FNC's O'Reilly, Huddy Discuss MRCer Bob Parks's Video from 9/12 Rally

September 16th, 2010 5:30 PM

Bozell Discusses Media's Persistent Attack on Tea Party Candidates wit

September 16th, 2010 1:00 PM
"This is what we are to expect, and it's going to get worse between now and November."That's how NewsBusters publisher and Media Research Center President Brent Bozell reacted this morning on Fox Business Network's "Varney & Company" to the media's drumbeat of criticism regarding Tea Party-backed Republican nominees for office this November.Bozell agreed with host Stuart Varney that the media…

TV Networks Smear Christine O’Donnell; Bozell Demands Media Tell the

September 16th, 2010 11:23 AM
Dubbed as "ultra right wing extremist" and "crazy," Republican candidate Christine O'Donnell and her Tea Party supporters have been smeared by every major broadcast and cable network since she won the Delaware primary against GOP establishment candidate on Tuesday night. NewsBusters publisher and Media Research Center President Brent Bozell reacts: This is mudsliging at its ugliest. Pure…

Former CNN Anchor O'Brien Attacks 'Nutbag' O'Donnell on Twitter

September 15th, 2010 7:29 PM
[Update, Wednesday, 11:15 pm Eastern: The Tweet by O'Brien apparently "doesn't exist" any more. A screen cap of the Tweet in question can be seen after the jump.] Former CNN anchor Miles O'Brien (no relation to current CNN special correspondent Soledad O'Brien) slammed Delaware Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell as a "Tea Party nutbag" in a Tweet on Wednesday evening. O'Brien continued that he…

MSNBC Gives Liberal Filmmaker Rory Kennedy Platform to Pitch New Docum

September 15th, 2010 3:59 PM
Hours after being featured on this morning's edition of "Morning Joe" program, liberal filmmaker Rory Kennedy sat down with MSNBC host Thomas Roberts for a softball interview shortly before 2:30 p.m. to promote her new documentary "The Fence."Kennedy argued that the fence being built along the U.S. border with Mexico was a waste of money, both in its actual construction and in the money required…

CBS's Smith: Is GOP Making 'Miscalculation' At Their Own 'Peril' By Su

September 15th, 2010 1:19 PM
Talking to Republican strategist Dan Bartlett on Wednesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith wondered if the electoral success of the tea party could harm the GOP: "Are all of these tea party victories good for the Republican Party?...I wonder if you're making a miscalculation at your own peril at, you know, this perceived enthusiasm gap, these people are literally changing the face of a…

Maher Charges GOP w/ Racism & Invokes N Word, New Yorkers Should ‘Fo

September 15th, 2010 8:26 AM
Appearing as a guest on Tuesday’s Larry King Live on CNN, comedian Bill Maher picked up on a recent contention by Newt Gingrich that President Obama is motivated by anti-colonialism which his Kenyan father felt as the Real Time with Bill Maher host smeared the potential 2012 Republican presidential field as racist:How are they going to out-firebreathe each other? I mean, where this rhetoric has…

Telegraph Columnist: BBC Treats Tea Party as Cross Between Nazis and K

September 8th, 2010 1:45 PM
UK Telegraph columnist Janet Daley blasted the BBC on Tuesday for treating the tea party movement "as if it were a cross between the Klu [sic] Klux Klan and the German neo-fascist brigade."While Daley's piece is a stirring and hard-hitting indictment of the BBC's coverage, she seems to believe that its disdainful approach to the tea party movement stems from a failure to understand the American…

Cynthia Tucker: Voter Anger Is About Racism - 'Fear of a White Minorit

September 5th, 2010 4:08 PM
Are you sick and tired of being called a racist because you don't agree with Barack Obama's policies?If you are, you shouldn't read any further, for Cynthia Tucker this weekend claimed the voter anger that threatens the Democrat majorities in the House and the Senate is all a function of racism.With the opening segment of the syndicated program "The Chris Matthews Show" focusing on the strong…

CAIR Suggests Tea Party, GOP Are Behind Nationwide Anti-Muslim Campaig

September 2nd, 2010 9:08 AM
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is putting some of the blame on both the Tea Party and the Republican Party for what it sees as a growing tide of anti-Muslim anger.  CAIR officials said the rise in "Islamophobia" stems from the controversy surrounding the Islamic center and mosque that Muslims plan to build a few blocks from Ground Zero. "We've seen a really strong uptick in…

Teaching Lefties a Lesson With the Discovery Wacko: Modeling v. Mirror

September 2nd, 2010 7:25 AM
One failure of logic is to generalize from the anecdotal to the whole. Conservatives, who know rules of logic -- we have Thomas Sowell after all (see what I did there?) -- understand this. So, when it comes to rhetorical arguments or situations where some weirdo commits some random badness, they tend to blame...well, the perpetrator. It's also just fundamental fairness.The left, in contrast, has…

Glenn Beck Destroys NAACP President's Malicious Suggestion of Racism R

September 1st, 2010 10:24 AM
On Saturday, NewsBusters sister site Eyeblast.tv sent contributing editor Joe Schoffstall to see what exactly Al Sharpton’s protest rally was all about. While there, he was able to get an interview with NAACP President Ben Jealous regarding his thoughts on Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor rally. Jealous claimed that those at Restoring Honor wouldn’t applaud Dr. King's historic 1963 "I Have a Dream…

NYT's Kate Zernike Does It Again, Suggests Tea Party Opposition to Min

August 30th, 2010 2:34 PM
New York Times reporter Kate Zernike, whose book on the Tea Party movement,"Boiling Mad," is due out next month, led off Saturday's National section by suggesting racism on the part of Fox News host Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally at the Lincoln Memorial later that day. Beck has outraged the left with the timing of the rally, the 47th anniversary of Martin Luther King's March on Washington…

Newsweek's Alter Blames Fox News, Conservatives for Birtherism, Obama

August 30th, 2010 12:33 PM
In an August 28 online column, Newsweek's Jonathan Alter ripped into Fox News and conservative Republican leaders for painting Barack Obama as a closet Muslim and potentially a foreign-born person illegible to hold the office of the presidency.But while he tarred the Left's usual bogeymen with the specious charges, Alter failed to produce documented evidence of any instance in which any…