
Nets Ignore Obama’s Fact Twisting Farewell Letter to Nation

January 5th, 2017 10:46 PM
National Intelligence Director James Clapper’s testimony about Russian meddling in the U.S. election Thursday, gave network news all the cover they needed to avoid mentioning President Barack Obama’s goodbye letter to the country. And all of the fact manipulation therein. “While President Obama's letter to the American people aimed to spotlight his legacy and achievement, it may have missed the…

Ahead of Trump, the MSM Get Busy Revising Their Glossary of Terms

January 5th, 2017 2:24 PM
Yesterday, the Washington Post ran a story on President-elect Donald Trump’s cabinet nominees that began this way: "Democratic senators plan to aggressively target eight of Donald Trump’s Cabinet nominees in the coming weeks and are pushing to stretch their confirmation votes into March — an unprecedented break with Senate tradition."

ABC, NBC Arrive on Chicago Torture Vid; CBS Censors Race of Attackers

January 5th, 2017 1:13 PM
On Thursday, ABC and NBC aired their first reports on the beyond disturbing Facebook video of a racially-tinged attack by African American young adults on a mentally-disabled white man in Chicago. Good Morning America and Today, along with CBS This Morning, aired full reports on the heinous kidnapping and torture. All of the morning newscasts featured the "anti-Trump rhetoric," as Today put it,…

MSNBC’s ‘All In’ Rewrites History of the Passing of ObamaCare

January 5th, 2017 1:02 AM
MSNBC’s Joy Reid apparently believes that the memory of the American public is so horrendous, that she actually attempted to rewrite the history of the passing of ObamaCare on Wednesday’s All In in an attempt to smear the GOP. “Republicans have been saying for SO LONG that they're going to repeal and replace, repeal and replace,” she exclaimed to Democratic strategist Jess McIntosh, “It's just…

CBS Spotlights Anti-Jeff Sessions Protest at His Alabama Office

January 4th, 2017 10:18 PM
Wednesday evening appeared to be CBS’s turn to hype the sit-in protest, orchestrated by the NAACP, at Senator Jeff Sessions’ office in Mobile, Alabama, after ABC was the sole network reporting it that morning. “Six arrests were made last night when protesters from the NAACP staged a sit-in at Jeff Sessions' senate office in Alabama,” announced fill-in anchor Josh Elliott during the lead-in, “They…

ABC, CNN Hype NAACP's Anti-Jeff Sessions Sit-In

January 4th, 2017 1:12 PM
CNN's Wolf Blitzer boosted the NAACP's protest of Senator Jeff Sessions at his office in Mobile, Alabama. Blitzer set aside over five and a half minutes of air time on Tuesday's Situation Room to an interview of the liberal organization's president, and gave him a platform to attack the attorney general nominee. The NAACP leader even likened his sit-in to the famous 1965 civil rights march over…

MSNBC’s Melber Paints Trump as Danger to First Amendment

January 4th, 2017 12:54 AM
MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber was hosting on All In Tuesday night when he smeared President-elect Donald Trump as a threat to the First Amendment. Melber’s fear stemmed from an incident that occurred over the weekend where Trump kicked author Harry Hurt III off of one his golf courses, “Because of a grudge over Hurt's 1993 biography of Trump, Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J…

Nets Finally Side with Trump, Tout Tweet Aimed at House GOP

January 3rd, 2017 10:10 PM
The liberal Big Three networks finally found a use for President-elect Donald Trump, and it’s to smear Republican members of Congress. The same networks who blacked-out unethical Democrats were up in arms Tuesday after the House GOP attempted to reform the Office of Congressional Ethics, but after it’s retraction they credited the president-elect. “The best-laid plans of Republicans armed with a…

Trump Knows, Media Don’t: One-Sided ‘Free Trade’ Isn’t Free Trade

January 3rd, 2017 2:16 PM
The media remain steadfast in their opposition to now-President-elect Donald Trump.  In their attempts to deny him first the office and now legitimacy therein, they have come up with all sorts of shorthand descriptives that are either vague or outright disingenuous. One of the most annoying of these - is “Donald Trump is anti-(free) trade.”

Notable Quotables: ‘Authoritarian’ Trump an ‘Illegitimate’ President

January 2nd, 2017 9:55 AM
The news media reward Donald Trump with a “honeymoon” as unfriendly as their campaign coverage, with journalists blasting the President-elect as a “racist,” “authoritarian” and a “demagogue,” while some cast his election as “tainted” and potentially “illegitimate” because of Russia’s hacking.

La demonización sobre inmigración persiste en Univisión y Telemundo

December 31st, 2016 11:38 AM
Al llegar al fin del 2016 y comienzo del 2017 hay una práctica en Univisión y Telemundo que sigue igual: la habitual descripción deshonesta y descuidada de la política de inmigración del presidente electo Donald Trump - que procura mayor cumplimiento de las leyes inmigratorias del país - con la etiqueta "anti-inmigrante".

'Christmas' Makes a Comeback in Media 'Shopping Season' Mentions

December 30th, 2016 9:34 PM
In a column posted at NewsBusters on December 29, R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr. relayed personal anecdotal evidence indicating that "This Christmas Season Was Different." Based on his interactions and observations, Tyrrell believes that 2016 marked a change in "the way we talk about what is a major holy day for the majority of the American people." In his experience, people this year were far more…

Brian Stelter Glorifies Media in CNN’s Election Look Back Book

December 30th, 2016 4:29 PM
In an apparent attempt to frame the narrative of the 2016 election, CNN Politics published their “first-ever book” Unprecedented: The Election That Changed Everything in early December. Included in the tome is a longwinded essay crafted by CNN’s resident media critic Brian Stelter, where he chronicled the plight of the liberal media covering then candidate Donald Trump. His own anti-Trump bias…

Unproven 'Fake News' Media Meme: Russia 'Hacked the Elections'

December 30th, 2016 2:26 PM
The purveyors of what the establishment press likes to describe as "fake news" have nothing on the fake news the establishment press itself generates at the Obama administration's behest. For example, the Associated Press, in a very late paragraph in just one of its three reports on the topic Thursday, admitted that "Though the FBI and Homeland Security Department issued a joint report on '…