Dean: 'Lost Souls' Follow 'Racist Hate-Monger' Beck

August 30th, 2010 9:27 AM
Howard Dean pulled off the rare twin-trashing this morning, dumping on both Glenn Beck and the people who respond to his message.  He began by calling Beck crazy, saying he has "a few things the matter with him up here, up in the head there." Later, he compounded the calumny, calling Beck a "racist" and a "hate-monger."  So who were the hundreds of thousands of people who attended the rally…

Brian Williams Treats Obama as Oracle of Wisdom, Wonders: ‘How Are Y

August 29th, 2010 9:27 PM
Interviewing President Barack Obama in New Orleans on Sunday afternoon, Brian Williams treated Obama with a level of deference he didn’t afford to President George W. Bush as he treated Obama as a great oracle of wisdom to pluck. “Katrina was about so many things. It was about class and race and government and the environment,” Williams told Obama in the except aired on the NBC Nightly News,…

CBS’s Schieffer Hits Miller for ‘Extreme Positions,’ Ridicules G

August 29th, 2010 1:56 PM
Republicans are “exotic” and “extreme,” and against science too, CBS’s Bob Schieffer contended on Sunday’s Face the Nation. “You have also taken some fairly controversial, some would say very extreme, positions,” Schieffer lectured Alaska Republican Senate candidate Joe Miller, citing “you want to phase out Medicare, you want to privatize Social Security.” Miller countered: “I would suggest to…

Amateur Hour at CNN: Error-Filled Chyron During Beck Rally

August 28th, 2010 8:11 PM

Reporter Who Smeared Tea Party With False Accusations of Violence Has

August 27th, 2010 5:06 PM
A reporter for the St. Louis paper the Riverfront Times has a message for all the members of the Tea Party movement he smeared with false accusations of political violence: "I have no regrets."Chad Garrison penned a blog post last week speculating that a member of the Tea Party had firebombed the office of Rep. Russ Carnahan, D-Mo. "Given what we know of [the perpatrator] - 50, white, angry - he…

Group Founded by Van Jones Claims FNC Lies, Proceeds to Lie About Fox

August 26th, 2010 6:30 PM
UPDATE (7:05 PM): Color of Change's executive director responds. See his response, and my response to his response, below the fold. Reading through material from the "Turn Off Fox" campaign, one gets the very clear impression that the folks at the Fox News Channel are bald-faced liars. They have "no regard for the truth," and use "half-truths" to push a "stream of misinformation" and "…

MSNBC’s Schultz Compares Tea Party Movement to Nazi 'Brown Shirts' t

August 25th, 2010 6:52 PM
Wasn't comparing your political opponents to Nazis once a no-no? I mean, just remember how upset the liberal concern police would get if some wayward individual at a Tea Party event in some random place in the United States had a homemade sign protesting President Barack Obama and invoked Nazi Germany symbolism? Well, you would think - or at least expect a national TV host (even with…

CNN: GOP 'Very Far to the Right'; Guest Laments McCain's Rightward Lea

August 25th, 2010 6:10 PM
On Tuesday's AC360, CNN's John Roberts labeled Republican candidates who have Tea Party support "very far to the right," and specifically referred to Florida gubernatorial candidate Rick Scott as an "ultraconservative." Guest John Avlon also bemoaned John McCain's tack to the right during the primary campaign, and slammed how the senator has been called a "RINO" by many conservatives.Roberts, who…

Schultz Guest: Beck & Koch Brothers Plotting To Provoke Race Riots

August 24th, 2010 8:49 PM
I was going to say the left has now officially hit rock bottom.  But it's still a long way to Election Day for the desperate Dems . . . On this evening's Ed Show, trial-lawyer guest Mike Papantonio accused Glenn Beck and the Koch brothers of consciously plotting, via Beck's DC rally, to provoke race riots.In Papantonio's fevered imagination, the Beck-Koch axis is attempting to recreate the…

Sub-19 and Sub-5: Big Three Nets' Drew Under 19 Million Last Week; CBS

August 24th, 2010 1:56 PM
They'll have all sorts of excuses (but only if asked) about why it happened: It's because they had a lot of guest anchors last week, it was hot, summer vacation season is still on (though lots of kids around in Greater Cincinnati were already back in school by last Wednesday), cable is killing us, blah-blah, etc., etc. But the Big Three networks won't be able to avoid the fact that their ongoing…

Jon Voight Discusses His Conservative Views, Tea Parties on FNC's Huck

August 23rd, 2010 5:54 PM
Actor Jon Voight appeared on the August 22 "Huckabee" to discuss, among other things, his conservative activism and the media's misrepresentation of the Tea Party movement. Here's a sample: MIKE HUCKABEE: We heard that there were people yelling racial epithets at some of the members of Congress. Did you hear anything like that?JON VOIGHT:  You know, when you saw this, folks, and you all read…

Former Majority Leader Dick Armey Credits CNBC's Santelli for Sparking

August 19th, 2010 3:33 PM
February 2009 was a pretty dark time for the conservative movement. The arguably most liberal president in the history of the United States has been sworn in to office just weeks early. The Congress had solid Democratic majorities in both chambers. And there were overtures that only way to save the nation from suffering the worst of a downtrodden economy was through an avalanche of costly…

New Attempt at Civil Discourse From the Left: 'F*ck Tea

August 12th, 2010 4:07 PM
A "progressive" political activism campaign has launched a new project apparently aimed at engaging opponents in civil discourse about important issues of the day. Their motto: "F*ck Tea." Setting its sights on the Tea Party movement, the Agenda Project has launched an online store to sell shirts and mugs with the slogan and inform visitors of some statistics about the Tea Parties - none of…

CNN's Cafferty Takes 'Moron' GOP Candidate's Comment Out of Context

August 11th, 2010 6:47 PM
On Wednesday's Situation Room, CNN's Jack Cafferty, following the lead of NBC's Kelly O'Donnell, didn't provide the context of a remark made by Republican Senate candidate in Colorado Ken Buck, thus giving the impression that he was sexist, and went on to label him a "moron."Cafferty began his 5 pm Eastern hour commentary by characterizing Tuesday's primary results as possibly being good news for…