Tea Party Movement Tops Established Parties in NBC/WSJ Poll Despite Bi

December 17th, 2009 1:50 PM
Yesterday at NewsBusters, Geoffrey Dickens documented the furor of MSNBC's Chris Mathews over the results of an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll (PDF). Specifically, Mathews was irked that the Tea Party Movement (TPM) was viewed quite a bit more favorably than the two major political parties by those polled (VP=Very Positive; SP=Somewhat Positive; N=Neutral; SN=Somewhat Negative; VN=Very Negative;…

Media Amnesiacs Suddenly Appalled at Hitler Comparisons

November 30th, 2009 5:10 PM
A liberal Washington Post columnist laments today of the loss of civility in the public discourse. Strange that he is suddenly outraged that Americans would dare call Obama a socialist or a fascist, given that Bush-Hitler comparisons were widespread during the previous administration.Liberals in the media spent the summer and early fall bemoaning signs at town hall protests and tea party rallies…

Suzanne Malveaux Latest to Use Vulgar 'Teabagger' Label on CNN

November 23rd, 2009 6:53 PM
On Monday’s Situation Room, Suzanne Malveaux became the latest CNN personality to use the offensive “teabagger” label to describe opponents of ObamaCare. Malveaux asked senior political analyst Gloria Borger, “Do we expect to see the kinds of big rallies and...the circus atmosphere that we saw...over the summer when you were talking about controversial policy, ‘teabaggers’ and all that other…

CNN Again Touts Apparent Rise in Militia Activity

November 16th, 2009 2:34 PM
On Monday’s American Morning, CNN’s Jim Acosta rehashed a three-month-old report from the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center about the apparent rise in militia activity in the U.S., and extensively featured a militia from Michigan whose members purportedly “could not specify which of their constitutional rights are being peeled away.”Acosta didn’t use any specific ideological labels to…

CBS’s Schieffer: Sarah Palin ‘An Amusement;’ No Political Future

November 16th, 2009 12:09 PM
Appearing on Monday’s CBS Early Show to discuss Sarah Palin’s upcoming book tour, Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer dismissed the former vice presidential candidate’s political ambitions: “I think she’s going to sell a lot of books. I think she’ll be a great attraction out, you know, as an amusement....But I can’t imagine that she has much future in politics. I really don’t.”Early Show co-host…

NYT Columnists Who Blamed Conservatives for 'Right-Wing' Killings Igno

November 13th, 2009 4:12 PM
Back in June, liberal columnists at the New York Times lined up to link conservative talkers Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh to James von Brunn, the 88-year-old man who killed a security guard at the Holocaust Museum, and the murder by Scott Roeder of abortionist George Tiller.Columnists Paul Krugman and Judith Warner both weighed in on June 12.Krugman’s “The Big Hate” blamed Fox…

Larry King Questions Al Gore About 'Right Wing,' Palin; Hails Gore Boo

November 13th, 2009 3:30 PM
Just over a week after using the term “far right” three times in a row in one night, CNN’s Larry King used the term “right wing” three times during an interview of Al Gore on his program on Thursday. King first questioned Gore about “the rise of the right wing” and “right wing radio” in the context of the health care debate, and later asked the former vice president, “ Is the right wing bigger…

What Have We Come To When The President Slurs Those Who Disagree

November 12th, 2009 9:11 AM
The left has gotten a lot of "giggles" over the term "teabaggers" in describing Americans who attend the tea parties. For those of you who don't know, teabagging is a perverse sexual term. It is interesting to me that the left not only knew the term, but seemed very comfortable using it. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised.Those having the most fun have been CNN's Anderson Cooper, Rachel…

Olbermann: Obama 'Target of Racism from Right,' 'Hated' for Being 'Bla

November 10th, 2009 11:18 AM
On Monday's Countdown show, responding to Mississippi Republican Governor Haley Barbour's recent contention on NBC's Meet the Press that President Obama has personal popularity -- based partially on being the first black President -- that is separate from the unpopularity of Obama's policies, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann labeled Barbour's words as "incoherent," and charged that President Obama is…

NYT's Krugman Quotes 1960s Song Proving ObamaCare Opponents' Point

November 9th, 2009 1:31 PM
Isn't that Paul Krugman clever? The title of his latest op-ed ("Paranoia Strikes Deep") quotes a line, presumably deliberately, from a 1960s protest song many consider one of the opening shots in that decade's protest movement. Before he got cute with his title, Krugman should have gone to the song's full lyrics, as they only serve to prove that what he describes as paranoia is, based on what is…

Olbermann to 'House Call' Organizers: Pay 'Black Faces,' 'Brown Faces

November 5th, 2009 9:18 PM
Leave to a brilliant mind like Keith Olbermann, who finally decided to show his face on live TV after Nov. 3's Democratic defeat, to throw a temper tantrum about the public display of opposition to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's that occurred on the west lawn of the U.S. Capitol on Nov.5. After Olbermann and Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson all but declared Rep. Michele Bachmann, R…

CNN's Martin: Dems are a 'Big Tent,' GOP Risks 'Fringe' Status

November 3rd, 2009 4:32 PM
CNN’s Roland Martin picked up where Anderson Cooper left off on Monday’s AC360, claiming that there’s “the beginnings of a civil war” in the GOP and that Tea Party protesters “want to radicalize the right” in the party. Martin also claimed that the Democrats are more of a “big tent” than Republicans: “You have a Democratic Party that has no problem having liberal...moderate...and conservative…

CNN: Palin, Tea Party Protesters 'Driving Moderates Out of GOP

November 3rd, 2009 2:11 PM
On Monday’s AC360, CNN’s Anderson Cooper forwarded the media’s new talking point about the New York 23 congressional race, that “Tea Party protesters and other conservative voices are...driving moderates out of the GOP.” Correspondent Tom Foreman continued on this note, stating that “angry conservatives...[are] forcing the party to choose between...its base and attracting more moderate Americans…

CNN's Crowley: NY 23's Hoffman the Choice of 'Tea Bag Partyers

November 2nd, 2009 6:14 PM
CNN’s Candy Crowley made an oblique reference to her colleague Anderson Cooper’s infamous “teabagger” remark on Monday’s Situation Room. As she reported on the race in New York’s 23rd congressional district, Crowley referred to Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman as “the choice of many on the right, including Sarah Palin, former House leader Dick Armey and ‘tea bag partyers’” [audio clips…