CBS News's Mark Knoller: 'Tea Bagger Protests' Outside Capitol Hill

March 20th, 2010 4:54 PM
[Update, 10:21 am Eastern on Monday: Knoller responded on Sunday on Twitter to the criticism he was receiving online, stating that 'I wasn't aware there was any slur or pejorative associated with that term. The moment it was pointed out, I stopped using it." (H/t: Clay Waters of TimesWatch, Stephen Gutowski of NewsBusters).] CBS News White House correspondent Mark Knoller revived the use of a…

Cheerleaders for ObamaCare: A Year of Slanted Media Coverage

March 18th, 2010 4:29 PM
As the Media Research Center's latest Media Reality Check details, over the past year, the media have served as cheerleaders for ObamaCare, praising the proposed legislation, while continually slamming its critics. As Congress moves closer to a final vote on the bill in the coming days, it's a good time to take a look back at the friendly spin that has dominated the airwaves in support of it, as…

Jeff Toobin Disagrees With L.A. Times on Mrs. Clarence Thomas' Activis

March 15th, 2010 2:17 PM
On Sunday's Newsroom, CNN senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin disputed the conclusion of the Los Angeles Times on the apparently shocking new political initiative of Clarence Thomas's wife Virginia Thomas, that it "could give rise to conflicts of interest for her it tests the norms for judicial spouses." Toobin defended Mrs. Thomas' grassroots conservative work.Anchor Don Lemon…

After Months of Ripping on Tea Parties, CNN Extols 'Coffee Parties

March 12th, 2010 4:39 PM has an article on its website extolling the virtues of the Coffee Party. The glowing language the piece uses to describe the movement stands in stark contrast to the cable network's treatment of Tea Party groups over the past year. CNN doesn't like the Tea Party movement, that much is clear. The cable network's on-air staff and guests have proclaimed it an "anti-government" group of "…

Michael Moore: CNBC's Rick Santelli 'Classist, Bigotist

March 12th, 2010 12:58 PM
Left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore and CNBC's Rick Santelli couldn't be more philosophically opposite. Style of argument differs too: Michael Moore assumes the worst in people that oppose his view. In a March 12 appearance on WNYC 93.9 FM/820 AM's "The Brian Lehrer Show," Moore was asked to react to Rick Santelli's February 2009 call for action against the Obama administration proposal to offer a…

The Short Memory of Rick Sanchez and His Tea Party Coverage

March 10th, 2010 3:14 PM
In an event most likely coordinated with help from the White House, more than 1,000 protesters supporting Obama's radical health care agenda demonstrated in D.C. on March 9, going so far as to attempt a citizen-arrests of health insurance executives holding a conference at a hotel in Dupont Circle. Covering the story on "Rick's List," CNN's Rick "Down the Middle" Sanchez assured viewers he would…

NYT's Zernike Now Admits Coffee Party's Leftism, Sees Hope for Democra

March 8th, 2010 3:34 PM
After ignoring the Tea Party movement for two months, it took the New York Times just one week to jump on the leftish "Coffee Party" in a report by Kate Zernike criticized by Times Watch and others for its gushing tone and for failing to identify the new group as a left-wing opponent of the Tea Party protesters.By contrast, a follow up by Zernike on the front-page of the Sunday Week in Review…

Hanks Mocks Fox

March 5th, 2010 8:49 AM
OK, it was kind of funny, but . . . Of all the networks Tom Hanks might have mocked during a little stunt on Morning Joe today, he just happened to settle on Fox. For good measure, he worked Tea Partiers and Ann Coulter into his mix. [H/t reader Ray R.]Morning Joe had just aired a clip of an actual fistfight that broke out live-on-camera between two TV producers at an Italian TV station. Cut to…

The Phony Rage of Ratigan

March 4th, 2010 9:50 AM
Now, there’s always a scene in zombie movies, when one non-zombie character will turn to another, and say, “If I ever turn into that, I want you to kill me.” Then they make love, and reload. Well, I want you, dear viewer, to make the same promise to me. Except instead of killing me if I become a zombie, I want you to kill me if I ever turn into Dylan Ratigan. I am not joking. If you see symptoms…

CNN Omits 'Coffee Party' Founder's Past as Obama Volunteer

March 3rd, 2010 11:44 AM
John Roberts and Kiran Chetry omitted mentioning that Annabel Park, the founder of the so-called Coffee Party, worked as a volunteer for President Barack Obama's presidential campaign, during an interview on Wednesday's American Morning. The anchors also didn't mention Park's past work for the liberal New York Times.Roberts and Chetry interviewed the Coffee Party USA founder at the bottom of the…

CNN's Rick Sanchez Again Hints Rick Perry is a Racist

March 2nd, 2010 7:15 PM
On Tuesday's Rick's List on CNN, Rick Sanchez again hinted that Texas Governor Rick Perry is a racist. Sanchez, reacting to the distinct possibility that Perry would win the Republican gubernatorial primary, referenced a comment he made at a tea party rally in 2009: "He was talking about states' rights. States' rights is, to most people of color, a racist term" [audio clip available here].The CNN…

Ratigan Goes Nuts: Accuses Tea Party Organizer of Including People who

March 2nd, 2010 5:49 PM
You almost need a flak jacket to go on an MSNBC show these days - at least judging by the rapid fire attacks displayed on the March 2 "The Dylan Ratigan Show." Either host Dylan Ratigan was trying to play to MSNBC's  rabid liberal audience or he really has it in for the Tea Party movement based on some exaggerated notion it is nothing but hate and fear mongers. In an interview with Mark…

Time's Joe Klein Gleeful Over Bunning Stand; Sees 'Reactionary Radical

March 2nd, 2010 4:15 PM
"Jim Bunning is doing all of us a favor," Time's Joe Klein tells his Swampland blog readers in a post published last night. Gee, Joe, is that because his stand is exposing the hypocrisy of Democrats who often preach the virtue of pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) budget rules? Of course not. Instead, Klein sees a potential anti-GOP blowback as Republicans show themselves to be positively out of touch with…

MSNBC Highlights 'Right-wing Fringe' Tea Partiers and Their 'Threat' t

March 2nd, 2010 12:36 PM
MSNBC host David Shuster on Tuesday touted the threat that "right-wing fringe candidates" could pose to "more mainstream Republican" politicians. The segment, which aired on News Live, identified tea party candidates as "fringe" three times. While Shuster was introducing reporter Luke Russert, an MSNBC graphic hyperbolically derided, "Conservatives Target Their Own Fringe." After Russert…