MRC's Noyes Discusses 'TV's Tea Party Travesty' Study on 'Fox & Friend

April 13th, 2010 3:16 PM
Media Research Center Research Director and NewsBusters senior editor Rich Noyes appeared on this morning's "Fox & Friends" program to discuss "TV's Tea Party Travesty," the MRC's latest special report.Noyes provided statistical data proving the mainstream media's initial lack of coverage and subsequent trashing of the Tea Party movement [MP3 audio available here; video available here]:…

MRC-Radio: Bozell on WMAL's 'Grandy & Andy' Discussing Anti-Tea Party

April 13th, 2010 1:05 PM
"In 2009, with all the activity that took place in 2009, guess how many network news stories were done on the TEA Party," Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell asked the hosts of WMAL radio's "Grandy & Andy Morning Show" at the open of his April 13 interview. [click here or on image above to play MP3 audio, courtesy of WMAL producer Ann Wog] When Bozell -- citing the result of…

MRC Special Report: How the Media Have Dismissed and Disparaged the Te

April 13th, 2010 7:49 AM
The Tea Party movement launched one year ago, in response to the unprecedented expansion of government by President Barack Obama and congressional liberals, a massive increase in spending that will create economy-crushing fiscal burdens for future generations of taxpayers.In that relatively brief period, the Tea Party has demonstrated it is a formidable political force. The pressure the movement…

Newsweek Trots Out Discredited SPLC Lawyer Mark Potok to Decry 'Patrio

April 12th, 2010 6:40 PM
Why does the mainstream media keep trotting out the Boy Who Cried Right-Wing Terrorist? Better known as Mark Potok of the hard-left Southern Poverty Law Center, he has been trumpeted by a number of media outlets seeking to promote the notion that "right-wingers" are lurking behind every corner to overthrow the federal government.The fact that he is consistently wrong about, well, just about…

Video -- Andrew Breitbart Confronts AFL-CIO President Over Political H

April 12th, 2010 12:11 PM

Taxed Too Much Already: Americans Across the Board Agree, Per Rasmusse

April 11th, 2010 10:55 PM
Scott Rasmussen has just completed a poll whose results are not likely to get a lot of coverage from the Associated Press, the New York Times, or the Big 3 networks. Its core finding: Sixty-six percent (66%) believe that America is overtaxed. Only 25% disagree. Ramussen's post contains many other choice nuggets (access to the full results requires a paid subscription). Here are just a few of the…

Bitter AP Report's Absurd Contention: Stupak Was 'Absolutely' Certain

April 11th, 2010 7:20 PM
Associated Press writer John Flesher seems to be one bitter guy. Flesher, along with whoever (possibly Flesher himself) came up with the headline for his Saturday report on Bart Stupak's decision not to run for re-election in Michigan's 1st Congressional District, tells readers that: Tea Partiers are poor winners. The residents of Stupak's district are federal money-grubbers who can be…

Lefty Group Tries to 'Infiltrate' Tea Parties with Offensive Signs - W

April 11th, 2010 4:31 PM
This week, Americans of all political stripes will take to the streets -- so to speak -- to protest what they see as excessive and out of control government spending and intrusion into their daily lives. Among the many Tea Party protesters, however, will be individuals plotting to undermine the peaceful grassroots movement.Blogger Glenn Reynolds spotted today, a website that…

Bozell Column: Resistance Is Futile

April 11th, 2010 1:40 PM
Variety is a Hollywood trade publication, but it can be hard to figure out where the entertainment industry ends and the industry's journalistic apple-polishers begin. Exhibit A is a commentary by Brian Lowry trying to compare the news media's current hate objects -- the tea party tax protesters -- with the entertainment media's hate objects, the activists opposing Hollywood-distributed vulgarity…

WaPo Reader's Advocate Wants More Investigation of Alleged Tea-Party R

April 11th, 2010 9:09 AM
Washington Post ombudsman Andrew Alexander called for more investigation of Democrats' allegations of racial slurs from Tea Party protesters on Capitol Hill, even noting Andrew Breitbart's $100,000 challenge for evidence. He  concluded his Sunday column: Breitbart's $100,000 challenge may be publicity-seeking theater. But it's part of widespread conservative claims that mainstream media,…

Is CNN Reaching Out to Conservatives for Publicity

April 8th, 2010 1:23 AM
In what is generally being interpreted by most as a surprise move, CNN has recently decided to cover the Tea Party movement from an angle foreign to most in the main stream media - combating stereotypes that are heavily promoted by liberals.  There is no doubt that the piece by Shannon Travis, Reporter's notebook: What really happens at Tea Party rallies, deserves credit for being one of the…

Network Morning Shows Skip Coverage of Egg Attack on Tea Partiers, Fox

April 7th, 2010 4:28 PM
The three network morning shows have skipped any coverage of an attack on a Tea Party bus in Harry Reid's Nevada, reportedly by supporters of the Democratic Senator. In contrast, FNC's Fox and Friends alerted viewers to the story on Tuesday. Co-host Steve Doocy explained, "Now, apparently, they have identified who some of the egg throwers are. Turns out, they're supporters of Harry Reid." Doocy…

CNN Producer: Media's Tea Party Stereotypes 'Don't Tell the Whole Stor

April 7th, 2010 3:38 PM
CNN political producer Shannon Travis surprisingly acknowledged that the mainstream media has stereotyped the Tea Party movement in a Wednesday article on "When it comes to the Tea Party movement, the stereotypes don't tell the whole story." Travis continued by emphasizing positive aspects of the nascent grassroots movement and noting the presence of minorities.The producer's article,…

Former ABC Reporter Connects Tea Parties to....Leftist South African B

April 7th, 2010 3:25 PM
Former ABC reporter Kenneth Walker found the strangest connection to alleged Tea Party violence yet: the left-wing African National Congress in South Africa. On The Root, a black-commentary website owned by The Washington Post Company, Walker wrote an article with the headline "South Africa’s version of virulent Tea Party rhetoric is set to music and had both whites and blacks worried." From…