
MSNBC Badgers GOP Rep With Dem Talking Points on Spying

March 23rd, 2017 4:56 PM
On Thursday, MSNBC's Hallie Jackson used liberal talking points to grill GOP Congressman Buddy Carter on the way his colleague is leading the House Intelligence Committee's investigation into the Obama administration possibly collecting surveillance of members on then-President-elect Donald Trump's transition team. The Georgia representative, a supporter of Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, is… Promotes Donna Brazile's Lame 'Regret'

March 23rd, 2017 9:00 AM
What do you do if you wish to help someone who wants to pretend they've apologized but who also wishes to perpetuate her lies about what she did? Well, if the person involved is a longtime Democratic Party operative like Donna Brazile and you're running, you let her bury her "regret" without a genuine apology deep inside a column conveniently released on a Friday afternoon in the middle…

WashPost's Poster Child For Criticizing Trump White House: Susan Rice

March 22nd, 2017 6:25 PM
One would hope that the Washington Post, where the news masthead is "Democracy Dies in Darkness," and whose emails soliciting subscriptions tell recipients that "Democracy needs great journalism," searched far and wide for the most credible person they could possibly find to criticize the foreign-policy impact of how the Trump administration "twists the truth." Apparently, the best person they…

Howard Kurtz: Trump Tax Reveal 'Big-Time Blunder' by Rachel Maddow

March 15th, 2017 6:43 PM
During the Wednesday morning edition of the America's Newsroom program on the Fox News Channel, co-anchor Bill Hemmer discussed the release of part of Donald Trump's 2005 income tax return with Howard Kurtz, who called the incident “a big-time blunder” by Rachel Maddow, who devoted her entire eponymous MSNBC program on Tuesday night to the two pages of information provided by liberal reporter and…

'Fightin' Joe' Fuentes: Trump's MVP on Spanish-language TV

March 15th, 2017 5:16 PM
It's official. President Trump has a certifiable heavyweight champion in one of the national media segments that has been most hostile to him: U.S. Spanish-language television.

CNN on Trump's Taxes: May Have 'Skipped Out on Paying His Fair Share'

March 15th, 2017 10:10 AM
It didn't take long for CNN to expose its bias against President Donald Trump's 2005 tax returns. At the top of the first hour of CNN's New Day on Wednesday, reporter Suzanne Malveaux said, "The release of President Trump's 2005 taxes raises more questions than answers like whether he skipped out on paying his fair share of taxes more recently."

USA Today Column Ponders America Under Pence If Trump Left Office

March 10th, 2017 6:31 PM
Chalk this up as something that wouldn’t have happened in 2009 under President Obama and Vice President Biden. In an Indianapolis Star column published Friday in USA Today, Matthew Tully wondered what the U.S. would be like if President Trump left “the presidency at some point” under any number of circumstances.  

Matthews: Trump Is a Jungle Animal Difficult to Think of as President

March 7th, 2017 9:40 PM
Lacking some self-awareness, MSNBC host Chris Matthews opened Tuesday’s Hardball by comparing President Donald Trump to a “large” jungle animal causing “danger in the morning” when he “come[s] out to feed” (in the form of tweeting) to the point that Matthews is struggling to see Trump as the President of United States.

Alec Baldwin May Not Imitate GOP President Donald Trump Much Longer

March 7th, 2017 5:41 PM
Liberal actor and comedian Alec Baldwin has quickly become well-known for playing President Donald Trump on NBC's Saturday Night Live program, but he recently stated in an interview with Mario Lopez of the website that he's not sure how much longer he will continue to do his impression of the Republican occupant of the White House.

Poll: Majority of Americans Agree Media Is ‘Opposition Party’ to Trump

March 7th, 2017 4:58 PM

A new poll released on Monday by Investor’s Business Daily reported that a firm majority of American’s have not only become “weary” of seeing the media’s negative Trump coverage, but also that the liberal media have been cemented as the “opposition party” to Trump.  

Out of This World: Supergirl Villains Try to 'Forcibly Deport' Aliens

March 6th, 2017 11:23 PM
After one clearly unsuccessful story regarding immigration, Supergirl apparently thought it was ready for another try. Spoiler alert: the CW show does not improve the second time around. This week comes with a new healthy dose of pro-illegal immigrant muck.

Actor Patrick Stewart: 'I'm Moving to America to Fight Donald Trump'

March 3rd, 2017 4:51 PM
As NewsBusters has previously reported, many actors and other liberals in the entertainment industry have gone out of their way to criticize Donald Trump since the Republican was elected president on November 8. The latest addition to this list is British actor Patrick Stewart, who is best known for his roles as Captain Jean-Luc Picard in the Star Trek: The Next Generation franchise and…

Fox Showcases MRC Study on ‘Phenomenally Negative’ Trump Coverage

March 3rd, 2017 1:54 PM
On Friday, a new Media Research Center study by Mike Ciandella and Rich Noyes made the rounds on multiple Fox News Channel (FNC) and Fox Business Network (FBN) programs, topped off by a Noyes appearance on FBN’s Cavuto: Coast to Coast.

'The View' Panelists, Audience Agree: AG Jeff Sessions Has 'to Go'

March 2nd, 2017 7:44 PM
Like many other people in the “mainstream media," the female panelists on ABC's The View weekday program were delighted to move on from the positive response to Donald Trump's speech on Tuesday night to a topic that enabled them to vent their animosity toward the president and Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who is under fire regarding his testimony during his confirmation hearing.