Open Thread: Tea Party Democrats

July 7th, 2011 11:09 AM
While the Tea Party movement has largely been viewed as a resurgence in conservative values away from big government Republican politicians, its fiscal policies are attracting a new crowd: fiscally conservative Democrats. With remarks from both Rep. Michele Bachmann and Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele that the Tea Party embraces a number of disaffected Democrats, but…

Columbus Dispatch Reporter, 'Surprised' That Tea Party Is Not in GOP L

July 3rd, 2011 8:36 PM
Maybe we ought to nickname him Rip Van Geier. In his coverage of this weekend's We The People Convention in Columbus, Ohio early Saturday morning, Columbus Dispatch reporter Ben Geier found it "surprising" that many attendees would "go after the Republican Party and House Speaker John Boehner" in expressing their opinions relating to developments in Washington. It's as if he's totally unaware…

CNN's Warm Welcome to Bachmann's Candidacy: 'Firebrand,' Gaffe-Prone

June 30th, 2011 6:44 PM
Tea Party favorite Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) declared her candidacy for president Monday, and CNN provided plenty of snarky commentary with which to welcome her. The network repeatedly took aim at her past gaffes and suggested that she has little chance to win the Republican nomination for president. In addition, CNN's Anderson Cooper led his regular news cast for two nights in a row…

Conservative Blogger Spots 13 Factual Errors in Time Editor's Attack o

June 28th, 2011 5:20 PM
Last week my colleague Eric Ames addressed the bias and some misstatements of fact in Richard Stengel's recent attack on the Constitution/defense of ObamaCare here. Today, Aaron Worthing over at Patterico's Pontification's ticked off 13 factual errors in the Time magazine editor's piece and systematically addressed each one. It's an excellent piece. Here's an excerpt that I think addresses…

Historian Simon Schama Makes Newsweek Debut Bashing Tea Partiers Over

June 27th, 2011 4:58 PM
Columbia University professor Simon Schama made his Newsweek debut yesterday with a blog post that indirectly attacked Tea Party activists and conservatives for what Schama considers a historically illiterate ancestor worship of the Founding Fathers. "The Constitution’s framers were flawed like today’s politicians, so it’s high time we stop embalming them in infallibility," snarked the…

WaPo Ignores Pelosi's 62% Jump in Net Worth, Obsesses Over Debts of Fr

June 16th, 2011 11:27 AM
Update (11:55 a.m. EDT): MSNBC anchor Thomas Roberts just mentioned the 62% spike in Pelosi's net worth, attributing it mostly to her husband's real estate dealings. As my colleague Noel Sheppard noted today, the media have largely ignored the fact that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has seen an astonishing 62 percent spike in her net worth over last year. Yet in a June 16…

David Frum Suggests Republicans Looking Like 'Medicare-Annihilating Ra

June 6th, 2011 7:00 PM
In his newest op-ed titled "Don't Doom GOP's Chance to Win in 2012," David Frum clearly outlines the Republican Party's best chance for victory – if they don't come off as "Medicare-annihilating racist maniacs." He then goes about making the case that Republicans are doing just that. "It is Tea Party conservatism itself that is Obama's last, best hope for a second term," Frum boldly…

Obama, Lincoln 'Peas in the Same Pod' Declares Technology Wr

June 2nd, 2011 11:24 AM
Barack Obama and Abraham Lincoln "are peas in the same pod," at least in the eyes of technology reporter Andrew Leonard. And just how exactly?

Palin Hits the Road: ‘It’s Imperative We Connect With Our Founders

May 26th, 2011 4:48 PM
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R.) announced today that she will be taking a bus tour that tellingly will begin with a visit to the U.S. Constitution at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. and then head north through historical sites associated with the nation’s founding, heading in the general direction of … New Hampshire. “Our nation is at a critical turning point,” Palin said in a…

NY Mag Hits 'Xenophobic' Rand Paul for 'Protesting' Netanyahu Speech

May 25th, 2011 3:02 PM
New York Magazine apparently believes that opposing foreign aid is literally xenophobic - rooted in irrational fear of foreigners - and is willing to engage in some pretty sketchy journalistic practices to make its case. Those are a pair of lessons Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., learned on Tuesday.

The Self-Destructing Republican Party

May 24th, 2011 4:20 PM
If the Wall Street Republicans and the conservative Republicans don't resolve their differences and work as a TEAM ("together everyone achieves more"), we will go back to having a Democratic majority in Congress and President Barack Obama will be re-elected for another four years. Ripples began to form last year when then Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul of Kentucky spouted what some say…

Vicious Death Threats Against Scott Walker Elicit Little Media Hand-wr

May 17th, 2011 5:56 PM
Pro-government union protests in Wisconsin and elsewhere have provided some stunning insight into the double standards that pervade coverage of major protest movements. One such double standard lies in media treatment of threats against public officials. News of the release of more than 100 pages of documented threats against officials of both parties in Wisconsin has brought that double…

In NY-26, Jack Davis Scuffles With Cameraman, and AP IDs Him As a 'Tea

May 12th, 2011 4:34 PM
Can someone call himself a Tea Party candidate even though he has no visible support from local Tea Party groups and has been asked by one of them not to run? The Associated Press's Carolyn Thompson apparently thinks so. Thompson's 3:03 p.m. report (saved here for future reference, fair use and discussion purposes) makes no mention of congressional candidate Jack Davis's lack of Tea Party…

Matt Lauer Worries Debt Ceiling Fight Will 'Shatter' National Unity, U

May 10th, 2011 12:14 PM
In an interview with Speaker of the House John Boehner on Tuesday's Today on NBC, co-host Matt Lauer fretted over the upcoming debate on raising the nation's debt limit: "...after the news surfaced that Osama bin Laden had been killed there was this – a good feeling in this country....Are we going to see that unity shattered in the coming weeks when we start to debate things like the debt…