Harvard Hates the Tea Party: Xenophobic, Racist, Theocratic Whites Les

August 17th, 2011 7:09 AM
A hot item on the New York Times website is an op-ed by Harvard professor Robert Putnam (who drew a lot of media notice for his nonfiction book "Bowling Alone") and Notre Dame professor David Campbell called "Crashing the Tea Party." The professors earn their Times real estate by regurgitating the CBS-Times polling on the alleged growing unpopularity of the Tea Party, and calling the Tea Party…

CBS Omits Tea Partier's Face-off With Obama; Played Up 'Voter Anger' a

August 16th, 2011 1:54 PM
On Monday's CBS Evening News and Tuesday's Early Show, CBS failed to cover an Iowa Tea Party activist's confrontation with President Obama. Both ABC's GMA and NBC's Today mentioned the encounter. Just days earlier, CBS and ABC spotlighted how left-wing protesters heckled Mitt Romney at an Iowa appearance and how the Republican apparently made a "gaffe" in reply. NBC correspondent Chuck Todd…

Open Thread: Tea Party Activist Confronts Obama in Iowa

August 16th, 2011 10:45 AM
Tea Party activist Ryan Rhodes and President Obama got into a heated debate following an Iowa town hall yesterday after Rhodes asked Obama whether or not Vice President Joe Biden had called the Tea Party "terrorists" during debt ceiling negotiations. Obama denied the remarks, but as Fox News White House correspondent Ed Henry reported, further explained, "As someone who’s been called a…

After Attacking Tea Party 'Mobs,' American Press Try to Understand Lon

August 15th, 2011 6:24 PM
Throughout July and early August, during the weeks of an impending budget crisis, Tea Partiers were repeatedly called vile names, from terrorists to delusional children to people strapped with dynamite in the middle of Times Square. The British rioters, who did inflict terror on London, who were typically delusional youth, and who burned down a number of buildings, were instead "disenchanted…

Compliant Chicago Media Threaten Conservative Writer for Questioning D

August 12th, 2011 3:03 PM
It's not very often that you run into a story that so perfectly captures both the sheer contempt which many reporters hold for the public and their desire to enable Democratic politicians. That's what happened in Chicago earlier this week when conservative journalist Bill Kelly had the temerity to ask Illinois Democratic senator Dick Durbin if he felt that he shared any responsibility at all…

Media Mash: Newsweek 'Queen of Rage' Smear of Michele Bachmann Edition

August 11th, 2011 10:43 AM
"I don't know what's worse," Tina Brown's selection of the wild-eyed Michele Bachmann cover photo for Newsweek or her "bold-faced lie" defending the choice, NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell told Fox News's Sean Hannity on his program last night. "There's not a person in the face of this Earth that looks at that picture and says, 'she looks more presidential,' which is what Tina Brown"…

Bachmann Is Latest Target in Media's War on Conservative Women

August 10th, 2011 12:35 PM
Liberal bias is rampant among the media, but there is no more tangible example of it than in how the media treat Conservative women. The most recent cover of Newsweek features a very wide-eyed Michele Bachmann, looking surprised and unattractive. Perhaps more disturbing is the caption Newsweek placed below the presidential candidate's photo: "Queen of Rage." Bachmann, an attractive 55 year-…

CNN's Costello Floats Bill Maher's, Al Gore's Ideas of Liberal Tea Par

August 8th, 2011 7:45 PM
With such esteemed liberal intellectual heavyweights like comedian Bill Maher and Al Gore calling for the liberal grassroots to stand up and make their voices heard, CNN's Carol Costello floated the idea of a liberal version of the Tea Party on Monday. "Does America need a liberal Tea Party?" Costello asked during the 11 a.m. EDT hour of CNN's Newsroom. Costello was not completely…

Rubio No Savior, But Full of Common Sense

August 8th, 2011 5:09 PM
This was going to be a column insisting that Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida run for president of the United States. Now. Even though he has ruled out the possibility; even though he is but a baby senator. (Neither of these considerations has invariably stopped people in the past.) But no: That's not this column. Not because I don't think it might be an excellent idea, but because I take a man at…

NewsBusters Publisher Bozell to Media: Don’t Endorse John Kerry’s

August 8th, 2011 1:10 PM
John Kerry is on a crusade to destroy the Tea Party. To blame the Tea Party for the S&P downgrade is like blaming the Betty Ford Clinic for alcoholism. The entire existence of the Tea Party movement has been based on an attempt to stop the runaway spending of Washington – by the likes of John Kerry. Any media outlet that features his outrageous blame game remarks without challenging his…

NBC's Gregory Accuses GOP of 'Politicizing' Debt Downgrade, After Allo

August 8th, 2011 11:32 AM
On Sunday's Meet the Press on NBC, host David Gregory allowed Massachusetts Senator John Kerry to blame Standard and Poor's downgrade of U.S. debt on the Tea Party without challenge. However, minutes later, in an interview with Arizona Senator John McCain, Gregory was quick to accuse Republicans of "politicizing" the issue by criticizing Democrats. After quoting a statement from House…

Time's Sullivan: 'Did Austerity Politics Kill Compassionate Conservati

August 5th, 2011 5:02 PM
While the liberal media scoffed at George W. Bush's "compassionate conservatism" in 1999 and 2000 as gimmicky and insufficient compared to traditional big government social welfare spending binges, they're starting to miss it now. Just ask Time's Amy Sullivan:

The Long War and the Budget

August 5th, 2011 2:55 PM
We are engaged in a long war — actually two long wars. The first and most commonly accepted of our wars is the long war against Islamofascists. It is not a war against vast armies. Comparatively speaking, it is just a war against a handful of thugs, but they want to strike at our heart, wherever we are ill-prepared, and if they can they will cause incalculable destruction. This we discovered on…

Media Mash: Tea Party 'Terrorists' Edition

August 5th, 2011 11:07 AM
"During the Clinton years, there was great discipline in the Democratic ranks where they could all speak on-message. There continues to be the same great discipline in liberal ranks, but they've just torqued it up ten degrees now," NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell told Fox News viewers on the August 4 "Hannity." The Media Research Center founder made that argument after host Sean Hannity…