MTV Writer Makes Racial 'Joke' About Asian Grandkid of Sessions

January 10th, 2017 1:13 PM
On Tuesday, Ira Madison III, culture writer for MTV News, launched a multi-post rant on Twitter attacking Senator Jeff Sessions during his attorney general confirmation hearing with a racially-charged Tweet about the Alabama Republican's multi-racial granddaughter: "Sessions, sir, kindly return this Asian baby to the Toys 'R' Us you stole her from." Madison added in a later post that the child…

Nets Hype Dems Testifying Against Sessions Over Racism Allegations

January 10th, 2017 1:09 PM
On Tuesday, the network morning shows were thrilled by the prospect of Democratic lawmakers testifying against Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions during the confirmation hearing for the Donald Trump cabinet pick. However, none of the broadcasts bothered to recall that those same Democrats once eagerly worked with the Alabama senator on civil rights issues.

NYT Front Spreads Fears 'Throwback' Sessions Would Wreck Civil Rights

January 9th, 2017 6:25 PM
Would an Attorney General Jeff Sessions wreck civil rights? Several newspapers seem to think so, including Monday’s New York Times, which tried to poison the well against him as his confirmation looms. The long front-page profile of Sen. Sessions of Alabama, Donald Trump’s pick for attorney general, hid its hostility and labeling slant under the benign headline, “Bonding by Bucking the…

Nets Hype ‘Confirmation Chaos,’ ‘Head-Spinning’ Hearing Schedule

January 9th, 2017 4:28 PM
On Monday, all three network morning shows parroted Democrats’ complaints that confirmation hearings for Donald Trump’s cabinet nominees were being scheduled at too fast a pace and promoted fears that the President-elect’s picks may be plagued by scandals that had yet to be discovered.

Williams Links Trump and 'White Nationalists' to Chicago Torture

January 9th, 2017 1:15 PM
During the panel discussion on the January 8 episode of Fox News Sunday, Juan Williams claimed that last week's torture of a mentally handicapped white man by four black adults "stirs up racial tensions already hot from the campaign rhetoric of Donald Trump," and that "white nationalists" would see this as an excuse to "legitimize acts of white racism." After the panel spent a couple of minutes…

Kantor Lauds Obama's ‘Above the Fray, Unifying, Nonpartisan Tone'

January 9th, 2017 1:06 PM
Fresh off her glowing column on Sunday polishing First Lady Michelle Obama’s apple, author and New York Times correspondent Jodi Kantor appeared on Monday’s CBS This Morning to similarly praise President Obama for being “a big believer in taking a kind of above the fray, unifying, nonpartisan tone.”

Univisión pasa por alto a la primera congresista por Puerto Rico

January 9th, 2017 10:04 AM
Univisión entró al nuevo año con un tropiezo. Volvió a mostrar su ceguera cuando se trata no solamente de conservadores sino también de noticias relacionadas con el segundo segmento más numeroso de la población hispano-estadounidense de la nación: los puertorriqueños.

Tammy Bruce Slams Obama for Funding Anti-Netanyahu Meddling in Israel

January 8th, 2017 7:01 PM
Following the release of the intelligence report detailing Russia’s meddling in the U.S. election late last week, the Sunday morning shows were all abuzz with commentary with most of it critical of President-elect Donald Trump. But things were slightly different on CBS’ Face the Nation where radio host Tammy Bruce ripped in President Barack Obama for his meddling in the democratic election in…

CNBC’s Santelli Calls Out Chuck Todd for Picking Sides in Election

January 8th, 2017 2:31 PM
Sparks flew on the set of NBC’s Meet the Press Sunday morning as CNBC’s Rick Santelli accused moderator Chuck Todd of picking sides during the election. The confrontation occurred during a conversation about Russian meddling in the election and claims that intercepted communications showing their glee for Donald Trump’s victory. “To see Russians happy because Trump won: On election night, I never…

Libs Concede Success of Tea Party, Now Emulate it to Oppose Trump

January 8th, 2017 1:03 PM
It's taken the better part of a decade, but the tea party is finally getting some respect from a cable network that has long demonized it. The few conservatives inclined to cringe through a broadcast of MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Show on Jan. 4 were surely surprised to hear both its host and one of her guests say flattering things about tea partiers.

Clinton Lackey Gushes with Obama About Life in the White House

January 8th, 2017 11:15 AM
ABC’s resident Clinton insider George Stephanopoulos kicked off a special edition of This Week on Sunday with what he billed as President Barack Obama’s “exit interview.” As would be expected, the entire hour show was dedicated to their conversation with much of it set up to help Obama frame his legacy. But the interview started out slow with Stephanopoulos asking fluffy questions about life in…

Nation Columnist: Media Stumped By ‘Compulsive Liar’ Trump

January 7th, 2017 1:41 PM
Bill Clinton was, in the words of one of his competitors for the 1992 Democratic nomination, “an unusually good liar,” but for Eric Alterman, a critical mass of mendacity in presidential politics didn’t develop until 2016. Alterman thinks it explains the mainstream media’s response to POTUS-elect Donald Trump. “Mainstream journalists are used to collaborating with politicians to tell the truth a…

PBS's Mark Shields Scolds Trump for Daring to Mock Chuck Schumer

January 7th, 2017 9:13 AM
On Friday's week-in-review segment on the PBS NewsHour, everyone was disparaging Donald Trump -- anchor Judy Woodruff, liberal analyst Mark Shields, and pseudo-conservative David Brooks. They mocked Trump as childish for calling Sen. Charles Schumer the "head clown" of the Democrats. Shields weirdly lectured: "Chuck Schumer is a proud and able and dedicated and skillful leader, and you don’t want…

MSNBC Panel: Dems Need More Time to Grill ‘Bigot’ Sessions

January 6th, 2017 12:56 AM
MSNBC’s ever pleasant Joy Reid set her sights on Republican Senator Jeff Sessions on All In Thursday, with the usual accusation if racism. Reid and her panel of leftists were up in arms that congressional Republicans would only allow two days and four Democratic witnesses for Sessions’ attorney general confirmation hearing. “They have asked for more time because Jeff Sessions hasn't completed his…