
Amanpour, Analysts Rip Obama on ISIS: 'The Strategy Is Not Working'

November 16th, 2015 5:15 PM
On Monday, CNN's Christiane Amanpour and two of her network's analysts blasted President Obama moments after he ended a press conference where he defended his anti-ISIS strategy. Amanpour underlined that Obama "something that was pretty incredible...that our strategy is working. People do not believe that to be the case. The only strategy that's working is the strategy that he tends to dismiss —…

ABC News Consultant Rips Into Rubio as Refugee Hypocrite on 'The View'

November 16th, 2015 4:38 PM
Monday’s The View featured a segment with Richard Clarke, an ABC News consultant and former Clinton and Bush national security staffer. Clarke iterated that “We are a country of refugees. The people we're allowing in are the victims of terrorism. We shouldn't punish victims of terrorism.” When Paula Faris brought up that Marco Rubio said “you can't do a background check on a lot of these refugees…

AP, NY Times Not Reporting Obama's Disinterest in 'America Winning'

November 16th, 2015 4:22 PM
The obvious pull quote of the day from President Obama's contentious press conference in Antalya, Turkey is this statement: "What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership or America winning or whatever other slogans they come up with ..." Obama then claimed that any ideas coming from those who believe in such a notion have "no relationship to what is…

Morning Joe Sees the President Disengaged Against ISIS

November 16th, 2015 12:17 PM
Monday’s Morning Joe began with an evaluation of the actions of the White House prior to and after the attack on Paris Friday night. Joe Scarborough began by demanding to know if the roundtable thought the President actually looked involved and engaged in understanding “the level of threat.” When Mike Barnicle tried to claim the President “looks fully engaged,” Scarborough felt it necessary to…

CNN's Kayyem Frets US Barring Refugees Bolsters European 'Right Wing'

November 16th, 2015 1:40 AM
Appearing as a guest during Sunday's live CNN coverage of the Paris terrorist attacks, CNN National Security Analyst Juliette Kayyem worried that, if the United States refuses to allow Syrian refugees into the country, that it would bolster "very right-wing elements" in Europe, leading the Europeans to "close their borders" to more refugees. At about 6:48 p.m., after arguing that it would be…

MSNBC Guest: 'Afraid' European Right 'Will Continue to Be on the Rise'

November 15th, 2015 7:43 PM
Appearing as a guest during Sunday's MSNBC live coverage of the Paris terrorist attacks, Daily Beast Foreign Editor Christopher Dickey declared that "I'm afraid" that the right wing in Europe "will continue to be on the rise" in the aftermath of the attacks.

Zakaria: 'Violent Response' to Terrorism Is 'Mistake,' 'Stokes Jihad'

November 15th, 2015 3:59 PM
On Sunday's Fareed Zakaria GPS on CNN, host Zakaria suggested that it would be a "mistake" for the West to make a "swift and violent response" to the Paris terrorist attacks because doing so "further stokes the fires of jihad." He plugged an upcoming segment: "Coming up, it's an all too familiar pattern. A well-planned attack on the West, followed by a swift and violent response that further…

AP Avoids Reporting Obama's Callous 'We Have Contained ISIS' Statement

November 15th, 2015 11:44 AM
As of early this morning, Matt Drudge was carrying a link to a story headlining how President Obama is "under fire for saying ISIS 'contained' just hours before Paris attack." Well, Obama is under some fire, but Drudge's link is to coverage at the UK Daily Mail. That's unfortunately unsurprising, because there is little to no mention of Obama's naive, foolish and callous statement in the U.S.…

Brookings Expert Suggests Only One Terrorist Among All Refugees

November 15th, 2015 10:56 AM
Last night at dinner a relative from NYC who described himself as a "bleeding heart liberal" opposed cutting off the immigration of Syrian refugees because in his view that would run counter to American traditions. He's a great guy, but that is a dangerous misinterpretation.  We have no obligation to commit collective suicide. What's more troubling is that supposed experts on the subject are…

MSNBC Frets 'Hatred' To Meet French Muslims, Right to 'Take Advantage'

November 14th, 2015 2:40 PM
During Saturday morning's live MSNBC coverage of the Paris terror attacks, Daily Beast Foreign Editor Christopher Dickey worried that "the right wing politicians" in France "are going to do their best to take advantage of it and probably successfully to further divide this country," leading host Tamron Hall to recall concerns that a "tsunami of hatred may await Muslims."

George Stephanopoulos Tees Up Obama to Trash Americans as Bigots

November 13th, 2015 11:41 AM
Former Democratic operative turned journalist George Stephanopoulos on Thursday and Friday threw softballs at Barack Obama, setting the President up to attack certain Americans as bigots and to trash Ben Carson. On Thursday's Nightline, the journalist asked about Donald Trump’s immigration and deportation plans. Stephanopoulos wondered, “So, what do you think when you hear people cheer for that…

Ex-CIA Hayden Stuns Mika With Praise of Carson Foreign Policy Approach

November 13th, 2015 7:57 AM
"Wow . . . I'm absolutely surprised by that answer . . .  Are you sure? . . . Are we talking about the same person?" That was Mika Brzezinski's stunned response after her attempt to recruit retired General and former CIA Director Michael Hayden into her campaign against Ben Carson blew up in her face on today's Morning Joe.  Referring to Carson, Mika asked Hayden "are you concerned that there's…

CBS Spotlights Plight of Iraqi Christians Under Threat from ISIS

November 4th, 2015 3:15 AM
Tuesday’s CBS Evening News provided viewers with a rare look at an issue that’s often been ignored by the media in its coverage of ISIS gaining ground in the Middle East: Christians facing persecution. Fill-in anchor Charlie Rose set the scene by stating the obvious that “Iraq today is a fractured nation” with “[m]uch of the north” now “controlled by ISIS.” Rose then tossed to foreign…

CNN Plays Up Lindsey Graham's 'Great Zingers' From 'Undercard' Debate

November 2nd, 2015 3:34 PM
CNN's Alisyn Camerota spotlighted Senator Lindsey Graham on Monday's New Day over his supposedly good performance at the earlier CNBC debate for the lower-tier Republican presidential candidates: "You being on that early debate has allowed you to bust out some great zingers and jokes. I mean, a lot of people thought that you stole the gave you more air time that you wouldn't actually…