Libs Gripe as Companies Announce Bonuses, After Tax Bill Passes

December 21st, 2017 2:45 PM
Good news for the economy came quickly on the heels of the Republican-driven tax bill. AT&T, Boeing, Wells Fargo, Comcast and others announced employee bonuses or wage increases, additional contributions to training, charitable efforts and facilities, and U.S. investment. Some directly attributed the decision to changes that will affect them in the tax legislation.

CNN Gives Dem Forum to Hit GOP 'Scrooges' Hurting '9 Million Tiny Tims

December 21st, 2017 1:06 PM
On Thursday's New Day on CNN, substitute host Bill Weir gave former Obama advisor Dr. Zeke Emanuel a mostly unchallenged forum to complain about how Republicans are handling the health insurance issue. Weir even opened the segment by relaying Democratic talking points that Republicans are behaving like "Ebenezer Scrooges" before Christmas and endangering "nine million Tiny Tim" children because a…

After Calling Tax Plan ‘Fantasy,’ NBC Dismisses Proof It Was Wrong

December 21st, 2017 1:00 PM
After NBC’s Today co-host Savannah Guthrie accused House Speaker Paul Ryan of “living in a fantasy world” on Wednesday for predicting that tax reform legislation would encourage businesses to raise wages for their employees, on Thursday, the network morning show tried its best to deny the reality that several major companies announced that they would be doing exactly that.

CNN Plays Up Schumer's Call For Order, Ignores His Lies About Tax Bill

December 21st, 2017 11:30 AM
On Tuesday night, Senate Democrat Minority Leader Chuck Schumer got upset because too many other people were allegedly talking while he was making a speech on the Senate floor. CNN turned Sen. Schumer's complaint into a rude-Republicans moment, and failed to note that the supposed substance of Schumer's speech was a laughable crock.

MSNBC's Mitchell Pushes Democratic Spin Against GOP Tax Cut

December 21st, 2017 11:11 AM

Between Tuesday and Wednesday this week, MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell has been pushing Democratic spin during discussions of the Republican tax cut plan as she has wrongly claimed that tax cuts on individuals expire in "a couple of years," and characterized it as a tax increase if some taxpayers choose not to purchase health insurance and therefore intentionally reject Obamacare subsidies. …


Irony! Matthews Knocks 'Trumpkins’ Praying to ‘Sun King’ on Tax Reform

December 21st, 2017 12:16 AM
All aboard the hypocrisy train! Throughout Wednesday’s Hardball, MSNBC host Chris Matthews trashed the Republican “song fest” following the passage of tax reform as if it were “a druid celebration of the winter solstice” featuring “Trumpkins” “do[ing] their hosannas” before their “sun king” President Trump.

ABC Hides the Truth, Claims Most Tax Cuts Going to the Wealthy

December 20th, 2017 9:15 PM
During ABC’s World News Tonight on Wednesday, the network demonstrated just how well they could stick to the Democratic Party’s talking points. “The biggest tax cuts will go to the wealthy, corporate America,” boldly declared sensationalist anchor David Muir as he was coming on the air. While he was quick to continue the liberal echo chamber, he cast doubt on the Republicans’ promise of economic…

Bernie Bro Joe Bemoans Tax Bill: ‘The Rich Are Getting Richer’

December 20th, 2017 5:17 PM
With the passage of the Republicans’ $1.5 trillion tax cut bill looming, most of Wednesday’s Morning Joe was devoted to portraying the legislation as not just bad policy (which would be par for the course on MSNBC), but a threat to America’s survival, prosperity, and democracy. “Conservative” co-host Joe Scarborough put on his Marxist cap to make the case that “the greatest threat to American-…

Liberal Pundits: By Passing Tax Bill, GOP Is 'Looting' America

December 20th, 2017 5:15 PM
On Tuesday, Talking Points Memo's Josh Marshall called the bill "a heist," while Vox's Matthew Yglesias charged that "moral and political responsibility for the looting ultimately rests on the shoulders of the GOP members of Congress who decided that the appropriate reaction to Trump’s inauguration was to start smashing and grabbing as much as possible for themselves and their donors rather than…

Paul Ryan Tears Down Media Bias Against Tax Bill

December 20th, 2017 3:02 PM
After being asked on Wednesday’s NBC Today if he was “living in a fantasy world” regarding new tax reform legislation, on ABC’s Good Morning America and CBS This Morning, House Speaker Paul Ryan called out the liberal media for spreading disinformation about the legislation and fact-checked their Democratic Party talking points.

Acosta Blasts Tax Reform: GOP Could Suffer ‘Unintended Consequences’

December 20th, 2017 2:40 PM
Moments after the final passage of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, CNN senior White House correspondent Jim Acosta dumped cold water on the new law, declaring that Republicans could suffer “unintended consequences because there were hardly any hearings on this, because there wasn’t much discussion in the public” concerning the “deeply unpopular” bill.

NYT's Goldberg Likens GOP Tax Cut to 'Post-Soviet Kleptocracy'

December 20th, 2017 12:35 PM
On Tuesday's All In show on MSNBC, during a discussion of Congress passing the Republican tax cuts, New York Times columnist and frequent MSNBC guest Michelle Goldberg likened the plan to "post-Soviet kleptocracy" and asserted that it amounts to "stealing from the the rest of us, stealing from the majority." She went on to call it an "insult" to both the poor and elderly, and predicted that "this…

NBC's Guthrie Hammers Ryan: ‘Are You Living in a Fantasy World?’

December 20th, 2017 10:13 AM
In a particularly hostile interview with House Speaker Paul Ryan on Wednesday’s NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie interrogated the Republican leader over newly-passed tax reform legislation and suggested that he was “living in a fantasy world” for predicting the bill would spur economic growth.

S.E. Cupp Battles Dem Congressman for ‘Scaring’ Voters on Tax Reform

December 19th, 2017 11:47 PM
With Congressional Republicans and President Trump set to score a massive win before Christmas with their tax reform bill, Democrats and their liberal media lapdogs were letting loose with their smear and fear campaign. But During HLN’s Unfiltered, host S.E. Cupp called out California Democrat Ted Lieu for trying to recklessly scare voters into thinking the bill was going to hurt them when, in…