Essay: The Age of Entitlement and Our Just Desserts

April 16th, 2010 3:24 PM
There is a scene in Hamlet when the prince tells Polonius (the Joe Biden of medieval Denmark) to look after the newly arrived theater troop, making sure they are "well used." Polonius sniffs, "My lord, I will use them according to their desert." "God's bodykins, man," snaps Hamlet, "much better: use every man after his desert, and who should 'scape whipping?" Obviously, Polonius and…

Mark Levin Reads From MRC's 'TV's Tea Party Travesty' Study On Air

April 16th, 2010 3:23 PM
On Thursday evening our good friend Mark Levin cited and read from the latest Media Research Center special report, "TV's Tea Party Travesty: How ABC, CBS and NBC Have Dismissed and Disparaged the Tea Party Movement."You can hear that segment by clicking here for the MP3 audio file (courtesy of Levin's producer Richard Semanta).Here's the transcript by MRC intern Alex Fitzsimmons: Where are all…

NYT's Hulse Lets Clinton Smear Tea Party Protests as Lighting Fuse for

April 16th, 2010 1:16 PM
On the eve of the 15th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing, New York Times congressional reporter Carl Hulse, who has in the past proven quite willing to pass along unsubstantiated Democratic accusations of racial epithets hurled by Tea Party protesters, on Friday passed the mike to former President Bill Clinton, who slimed the movement as potentially inspiring similar terrorist acts in "…

Breitbart Rips MSNBC's Brewer; Calls MSM 'Bulls**t Artists' for Covera

April 16th, 2010 8:58 AM
Are the mainstream media playing fast and loose with their coverage of the tea parties and what the tea party activists believe? Andrew Breitbart says they are, and points to accusations of racism.  Breitbart spoke at one of the tea party events held near the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C. on April 15. He said his involvement in the movement began when he realized how the media would…

Boston Globe Highlights Government-Subsidized Hypocrites In Its Tea-Pa

April 16th, 2010 8:24 AM
Some reporters come to Tea Party rallies not so much to cover them as expose them as hypocritical. On Thursday, Boston Globe reporter David Abel began his story on protests starring Sarah Palin in Boston by highlighting the Shirk family, with ten home-schooled kids – and Medicaid health coverage. For the Shirks, it was a day for their children to seek inspiration from Palin and the other speakers…

Media Confusion: Why the Tea Party Protest? Not High Taxes, but Govern

April 16th, 2010 12:58 AM
The media is still having trouble understanding the Tea Party movement and what it is protesting, even though its roots are clear.  On Feb. 19, 2009 during CNBC's "Squawk Box," Rick Santelli made his famous rant heard around the world, calling for a so-called tea party-style revolt. And that helped fuel the growth of a Tea Party movement that has resulted in more than 600 protests this April 15…

Live Webcast: MRC's Rich Noyes on 'The B-Cast' at 5 p.m. EDT; Will Dis

April 15th, 2010 4:40 PM
Media Research Center Research Director Rich Noyes will appear on's "The B-Cast" Web-cast program at 5 p.m. Eastern time today. The NewsBusters senior editor will be discussing his latest report, "TV's Tea Party Travesty: How ABC, CBS and NBC Have Dismissed and Disparaged the Tea Party Movement."You can watch the live Web cast by clicking here or by watching the embedded video below…

AP Item on Tea Party's 'Extremist' Concerns Recycles Racial Slurs Myth

April 15th, 2010 11:38 AM
Soooo predictable, Item 2 (Item 1 from earlier this morning at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog). Reporting from Jefferson City, Missouri, David Lieb of the Associated Press understated the number of people expected to attend rallies through the US ("thousands"), misrepresented a previous March 20 incident involving alleged racial slurs at the U.S. Capitol, and waited until his fourteenth paragraph to…

NY Times Polls Tea Partiers, Finds Them Educated, But Also Angry and I

April 15th, 2010 11:10 AM
Thursday's lead New York Times story on a new poll of Tea Party members (a joint effort by the Times and CBS News) got off to a promising start with a headline that probably truly qualified as news for the paper's liberal readership: "Poll Finds Tea Party Backers Wealthier and More Educated."The story by Kate Zernike and Megan Thee-Brenan also began on an upbeat note (Zernike has evidently taken…

AP's Tea Party News Theme: 'Fringe Groups, Extremists, or Infiltrators

April 15th, 2010 11:03 AM
The tea-party headline at the bottom of the screen early this morning on the local D.C. CBS affiliate WUSA said this: "Tea Party Leaders Anxious About Extremists." The same headline graced an Associated Press story this morning. The theme of the day isn't the burdensome growth of government. It's media bias, piled upon media bias, as AP's David Lieb began:  Organizers of tax-day tea parties are…

How AP Feels About Today's Tea Party Gatherings

April 15th, 2010 9:34 AM
This is sooooo predictable. An unbylined Associated Press item on today's Tea Party Express tour wrap-up in Washington uses a word that the wire service almost never (if not absolutely never) applies to truly violent leftist groups. The Google page carrying the AP report also has an interesting lead "Related article." Here's the brief AP item (produced in full for fair use and discussion…

CNN to Advertisers: We're the Only 'Non-Partisan' Cable Network

April 14th, 2010 3:49 PM
Stuart Elliott of the New York Times's Media Decoder blog reported on Tuesday that CNN, a network known for its consistent liberal bias, is now incredibly touting itself as "the only credible, nonpartisan voice left" on cable television. Elliott noted that this spin was being pitched by the network at a Tuesday morning event for advertisers at the Time Warner Center in New York City.The New York…

Bozell Column: Tea Parties vs. Hard-Left Protests

April 14th, 2010 7:58 AM
In the mind’s eye of the conservative movement, the Tea Party phenomenon right now is maybe the crucial factor in slowing socialism in Washington, on everything from the federal health care takeover to the hidden taxes of cap-and-trade legislation. It’s also a fascinating visual. When was the last time you saw such a spontaneous eruption of conservative grass-roots anger, coast to coast? On both…

Hypocrisy on Stilts: NYT's Krugman Accuses Someone of 'Caricaturing' H

April 13th, 2010 4:19 PM
Aww...New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, respected economist turned talking points purveyor for the left-wing blogosphere, has had his feelings hurt by a fellow Times writer, Andrew Ross Sorkin, and is demanding redress: "Andrew Ross Sorkin Owes Several People An Apology."That's right. Krugman, who has accused the GOP of "eliminationist rhetoric" and global-warming skeptics of "treason…