Surprise: Three Out of Four 'Chris Matthews Show' Panelists Say Tea Pa

March 28th, 2010 9:29 PM
Perhaps tuning in to NBC's "The Chris Matthews Show" isn't high on your list of priorities, outside of wanting the chance to catch Dan Rather suggest something bizarre like President Barack Obama couldn't sell watermelons. However, if you had watched the March 28 broadcast of the program, you would have found the show's roster of panelists think the Tea Party movement is a black mark on the…

CNN Lowballs Nevada Tea Party Event: 'Hundreds of People, at Least Doz

March 27th, 2010 8:42 PM
If the media outlets are going to report on tea party events, they're not likely to get any benefit of the doubt much of the time. Case in point - at the Tea Party Express event on March 27 in Searchlight, Nev., which former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin spoke, CNN's Fredricka Whitfield wasn't quite prepared to give the rally credit it was due as far as participation. She estimated that hundreds, but…

Mika Brzezinski's Revelation: Too Much Focus on 'One or Two' Crazies i

March 26th, 2010 2:50 PM
If you've tuned on the news, specifically MSNBC, you don't have to watch for very long to see the network views focusing on fringe elements of the right as a newsworthy endeavor. However, as MSNBC "Morning Joe" co-host Mika Brzezinski suggested, discretion should be exercised with the amount of attention given to these radical components of the opposition to President Barack Obama's health…

Time's Alex Altman: Republicans 'Implicitly Validate' Anger Spurring V

March 25th, 2010 6:06 PM
Republicans are escalating political violence against Democrats by not shutting up with their insipid anti-ObamaCare talking points. That seems to be the argument of Time magazine writer Alex Altman, at least. Altman denounced what he held to be “The GOP Response to the Intimidation Campaign Against Democrat” in the magazine’s Swampland blog today. Of course, that headline presupposes that…

CNN's Sanchez Asks: Are U.S. 'Zealots' Similar to Al Qaeda, Taliban

March 25th, 2010 3:01 PM
Not content with simply reporting on threats against lawmakers who voted for ObamaCare, the liberal media has taken it upon itself (with a bit of direction from the Democratic Party) to blame the Tea Party and the GOP. The coverage stands in stark contrast to the litany of similar instances involving conservatives and Republicans. They were treated as isolated incidents, if discussed at all.CNN's…

CNN Condemns Threats Against Pro-ObamaCare Reps, 'Death of a President

March 25th, 2010 2:44 PM
On Thursday's American Morning, CNN's John Roberts repeatedly decried the "troubling language" against pro-ObamaCare congressman which "violate any sense of common decency." But his own program over three years earlier helped promote a controversial 2006 movie which forwarded an imaginary assassination attempt against then-President George W. Bush.Just after the top of the 6 am Eastern hour,…

CBS: Health Care Debate 'Gets Ugly,' GOP Using 'Violent Rhetoric and I

March 25th, 2010 12:52 PM
At the top of Thursday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez proclaimed: "The health care debate gets ugly as Democrats who voted for reform report violence and death threats." In a report that followed, correspondent Nancy Cordes promoted left-wing talking points blaming the GOP: "Democrats accuse Republicans of stoking the anger with violent rhetoric and imagery."As one example of the…

ABC Frets That 'Angry Talk' From Sarah Palin, Boehner 'Could Push a De

March 25th, 2010 12:21 PM
Good Morning America on Thursday worried about the possible violence Sarah Palin's Twitter page could cause to Democrats who voted for the health care bill. Guest host Bill Weir interviewed Barney Frank and fretted, "Some on the left have also been pointing to Sarah Palin's Twitter message encouraging her followers to 'Do not retreat. Instead, reload.'"He ominously explained to viewers, "And her…

NYT's Hulse Passes Along Dems Points on Violent, Racist Protests, Even

March 25th, 2010 11:30 AM
In the lead story of Thursday's National section, New York Times congressional correspondent (and Times Watch favorite) Carl Hulse quickly put the Times's stamp of approval on Democrat attempts to discredit anti-Obama-care protesters as violent racists in “After Health Vote, Democrats Are Threatened With Violence.” He even drug Internet images from the RNC and Sarah Palin into the mix. By…

Nets Lead with ‘Ugly’ and ‘Menacing’ ObamaCare Opponents Fuele

March 25th, 2010 9:48 AM
Sounding more like MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann than impartial newscasts, ABC, CBS and NBC all led Wednesday night by legitimizing Democratic talking points meant to discredit critics of the just-passed health care bill. “Opposition to health care turns menacing,” ABC’s Diane Sawyer warned. CBS teased with audio clips -- “Baby-murdering scumbag,”“You are a dirtbag” and “I hope you die…

Sanchez Hints GOP, 'Crazy Talk Show Hosts' to Blame For Violent Threat

March 24th, 2010 5:26 PM
CNN's Rick Sanchez repeatedly insinuated on his Rick's List program on Wednesday that Republican leaders and "crazy talk show hosts that are so right wing" were to blame for ten congressman requesting extra security earlier in the day: "Are some Republicans culpable of stirring this, to a certain degree?"Sanchez led the 3 pm Eastern hour of his program with House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn and…

Bozell: Media Display Disgusting and Cowardly Behavior in Covering Tea

March 23rd, 2010 2:40 PM
The crescendo of bigotry by the left-wing media against the Tea Party movement reached a disgusting pinnacle yesterday with MSNBC anchor Keith Olbermann indicting the entire movement as being homophobic racists based on the actions of a few fringe protestors.The media coverage from other networks - particularly ABC and CBS - the past few days has followed suit, attributing to the millions of…

NYT's Hulse Links Obama-Care Protests to Violent Racists of Civil Righ

March 22nd, 2010 3:16 PM
Racists against Obama-care? New York Times congressional reporter Carl Hulse didn't take it quite that far, but he made a point to juxtapose protests against Obama-care to violent 1960s-era protests against black civil rights, as personalized in the main subject of Hulse's Monday piece, civil rights icon and Democratic Congressman John Lewis: "Mr. Lewis said he was not intimidated as he walked to…

Washington Post Cheapens 'Code Red' Anti-ObamaCare Rally with 'Hundred

March 20th, 2010 8:13 PM
Is The Washington Post playing favorites with causes that inspire people to exercise their First Amendment rights and take to the streets to protest? When it comes to opposition to Democratic efforts to reform health care versus opposition to wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, it appears so. In a March 20 Washington Post story headlined "Obama delivers plea to 'help us fix this system,'" Ben Pershing…