MSNBC’s Ratigan: Tea Party Includes ‘Birthers,’ ‘Open Racists

February 11th, 2010 4:15 PM
On Monday’s ‘The Dylan Ratigan Show’ on MSNBC, host Dylan Ratigan began the program by ranting: “The tea party has a bit of an integrity problem, as everybody from birthers, to open racists, to outright Nazis are actually on the team. And no one involved, including its leadership, seems to mind that fact.”     To justify his outrageous smear of the political movement, Ratigan cited one woman who…

Film Critic Roger Ebert Doubles Down on Twitter-trashing His 'Teabagge

February 10th, 2010 1:33 PM
"I’m reminded the term Teabaggers is pornographic. Didn’t know that until MSM told me. Let’s face it: The Baggers own it now." — The latest from Roger Ebert’s [depicted at left in 2003 file photo at right] Twitter, presumably in response to this. Ebert’s seen a lot of films but obviously hasn’t learned very much from them. When he disappeared into the hospital for all those months, those of us…

Olbermann Paints ‘Tea Klux Klan’ as Wanting to Bring Back Jim Crow

February 9th, 2010 9:34 PM
On Tuesday’s Countdown show, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann highlighted suggestions by former Republican Congressman Tom Tancredo that there should be civics literacy testing for registered voters made at the recent Tea Party convention, which Olbermann referred to as the "Tea Klux Klan," and painted Tea Party activists as wanting to deny minorities the right to vote using the tactics of the Jim Crow…

Cafferty Revisits His Palin Derangement Syndrome, But Slams Obama Too

February 9th, 2010 12:10 PM
CNN’s Jack Cafferty returned to bashing Sarah Palin, one of his favorite subjects of scorn, on Monday’s Situation Room, but also slammed President Obama and top Democrats again for their closed-door negotiations on health care “reform.” Cafferty, along with anchor Wolf Blitzer, poked fun of Palin for writing talking points on her hand prior to her Tea Party Convention speech.The CNN commentator…

Former Time Columnist: Palin Attacks 'People Who Actually Know Somethi

February 8th, 2010 9:00 PM
The Washington Post website today linked to its sister site of black political analysis, The Root, where former Time magazine editor and columnist Jack White asserted Sarah Palin's "tea party speech revived the ancient practice of attacking people who actually know something." White painted Palin (and conservatives) as unthinking. Like many liberals, he doesn’t grasp that what conservative…

Slate's Kaplan: Tea Parties Don't Amount to Much; Blasts GOP, Palin

February 8th, 2010 8:45 PM
On Monday’s Rick’s List program on CNN, Slate’s Fred Kaplan attacked Republicans for politicizing national security, accused the GOP of being in an alternate reality, and blasted Sarah Palin for “talking...complete and utter nonsense.” Kaplan also wrote off the tea parties as not a “mass movement,” and, along with anchor Rick Sanchez, accused Palin of forwarding “anti-intellectualism.”The Slate…

Surprise: NYT's Kate Zernike Turns Out Fair Story on Tea Party Convent

February 8th, 2010 6:03 PM
New York Times reporter Kate Zernike's coverage of the first National Tea Party Convention in Nashville made Sunday's front page: “At Tea Party Meeting, Looking to Forge a Full-Fledged Movement.”Zernike is best known to NYT bias hunters for her last-helicopter-out-of-Saigon defense of 2004 Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry against a group of fellow Vietnam veterans who questioned his…

Liberal Condescension Evident in Tea Party Coverage

February 8th, 2010 5:13 PM
Since Tea Party protests became an influential movement on the national scene last year, the left in general and the liberal media in particular have tried (unsuccessfully) to render it irrelevant in the eyes of the American people. By throwing around accusations of racism and dire warnings of impending violence, these pundits have tried, unsuccessfully to undermine the movement.University of…

How Conservatives Found Twitter and the Evolution of '#TCOT' According

February 8th, 2010 9:27 AM
If you're a follower of conservative politics and also a user of the social networking tool Twitter, you've more than likely have noticed the use of "#tcot," for "top conservatives on Twitter" associated with certain posts that pertain to that subject matter. But it all didn't happen by accident. In the early stages, it was a concerted effort. And most of it was because of the work of Michael…

Rick Sanchez Omits Party of Convicted Democrat, IDs Tancredo’s Party

February 5th, 2010 4:55 PM
CNN’s Rick Sanchez failed to mention the party affiliation of former Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon on Friday’s Rick’s List program, but made every effort to identify former Congressman Tom Tancredo as a Republican. Sanchez ranked Tancredo higher on his “List You Don’t Want to Be On” for his remarks at the Tea Party Convention, despite Dixon’s conviction for illegally using donated gift cards for…

CNN's Acosta: Tea Partiers are 'Recession-Raging Conservatives

February 3rd, 2010 3:54 PM
[Update, 5:24 pm Eastern: Audio and video clips from Acosta’s report added.]CNN’s Jim Acosta continued his network’s bias against tea party protesters on Wednesday’s American Morning by depicting them as “recession raging,” and questioned one participant over her depiction of President Obama as the personification of death: “Do you think having the President dressed up as the Grim Reaper is a…

Santelli: Media's Coverage of Economy, Tea Parties 'Very Much Lacking

February 3rd, 2010 3:46 PM
Rick Santelli is the star of perhaps the most politically consequential online video, viral to the extreme, of the past year (right). On February 19, 2009 he let loose on the Obama administration's economic policies on CNBC's "Squawk Box", calling for a "tea party", and inspiring millions of Americans to speak out against what he and many others see as collectivist economics policies pursued by…

WaPo Runs Front-Page Story on New Media Conservatives -- Stuffed with

February 1st, 2010 9:49 AM
Monday's Washington Post has a front page story by Jerry Markon on the building "anti-Obama" conservative movement in the New Media, easing conservative complaints that the movement doesn't get much ink. MRC's Brent Bozell came in at the very end (saving the best for last?) as Markon mentioned Greg Mueller, the head of our PR firm, CRC Public Relations:  Among CRC's clients is L. Brent Bozell III…

Ronald Reagan Would Be 'Unamused' by Tea Parties, Says Liberal Son

January 27th, 2010 2:44 PM
Since Ron Reagan, son of former President Ronald Reagan, would probably be the first to admit his political view are widely divergent from his father's it seems strange that he would put words in the Gipper's mouth about current events.   However, the younger Reagan spoke for his father on HLN's Jan. 26 "The Joy Behar Show." Host Joy Behar asked Reagan what his father would have thought about…