
Huckabee Blows Up Chuck Todd's Claim US Better at Assimilation

November 17th, 2015 7:26 PM
Mike Huckabee might be down in the polls, but he's still up to throwing a good political punch.  On this evening's MTP Daily, Chuck Todd suggested, by way of advocating the admission of Syrian refugees, that the US is better than Europe at "assimilation." Retorted Huckabee, speaking of one of the Boston bombers, "he really assimilated, until he blew up the Boston Marathon with a pressure cooker…

WashPost Devotes 26 Grafs to Blasting GOP Gov's 'Gut Punch to Syrians'

November 17th, 2015 6:52 PM
Republican Gov. Rick Snyder's position on halting Syrian refugees in light of the Paris terrorist attacks is "A gut punch to Syrians in Michigan," according to a headline for a Washington Post story in today's paper which was thoroughly one-sided on the issue.

CNN's Bash Badgers Cruz on Obama's 'Shameful' Attack on GOP Candidate

November 17th, 2015 5:37 PM
CNN's Dana Bash hounded Senator Ted Cruz on Tuesday's New Day over President Obama slamming the Republican presidential candidate at a press conference earlier in the day. Bash touted how "President Obama called you out...and he said it was shameful for saying that there should be, effectively, a religious test for refugees — especially since...your family benefitted from the policies of America…

Shep Smith Slams ‘Political Extremists’ Objecting to Syrian Refugees

November 17th, 2015 1:59 PM
In a tirade on Monday, Fox News anchor Shepard Smith dismissed legitimate security concerns in the wake of the Paris terrorist attacks as a “collective freak-out” that was potentially “dangerous.” He then proceeded to condemn anyone opposed to bringing thousands of Syrian refugees to the United States as “extreme forces within our own political system” that lead us “towards self-destruction.”

Mika Brzezinski: There Is Vetting Despite No Records to Verify

November 17th, 2015 1:56 PM
Morning Joe featured on Tuesday, an interview with Congressman Peter King. Early into the segment, Mika Brzezinski began a war of words with Congressman King. After Brzezinski introduced the topic, King stated, “I'm extremely concerned because what the President is telling us is not true.” Brzezinski interrupted the Congressman, saying that “there is vetting,” and arguing that he was wrong. What…

Geraldo Denounces 'Squishy' Obama's 'Malignant Wishful Thinking'

November 17th, 2015 12:18 PM
Fox News Channel's Geraldo Rivera unleashed on President Obama on Monday's Hannity, after the American leader doubled down on his strategy against ISIS at a press conference earlier in the day. Rivera bluntly stated that "the President's feelings are way too squishy for me," and that "this is malignant wishful thinking on the President's part." He later contended that "to compare them to any…

CNN's Kayyem Frets Barring Refugees Makes ISIS Mad, 'Helps' the Right

November 17th, 2015 11:06 AM
Appearing as a guest on Monday's CNN Tonight with Don Lemon, CNN National Security Analyst Juliette Kayyem used tortured liberal logic to argue that, if the U.S. bars immigrants from Muslim countries, that it would actually make America less safe, not only because it "helps" the "right wing" in Europe, but also because it "gives a sentiment or a statement to ISIS that we are what they think we…

Mika Attacks ‘Hateful’ ‘Stupid’ GOPers Opposing Syrian Refugees

November 17th, 2015 10:06 AM
On Tuesday’s Morning Joe, co-host Mika Brzezinski went off on a number of governors who have vocally expressed their opposition to allowing Syrian refugees into their state without a proper vetting process, calling their views “hateful” and “stupid.”

Barnicle Frets Creating NATO Force Would Fuel ISIS Recruitment

November 17th, 2015 7:58 AM
If Mike Barnicle were around at the beginning of WWII, perhaps he would have written "we better not fight back. It might make Hitler mad."      On today's Morning Joe, the cringing former Boston Globe columnist, second-guessing a united front against terrorism, worried "wouldn't . . . creating a NATO force just add fuel to the recruiting fever that ISIS employs within Europe?" Maybe Mike should…

MSNBC Guest: 'Shameful' for US to Bar Refugees, Will 'Earn' 'Hatred'

November 17th, 2015 1:35 AM
Daily Beast Foreign Editor Christopher Dickey made another MSNBC appearance on Monday afternoon, this time on MSNBC Live with Thomas Roberts, where he again went after the "right wing" over negative reaction to taking in Muslim refugees in the aftermath of the Paris terrorist attacks. He also declared that it was "shameful" that some U.S. politicians are pressuring against Syrian refugees being…

Only NBC's Jackson Notes New Hampshire's Dem Gov Says 'No' to Refugees

November 16th, 2015 10:02 PM
All three of the major broadcast networks' evening newscasts tonight covered the largely-Republican pushback against President Obama's plan to move 10,000 Syrian refugees on to American soil. But only NBC's Hallie Jackson noted that the move by state governors was bipartisan, with first-in-the-nation primary host New Hampshire's Gov. Maggie Hassan (D) objecting to the Obama administration placing…

Matthews: FDR Didn't Pin Mussolini on Catholics, Don't Blame Islam Now

November 16th, 2015 8:49 PM
2015 is drawing to a close, so unless some dark horse comes out of absolutely nowhere, Chris Matthews is a mortal lock for the DisHonor award for the year's worst analogy. On this evening's Hardball, Matthews argued that we shouldn't blame Islam for ISIS terrorist attacks since, after all, FDR, despite despising Mussolini, "never declared war on the Catholics." Just a little difference: Italian…

Heilemann: Governors Refusing Syrian Refugees 'Shameless, Un-American'

November 16th, 2015 6:05 PM
Would John Heilemann have called Francois Hollande "shameless" and "un-French" if a few months back he had halted the immigration of Syrian immigrants into France, thus stopping two of the Paris terrorists—who reportedly posed as refugees—from entering the country? The question arises because on today's With All Due Respect, Heilemann condemned as "shameless" and "un-American" the dozen or so…

Kos: Conservatives Afraid of Gun Attacks Only If Shooters Are Muslim

November 16th, 2015 5:52 PM
Many on the left have accused conservatives of exploiting the Paris terrorist attacks for political gain. On Monday, Daily Kos founder and publisher Markos Moulitsas jumped on the pile, alleging that the right’s main reaction to the attacks was not sadness or outrage, but “excitement” over the prospect of stirring up Islamophobia -- perhaps to the point of getting the Middle East war that they…