
'Nothing to Do With Russia' Element of Obama Admin Unmasking Ignored

April 6th, 2017 4:10 PM
The move-the-goalposts crowd now defending the Obama administration's pre- and post-election surveillance of Donald Trump and his associates continues to cling to the notion that it was all done in connection with possible Russian influence during the presidential election campaign and that nation's alleged subsequent attempts to influence the new administration during its transition. If that's…

CNN's Lemon Loses It: Won't 'Aid And Abet' Trump's Surveillance Claim

April 4th, 2017 12:55 PM
The wagon-circling campaign to protect Obama administration and intelligence community officials who spied on Donald Trump and his transition team during his presidential campaign and post-victory transition is moving into hyperdrive. On Monday, CNN's Don Lemon proclaimed that "there is no evidence whatsoever" supporting Donald Trump's claim about having been "spied on illegally" (note the…

CNN Partisan Cuomo Spins Susan Rice Story as ‘Another Fake Scandal’

April 4th, 2017 11:02 AM
On Tuesday, CNN New Day anchor Chris Cuomo sidestepped reports that Barack Obama's National Security Adviser Susan Rice may have abused her authority in unmasking intelligence reports regarding communication between President Donald Trump's transition team and Russia. Instead, he blasted outlets like Fox News: "President Trump wants you to believe he is the victim of a 'crooked scheme,' his words…

Press Minimizes Susan Rice 'Unmasking' Surveillance Bombshell

April 4th, 2017 8:15 AM
On Friday, Adam Housley at Fox News delivered bombshell news that a "very well-known, very high up, very senior (person) in the intelligence world" not in the FBI had engaged in "the unmasking of the names of American citizens" in the course of surveillance surfacing "members of the Trump administration" that had  nothing to do with Russia ... or foreign intelligence of any kind." On Sunday…

ABC, NBC Cover-Up Revelation Susan Rice Ordered Trump Aides Unmasked

April 3rd, 2017 9:47 PM
A massive revelation in the alleged surveillance of President Trump’s aides broke Monday morning when Bloomberg reported that “[f]ormer National Security Adviser Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign.” With their identities unmasked, it allowed for someone to freely and…

The Media’s Mass Delusion and Dishonesty

April 3rd, 2017 12:20 PM
It’s always sadly amusing to watch America’s media march as one - in one direction after another.  To even the average observer, it would appear that they all receive the exact same issues to cover - and the exact same talking points with which to cover them. The examples of this are at this point nigh limitless.  Talk radio impresario Rush Limbaugh has for years compiled his Media Montages -…

Fox Notes Nunes-Attacking Press's Apathy Over Visits to Obama's WH

April 2nd, 2017 3:40 PM
A Wednesday Fox & Friends segment exposed the glaring double standard the establishment press has shown in its treatment of California Representative Devin Nunes's visit to the White House grounds, i.e., not the White Houe itself, to view intelligence information. Meanwhile, hundreds of visits to actual high-up White House officials and to the President himself during the Obama administration…

'DC's Legends of Tomorrow; Pokes Fun at Trump in Dark Reality

March 30th, 2017 12:32 AM
Apparently, subtle hatred of our president exists across many dimensions of the DC universe. In a reality-bending episode of the CW show DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, the icing on the top of the dark timeline cake is Donald Trump. 

Neil Cavuto Hammers ‘Over-the-Top Negative Response’ by Media to Trump

March 28th, 2017 6:31 PM
“Forget about calling Donald Trump on the carpet,” Neil Cavuto stated during the “Mailing It in” segment on the Monday, March 27, edition of his weekday afternoon program on the Fox News Channel. Instead, the host of Your World With Neil Cavuto noted: “This over-the-top negative media response to what he does -- well, that’s not right or fair.”

¿Por qué será? Univisión se queja de falta de acceso a republicanos

March 28th, 2017 12:11 AM
A tan sólo tres meses del comienzo  del nuevo año, podríamos haber alcanzado el colmo del 2017. La cadena Univision, tras años de guerra abierta contra los republicanos, ahora se queja sin tapujos de su falta de acceso a los republicanos en el Congreso de los Estados Unidos.

Rich: GOP-Bashing Univision Anchor Now Whines About Lack of Access

March 27th, 2017 10:52 PM
Three months into the year, we may have reached peak 2017. Univision, after years of waging open war on Republicans, is now openly complaining about lack of access to Congressional Republicans. Most of the on-the-record whining comes from Edición Nocturna (Univision's late-night newscast) co-anchor Enrique Acevedo, who has this to say to Politico's Hadas Gold:

Cartoonist Scott Adams Turns Tables on Liberal, Anti-Trump Hit Piece

March 27th, 2017 1:01 AM
Scott Adams, the Dilbert cartoonist who has been portraying life in the office cubicle for over three decades, spotted the Donald Trump phenomenon early on, wrote that "I have never seen better" persuasion skills, and ultimately predicted that Trump would win the presidency. Bloomberg Businessweek's Caroline Winter, apparently originally believing like so many others that Adams would be proven…

Lawrence O’Donnell Calls Trump ‘Laziest, Most Ignorant President'

March 24th, 2017 4:57 PM
Never one to miss a chance to slam President Donald Trump, Lawrence O’Donnell -- host of The Last Word, a weeknight program on the MSNBC cable channel -- called the Republican occupant of the White House “the laziest, most ignorant president in history.”

Mary Katharine Ham Schools ‘Nasty’ Chris Cuomo Over Health Care

March 23rd, 2017 5:25 PM
With the potential repeal and replacement of Obamacare looming large in the news, a discussion about health care during Thursday morning’s edition of the Cable News Network’s New Day program became surly when Mary Katharine Ham, a senior writer for The Federalist, got into a debate with “nasty” co-host Chris Cuomo.