CNN's American Morning, Fixated on O'Donnell Charges, Played Down Bid

September 21st, 2010 6:10 PM
At CNN, it's all Christine O'Donnell all the time.  News readers there seemingly can't get their fill of Delaware's Republican senatorial candidate.Today, the American Morning program covered in each of its three hours allegations from a Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint that O'Donnell misused some campaign funds.  Yet when Vice President Joe Biden was fined $219,000 in July for actual…

AP Headline on O'Donnell 'Seeking' Establishment GOP Help Doesn't Matc

September 20th, 2010 11:24 PM
I suspect that headline writers at the Associated Press would be pleased as punch if readers stopped at their capsulization of Randall Chase's story and didn't read it. The headline at the AP's main site currently reads: "Surprise Del. primary winner seeks GOP support." Perhaps they're hoping that Christine O'Donnell's Tea Party base will be disappointed at the impression the headline gives,…

Marc Ambinder Fulfills Own Prediction, Provides Messaging Assistance t

September 20th, 2010 11:37 AM
I didn't know about what follows when I posted last night (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog) on Atlantic politics editor and CBS Campaign 2010 "Chief Political Consultant" Marc Ambinder's September 15 prediction that "The media is going to help the Democratic Party's national messaging." Though drop-dead obvious, I still found it interesting that someone in Ambinder's position would admit it. It…

NBC’s Gregory: Obama to Claim ‘Warlord-ism’ in GOP, O’Donnell

September 19th, 2010 4:33 PM
It’s one thing to acknowledge that most voters in a liberal-leaning state like Delaware may be reluctant to vote for a solid conservative, but, as he appeared on Sunday’s Today show on NBC, Meet the Press host David Gregory claimed that Delaware GOP Senate nominee Christine O’Donnell’s "extremist statements and some views" would not only be a "real problem" in Delaware, but "it would be the case…

At NYT, Kate Zernike's Clueless Advice to GOP Candidates: 'Enlist (Tea

September 18th, 2010 11:31 PM
It's almost tempting to just run a few paragraphs of Kate Zernike's latest item in the New York Times and simply have folks take their rips, but a bit of background would be helpful. Zernike (pictured at right) is the Times reporter who seems to have made it her mission to somehow singlehandedly discredit what may when all is said and done come to be seen as the most significant grass-roots…

Olbermann: Christine O’Donnell ‘Lump of Dumb & Judgmental,’ Tea

September 17th, 2010 9:46 PM
On Friday’s Countdown show on MSNBC, during the show’s regular "Worst Person in the World" segment, host Keith Olbermann referred to Delaware Republican Senate nominee Christine O’Donnell as a "lump of dumb and judgmental" as he introduced his slam of Republican strategist Jack Burkman and a clip of him being criticized by former New York Republican Senator Al D’Amato for comments Burkman made…

CNN: 'Hardcore Conservatives' Meet in DC; Reagan 'Most Secular' Presid

September 17th, 2010 9:11 PM
CNN's Suzanne Malveaux led Friday's Situation Room by labeling the social conservative Value Voters Summit a "traditional showcase for hardcore conservatives." Later in the same segment, senior political analyst Gloria Borger stated that the Tea Party movement was "anti-health care" and bizarrely referred to Ronald Reagan as "the most secular president we've known in our lifetime."Malveaux used…

Cable Nets Barely Cover Christine O'Donnell's Values Voter Summit Spee

September 17th, 2010 5:10 PM
While the mainstream media have been in a frenzy to denounce Christine O'Donnell as a kook for her socially conservative statements on abstinence from the 1990s, the cable news networks had a perfect opportunity this afternoon to let her speak for herself. Collectively they gave her less than five minutes. The Republican Delaware Senate nominee gave a speech at the Values Voters Summit in…

Wishful Thinking by Newsweek: Jon Stewart's Mock Rally on 10/30 Will

September 17th, 2010 4:15 PM
Comedy Central's Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert have announced dueling D.C. rallies on October 30 aimed at satirizing the August 28 "Restoring Honor" rally held by rival network Fox News Channel's Glenn Beck.Newsweek's Daniel Stone is apparently stoked about it, predicting that the gimmick will "absolutely" be a success (emphasis mine):You’ve got to hand it to Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert,…

HuffPo Asks, 'Women of the Tea Party: Who Are You, and What Do You Wan

September 17th, 2010 2:48 PM
What a funny but telling title, the sort of question asked only in war zones or when spotting aliens. Had I received that query in person I would have responded in kind, “Who goes there, friend or foe?” But in this case I was pretty sure I already knew, given the news outlet from whence the question came. And sure enough, I wasn’t long into reading the HuffPo piece when learning the answer…

CBS's Smith: Tea Party and Palin Could Bring GOP to 'Edge of the Abyss

September 17th, 2010 12:28 PM
Appearing on Friday's CBS Early Show, Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer continued to compare the rise of the tea party and possible candidacy of Sarah Palin in 2012 to the 1964 campaign of Barry Goldwater. In response, co-host Harry Smith remarked that Palin could take Republicans "to the edge of the abyss, as it were." On Wednesday's CBS Evening News, Schieffer argued: " is very much like…

MRC's Bozell Addresses Anti-Tax Cut Bias, 'Islamophobia' on 'Hannity

September 17th, 2010 11:49 AM
Closing out the "Media Mash" segment on the September 16 edition of his eponymous "Hannity" program, the Fox News host asked for NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell's reaction to NBC's Meredith Vieira telling House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) that the Bush tax cuts "didn't succeed" and asking him "what's so good about them?":Memo to Meredith [Vieira]: You can have a debate about what future…

Erick Erickson Smacks Down CNN's Bash for Calling Voter Anger Racist

September 17th, 2010 9:07 AM
Are you getting tired of hearing liberal media members claim the voter anger around the country is all because Barack Obama is black?RedState Editor and CNN contributor Erick Erickson is, for on Wednesday's "John King USA," he let Dana Bash have it for reiterating this insulting accusation."Talking to Democrats, I know you have, privately, will say some of the anger they hear in their districts…

Maher Calls 'Teabaggers' Racists; Uses N-Word As Proof

September 17th, 2010 9:05 AM