MRC-TV: Bozell Discusses Debt Crisis Bias on 'Fox & Friends

July 29th, 2011 11:22 AM
"When, oh, when is a Republican going to stand up" and call the liberal media on their lies about the debt ceiling debate, NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell lamented on this morning's "Fox & Friends." Bozell was reacting to a clip of Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) answering a misleading and biased question by CBS's Bob Schieffer (video follows page break; MP3 audio here):  

Again? Another NY Times Columnist Compares Tea Party G.O.P. to Terrori

July 27th, 2011 3:33 PM
What is it with New York Times columnists likening Republicans to terrorist groups? On Sunday Nicholas Kristof  compared Tea Party sympathizers in Congress to Al Qaeda. Now Thomas Friedman in his Wednesday column “Can’t We Do This Right?”, not content to argue that Tea Party Republicans are misguided, calls them the “Hezbollah faction” of the G.O.P.

MSNBC's Ratigan Claims National Debt Mostly Run Up Prior to Obama, by

July 26th, 2011 4:54 PM
During a roundtable discussion on the debt ceiling deadlock on his July 26 program, MSNBC host Dylan Ratigan, egged on by a former Durbin and Biden staffer-turned-lobbyist, argued that the bulk of the national debt was run up prior to the time President Barack Obama entered office, by Republicans:

Ex-Newsweek Editor Howard Fineman Slams: Tea Partiers Are Creating a

July 25th, 2011 5:59 PM
Former Newsweek editor Howard Fineman on Monday berated Tea Partiers for engineering a "slow motion succession" in relation to the budget impasse in Congress. Appearing with Hardball host Chris Matthews, Fineman summarized the conservative position this way: "This is an ending of the social compact. This is two, three generations worth of agreement about Social Security, about Medicare,…

HuffPo's Frank Schaeffer Compares U.S. Evangelicals to Taliban, MSNBC

July 25th, 2011 5:02 PM
Frank Schaeffer -- the embittered liberal progeny of the late evangelical Christian scholar Francis Schaeffer -- appeared on MSNBC's "Martin Bashir" program this afternoon where he availed himself the opportunity to spew forth more venom against American evangelicals, who tend to vote for conservative Republicans. Schaeffer was ostensibly brought on to react to new polling data that show 56…

CNN's John Avlon Blasts Tea Party Congressmen for 'Demagoguing' the De

July 25th, 2011 4:56 PM
Once again, Tea Party-critic John Avlon took aim at "hyper-partisanship" in Congress but focused the blame squarely on House Republicans while saving a tiny bit of blame for Democrats. In a July 25 op-ed for, he hit Republicans for walking away from a generous deal by President Obama to settle the debt ceiling debate. "We are learning that activists and ideologues pushing anti-tax…

Media Mash: Despite MSM Slamming 'Cut, Cap and Balance,' 66% of Americ

July 22nd, 2011 10:37 AM
While the media have been busy persistently denouncing the Cut, Cap and Balance plan as Republicans "wasting time" with a "show" plan that has "no chance of passage," the public aren't accepting the media spin. A CNN poll shows nearly 2/3rds of Americans favor that approach to tackling the national debt and balancing the budget, NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell noted on the July 21 "Hannity…

Bozell: With Latest Lies About Reagan Regarding Debt Ceiling Debate, M

July 21st, 2011 12:56 PM
MSNBC is looking more and more like Pinocchio every day; its nose grows longer with every lie and the DNC obviously is pulling its strings. Ronald Reagan has absolutely nothing in common with Obama, especially not on taxes and the debt ceiling. It’s outrageous for this disgraced network to exploit the late President’s good name and his conservative economic brilliance. MSNBC is nothing more…

CNN's Obnoxious Question: Will GOP Listen to McCain's Warning to Raise

July 21st, 2011 12:39 PM
Although President Obama and the Democrats have stridently insisted that increased tax revenues be part of a debt ceiling deal, CNN is content to choose sides and paint only the conservative Republicans as stubborn extremists for opposing the revenue increases. Anchor Kyra Phillips asked Thursday morning if Republicans would listen to the warning of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) to the House GOP…

Chris Matthews Uses Dubious Historical Analogy to Tar Conservative Rep

July 18th, 2011 5:55 PM
According to Chris Matthews, conservative House Republicans who are holding steadfast on resisting a debt ceiling deal that includes tax hikes are like the apocryphal bovine of doom behind the 1871 fire that destroyed much of Chicago (video follows page break):

CBS’s Cordes: ‘Ambitious’ Eric Cantor ‘Has Given His Opponents

July 15th, 2011 6:32 AM
 On Thursday’s CBS Evening News, correspondent Nancy Cordes filed a report on House Majority Leader Eric Cantor as a "lightning rod" for sharp criticism from Democrats because of his role in budget negotiations with President Obama. After beginning the report with a clip of Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer asserting that Cantor "has yet to make a constructive contribution," and after recounting…

MSNBC’s Alter: No Jobs from Bush’s ‘Massive Tax Cuts,’ Tea Par

July 14th, 2011 6:48 AM
 On Wednesday’s The Ed Show, MSNBC analyst and Bloomberg View columnist Jonathan Alter claimed that the "massive tax cuts" of the Bush administration did not create jobs, and went on to credit former President Clinton for the low unemployment rate that existed during the Bush years. He ended up lecturing fellow panel member Judson Phillips of Tea Party Nation that Tea Party activists would…

Eliot Spitzer Disses Cable News Before Hosting One Last Liberal Consti

July 7th, 2011 6:34 PM
Eliot Spitzer used his last day at CNN to take a shot at cable news and decry the debt ceiling debate as a "new low for American politics" – although he himself was embroiled in an ugly scandal as governor of New York only three years ago. And he made sure to include a lengthy Constitutional conversation with two of his favorite guests, liberals Fareed Zakaria and Simon Schama. Schama, a…

David Brooks's Anti-GOP 'Mother of All No-Brainers' Column Gets Mother

July 7th, 2011 2:46 PM
Tuesday’s notorious column from the New York Times’s “conservative” David Brooks, “The Mother of All No-Brainers,” in which he accused Tea Party sympathizers of having "no sense of moral decency," is getting fulsome praise from staunch conservatives like Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Here’s Politico: Reid, on the floor on Tuesday, gave his approval to many of the points…