Fareed Zakaria Compares Tea Party to Terrorists, 'Un-American

August 4th, 2011 7:30 PM
On Thursday's The Situation Room, Fareed Zakaria said the tactics used by Tea Party congressmen in the debt ceiling debate were akin to holding the country hostage and threatening to "blow up" the economy. "So nobody has ever held a country hostage and say [sic] if you don't pass our policies, we'll blow up the economy, we'll blow up the credibility of the United States," Zakaria remarked on…

Tea Party 'Terrorists

August 4th, 2011 6:24 PM
According to the website Politico, Vice President Joe Biden agreed "with a line of argument made by Rep. Mike Doyle (D-Pa.) at a two-hour, closed-door Democratic Caucus meeting" that congressional tea party members "acted like terrorists" in the way they stood against attempts to raise taxes and force spending reductions as part of the debt-ceiling deal. Biden denied making the comparison.…

Unhinged: Times' Maureen Dowd Excoriates 'Cannibal' 'Vampire' Tea Part

August 4th, 2011 3:54 PM
New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd on Wednesday  continued to ramp up the newspaper's vitriolic attacks against Tea Party conservatives, bizarrely describing them as "cannibals" "zombies" and "vampires." Connecting the debt ceiling deal to The Exorcist, Halloween and Alien (among other horror movies), Dowd offered these hyperbolic comparisons:

Despite Post-Giffords Rants, Left Hasn't Toned Down Its Own Violent Rh

August 3rd, 2011 10:14 AM
Monday night, to the surprise of many, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords returned to the Capitol to cast her first vote since being shot in the head by Jared Lee Loughner seven months ago. Her triumphant return brought cheers from everyone in the room, despite their contentious disagreements over the past few weeks. Ironically, these disagreements have often turned to using the same violent rhetoric…

Jon Stewart Likens Tea Partiers to Anarchists and Robbers

August 2nd, 2011 4:29 PM
If there has been anything unifying the mainstream media coverage of the debt crisis, it has been attacking the Tea Party. Last night on the Daily Show, Jon Stewart joined the chorus, railing against the Tea Party's dislike of the debt deal, which he claimed they won through the plan's spending cuts, even though the cuts are in fact quite small. According to Stewart, the Tea Party freshmen…

Salon Pins Blame for Planned Parenthood Vandalism on 'Right-Wing' With

August 2nd, 2011 2:25 PM
Ever creative in finding things for which to blame the "right wing," Salon magazine is criticizing conservatives in a headline ("Planned Parenthood Firebombed, Right Wing Silent") about an apparent incident in McKinney, Texas last Tuesday in which an unknown person allegedly threw a Molotov cocktail at a Planned Parenthood establishment. No one with even superficial understanding of…

CBS and ABC Ignore Biden 'Terrorist' Dust Up; NBC Only Promotes His De

August 2nd, 2011 1:16 PM
On Monday, Politico reported that "several sources" in a private meeting of House Democrats confirmed that Vice President Joe Biden accused Tea Party Republicans of having "acted like terrorists." CBS and ABC completely punted the story on their evening and morning newscasts. NBC made mention of the controversy, but only to further Biden's denial of having made the comment. CBS's omission…

Tucson Newspaper Political Cartoonist Fantasized About Obama Sending S

August 1st, 2011 9:13 PM
Today Tucson congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) cast her first vote since she was critically injured in a January shooting. You'll recall that in the weeks that followed, the media bemoaned the incivility -- supposedly predominantly conservative in nature -- of the political debate which had allegedly created a climate of hate. But there appears to to be no firestorm over how, just…

NBC's Curry: Do Tea Party Members of Congress 'Know How to Govern

August 1st, 2011 4:04 PM
In a discussion with Meet the Press host David Gregory and Tom Brokaw on Monday's NBC Today about the debt ceiling deal, co-host Ann Curry contemptuously wondered: "...do you think that members of the Tea Party Caucus know how to govern or are they – do they understand that standing up for a cause is not the same as governing?" [Audio available here] Interestingly, Brokaw rejected Curry's…

Media Reality Check: During Debt Talks, Liberal Media Savaged Tea Part

August 1st, 2011 3:47 PM
For the past month, as the debt talks slogged on in Washington, the so-called mainstream media unleashed increasingly hysterical attacks on the Tea Party and anti-tax hike conservatives — epitomizing the liberal elite’s supreme annoyance at the push to curb federal spending and contain the size of government. The media’s disdainful language has ranged from the merely condescending (wondering…

NY Times' Zeleny: 'Both Sides' 'Bruised' in Debt Ceiling Deal; Only Co

August 1st, 2011 3:07 PM
In a front-page “news analysis” piece this morning, Times national political correspondent Jeff Zeleny pronounced that “After a Protracted Fight, Both Sides Emerge Bruised.” Yet Zeleny’s analysis was chock full of the typical liberal bias slant that puffs up President Obama, slams the Tea Party as “intractable” and ignores the partisanship of liberal Senate members, particularly Harry Reid (…

CNN's Lemon Peppers Rand Paul With Dem Talking Points After Asking Pau

August 1st, 2011 2:49 PM
After asking Tea Party favorite Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) to discard his talking points and be frank on the debt ceiling issue, CNN's Don Lemon repeatedly interrupted the senator, and even lectured him and threw some Democrat talking points at him. Lemon interviewed Paul on Saturday's 5 p.m. EDT edition of CNN Newsroom. "At this point though, and can we do this – let's do this interview without…

Ben Stein Slams Tax Cuts, Tea Partiers, Bush, and Obama as ‘Careless

August 1st, 2011 4:20 AM
 During a commentary aired on CBS Sunday Morning, supposedly right-leaning actor and economist Ben Stein blamed the "folly of supply side economics" - singling out President George W. Bush’s tax cuts in addition to President Obama’s spending - for the current federal budget deficit. The CBS contributor also complained that some Republicans have an "inflexible belief" that "low taxes were an…

Media, Democrats, and the President Have Been in Lockstep with the Tea

July 30th, 2011 2:29 PM
Throughout his tenure, there have been several facets in which President Obama has been demonstrably weak on leadership, with the debt debate coming to the forefront in recent months.  Now however, lost in that news cycle has been another failure of leadership for the President – his own request to tone down violent rhetoric in this country.  For it was mere months ago that Obama stood in front…