBS and NBC did make time to include how polls now show a majority of Americans want to put a moratorium on refugees for the time…

Matthews Objects to 'Snarky' Obama Re: GOP Criticism of Refugee Policy

November 18th, 2015 9:33 PM
When your most worshipful devotee in the liberal media thinks you're acting in an unpresidential manner, you know you've gone too far.

Nets Censor Arrest of Five Syrians in Honduras with Stolen Passports

November 18th, 2015 8:54 PM
Amidst their ongoing coverage Wednesday night of the terror attacks in Paris, the major broadcast networks failed to report on news that five Syrians had been arrested in the Central American country of Honduras with stolen Greek passports and intended to travel to the U.S.

Reuters Downplays Syrians Caught Headed to U.S. with Fake Passports

November 18th, 2015 5:54 PM
Pulling an Officer Barbrady, the Reuters news wire this afternoon essentially told us all to "move along, people" as regards news of five Syrians caught in Honduras bound for the U.S. with fake Greek passports.

CNN Journalists Blast Nonsensical Obama Admin. Spin on ISIS

November 18th, 2015 3:12 PM
On Wednesday's New Day, CNN kept up their skepticism of the Obama administration's talking points on ISIS. Chris Cuomo noted that "the word from the White House is...that we are having success....How does that make sense, given...we just saw what happened in Paris?" Christiane Amanpour threw cold water on John Earnest's claim that there wasn't a military solution for the terrorist group: "You…

Trevor Noah Defends Syrian Refugees By Bringing Up Spanish Inquisition

November 18th, 2015 12:37 PM
Liberal Daily Show host Trevor Noah on Tuesday reached back to 1478 and the Spanish Inquisition as a way of attacking Republican opposition to Syrian refugees in the United States. Noah recoiled at Marco Rubio referencing the Nazis as he critiqued Hillary Clinton’s failure to use the words radical Islam. 

President's Mudslinging Confuses Joe, Ignatius 'GOP Governors Worse'

November 18th, 2015 11:27 AM
Morning Joe on Wednesday discussed the recent remarks by President Obama on Republicans who are “afraid of orphans and widows.” When the discussion turned to David Ignatius for commentary, he gave a defense of Obama. Scarborough would press Ignatius with on using "the widows and orphans" to antagonize Republican governors. While Ignatius conceded there is always room to correct the words used, he…

Nets Hype 'Outraged’ Obama ‘Slamming’ GOP Opposition to Refugees

November 18th, 2015 11:22 AM
All three network morning shows on Wednesday hyped Barack Obama’s “outrage” at Republican governors and presidential candidates, “slamming” them for opposition to Syrian refugees coming to America. On Good Morning America, Jon Karl parroted, “Overnight in Manila, President Obama expressed outrage at Republican calls to keep Syrian refugees out of the United States.” 

Hasselbeck Grills W.H. Spokesman Over Obama Calling Paris a ‘Setback’

November 18th, 2015 8:55 AM
On Wednesday’s Fox & Friends, co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck pressed White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest over language used by Secretary of State John Kerry and President Obama following last week’s ISIS terrorist attack in Paris. 

NBC's Engel Doubts Paris Will Bring U.S., Others Together to Stop ISIS

November 18th, 2015 7:17 AM
In a welcome change of pace for MSNBC programming on Tuesday night, liberal primetime host Rachel Maddow was given the night off in favor of NBC News chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel, who anchored the network’s 9:00 p.m. Eastern coverage of the Paris Islamic terror attacks and closed with a brief but astute commentary on how it’s doubtful that Paris will change the global ISIS strategy.

Facts, Math Are Both Hard for Daily Beast Pair Ridiculing Governors

November 18th, 2015 1:29 AM
Michael Weiss and Justin Miller at the Daily Beast are apparently really proud of themselves. They're claiming that because a passport found on one of the terrorists involved in last Friday's terrorist murder spree was a fake, it "means the (U.S.) governors’ freakout over refugees was based, at least in part, on a lie." Based on their headline ("GOP Guvs Rely on ISIS Lies to Reject Syrian…

ABC’s Karl to Cruz: Is It ‘Un-American’ to Restrict Syrian Refugees?

November 17th, 2015 10:18 PM
In a combative exchange that aired on the Tuesday edition of ABC’s World News Tonight, chief White House correspondent Jonathan Karl hinted to Republican Senator Ted Cruz (Tex.) that he was “un-American” for suggesting that only Syrian refugees who are Christian should be admitted the United States while a moratorium would be placed on those that are Muslim.

Vox Writer: Right Prefers ‘Martial Rhetoric’ to Actually Bombing ISIS

November 17th, 2015 9:27 PM
Last week, ex-Bill Clinton adviser Paul Begala snarked on CNN that during the most recent Republican presidential debate, the candidates mentioned Hillary Clinton so often that they came off as “creepy…in a stalker sort of way…Maybe it's affectionate…Maybe they’re like junior high schoolboys.” Vox's David Roberts has joined Begala in likening the GOP contenders to middle- or high-schoolers, but…

Matthews Ignores Kerry Seeing 'Rationale' In Charlie Hebdo Murders

November 17th, 2015 8:50 PM
As Politico reported earlier today, Secretary of State John Kerry seemed to see a "rationale" in the deadly terrorist attacks on the Charlie Hebdo newspaper office back in January, unlike target pattern in Friday's coordinated terror strikes in Paris. Reporter Eliza Collins posted her story at 4:14 p.m. Eastern, about 3 hours prior to MSNBC's Hardball went live on the air. That's plenty of time…