CNBC's Santelli Reacts to NYTimes Label of Tea Party 'Heroes and Inspi

January 25th, 2010 4:36 PM
It's curious to see people in the mainstream media try to make sense of the Tea Party movement. The New York Times, which once called the Tea Parties a psychological phenomenon rather than a political movement, has now changed its tune. In the wake of the stunning upset by Scott Brown in the Jan. 19 Massachusetts special election to fill the seat vacated by Ted Kennedy's death, the Times is…

MSNBC’s David Shuster Tweets His Attacks on ‘Teabaggers’ and The

January 21st, 2010 4:57 PM
MSNBC host David Shuster on Wednesday used his Twitter account to repeatedly slam "teabaggers" and their "teabag leader." Shuster was defending a segment he hosted on MSNBC where he derided the "far-right" elements of the tea party movement. Writing on Twitter he derided, "Highly amusing to see teabaggers claim [Scott] Brown a [sic] referendum on Obama...when Brown himself denied it and distanced…

NBC's David Gregory Realizes What Tea Parties Are All About

January 20th, 2010 5:46 PM
A small group of liberal talking heads may be realizing that opposition to Obama is not, in fact, wholly irrational. Though it would be a bit too hasty to proclaim it a trend among the mainstream media, it has been a refreshing break from the smears usually hurled at the right by the nation's pundits. First was Chris Matthews, who stunningly turned right and voiced his concern about an…

Carol Costello: Republicans Fomented 'Fear and Confusion Among Voters

January 20th, 2010 4:28 PM
CNN’s Carol Costello reminisced enthusiastically about President Obama’s inauguration a year ago on Tuesday’s American Morning, highlighting how, at the time, “the hearts of millions of Americans were ready to burst- with a Woodstock kind of love.” Costello also took a shot at Republicans, stating that they “used the President’s strategy [on health care] to create fear and confusion among voters…

'Bubbles' Brzezinski Picks a Favorite Founding Father: Lincoln

January 14th, 2010 4:56 PM
Via Ed Morrisey at, we find out what you get when you cross a liberal, with a blonde, and a person of Polish heritage: Mika "Bubbles" Brzezinski.Coming back from commercial this morning at the MSNBC Clown Kingdom, the bump-in video clip was one of Sarah Palin’s interview with Glenn Beck.  Palin stated that it took all of the Founders to come up with the Constitution, but that George…

FNC’s Kennedy Claims ‘Anti-Semitism’ in ‘Tea Bag’ Movement

January 9th, 2010 5:37 PM
On Saturday's Fox News Watch, panel member and FNC correspondent Douglas Kennedy referred to Tea Party members as the "Tea Bag movement," prompting admonishment from host Jon Scott who pointed out that he was using the "pejorative" term. In the next segment, Kennedy went on to accuse Tea Party members of anti-Semitism and linked Obama/Hitler posters to Tea Party members, leading panel member Jim…

Taxpayer-Funded Immaturity: NPR Teaches Readers 'To Speak Tea Bag

January 4th, 2010 8:39 PM
If there was ever any doubt National Public Radio had a political slant, check out the animated video posted on the network's Web site. That should clear up any doubt. This video dated Nov. 12, 2009 was created by Mark Fiore, a political animator, who NPR reports is described by The Wall Street Journal as "the undisputed guru of the form." The video demonstrates for viewers how to speak "tea bag…

Santelli Condemns Networks for Ignoring Removal of 'Pig Slop' Cap on F

December 29th, 2009 2:52 PM
While much of the national media was focused on a Christmas Eve Senate vote to pass health care reform legislation, the Obama administration's Treasury Department was tending to other business that will have serious implications for the U.S. economy. But did anyone notice? As Zachary Goldfarb reported for The Washington Post on Christmas Day, the Obama Treasury said it would lift the limits on…

Chicago Trib's Page Claims 'Teabagger' Label 'Asked For'; Calls Fox Ne

December 28th, 2009 1:19 PM
UPDATE: Page responds to NewsBusters in Chicago Tribune blog post. The bitterness toward the tea party movement continues to go on and on. Case in point - Chicago Tribune columnist Clarence Page, who on the Dec. 27 broadcast of "The McLaughlin Group," deemed it "The Most Defining Political Moment" of 2009, but refused to call it the "tea party." Instead, he granted the movement the preferred…

Mitchell Hails Success of 'Obama Doctrine,' Palin's Wallace-Like Appea

December 27th, 2009 4:56 PM
As the lone journalist on Sunday's Meet the Press roundtable (with Newt Gingrich, Michael Bloomberg and Deval Patrick), NBC's Andrea Mitchell insisted the “Obama Doctrine” has “borne fruit,” but “it is not perceived yet” -- though the President has already “united the world behind the United States.” Citing all those who “camped out” for the Sarah Palin book signings, Mitchell denigrated her…

MSNBC Derides Tea Party Activism in 'Angry White Voters' Segment as Fa

December 24th, 2009 8:26 PM
In keeping with the tradition of the holidays - the minds at MSNBC, the place for politics if you're of the lefty persuasion, decided rate the top 10 political stories of the decade. And leading this gang of masters of the political journalism universe was "Hardball" host Chris Matthews, who on the broadcast of his Dec. 24 program, announced that conservative activism, mainly the tea party…

Maddow Invents New Terms to Degrade Conservatives: GOP-Baggers, Tea-Pu

December 23rd, 2009 10:07 AM
On Dec. 22, when Rep. Parker Griffith of Alabama announced he would be switching from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party, it was to be expected MSNBC, the so-called "Place for Politics" would spin it in anyway imaginable. But Rachel Maddow decided to use the left's favorite boogeyman, the tea party movement, to denigrate conservatives and distract from what could be real problems for…

MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' Runs Sen. Whitehouse's 'Aryan' Accusation -- Bar

December 22nd, 2009 12:36 PM
The Republican minority in the Senate found an unlikely defender today: MSNBC’s Morning Joe co-host, Mika Brzezinski.Yesterday, the Brew Crew played the video for the Democrat talking point attack on Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), but omitted the ghoulish statement by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.):They [the GOP] are desperate to break this president. They have ardent supporters who are nearly…

CNBC's Santelli: High Tea Party Polling Data Good for U.S. Dollar

December 17th, 2009 5:36 PM
It's often said markets function better when there is gridlock in Washington, D.C. because there's less of a chance for government will interfere in the private sector, creating a sense of security. But in this day and time, that theory applies to the U.S. dollar as well. On CNBC's Dec. 17 "Squawk Box," CNBC Chicago Mercantile Exchange reporter Rick Santelli debated what was causing the recent…