Students Finally Winning the School Choice Fight

September 30th, 2022 10:17 AM

Finally! Now more states will let parents use their tax money to educate their kids at a school they choose. In Arizona, families can get $6,500 to spend on private school, tutoring or even home schooling. The education establishment is horrified -- especially teachers unions. They don't want competition. But competition makes us all better. The Ford Model T was a breakthrough. But it's lousy…


'This Is A Win,' ABC, NBC Praise Biden For Avoiding Rail Strike

September 15th, 2022 11:23 AM

President Biden managed to clear the lowest of bars in the early morning hours on Thursday morning when railway companies and unions reached a tentative agreement to avoid a strike that would have devastated the economy. For ABC White House correspondent Mary Bruce on Good Morning America and her NBC counterpart Peter Alexander on Today, not epically failing constituted a…

Childish NYT Staff Won't Return to Office, Whine About Free Lunches

September 13th, 2022 11:52 PM

How infantile are the so-called journalists at The New York Times? Well according to The New York Post, over 1,300 New York Times employees are refusing to return to the office and stop playing pandemic. While most companies have been back in the office for a while now, the pampered employees at The New York Times won't even return to the office three days a…

Labor Union Shortage Is to the Liberal Media's Chagrin

August 31st, 2022 5:41 PM

Monday is Labor Day. Will you celebrate unions? The media does. “Unions are cool again,” reports CBS News. They suggest unionization is booming. “Reporters” practically cheered when a Starbucks in Buffalo, New York, became the first Starbucks to unionize. “A big symbolic win for labor,” The New York Times called it. Since then, more than 180 Starbucks voted to unionize, and 300 filed for union…


ABC Touts Racist Minneapolis Policy to Only Lay Off White Teachers

August 19th, 2022 6:13 PM

On Friday, ABC’s Good Morning America and GMA3 promoted a new policy from Minneapolis Public Schools that, in the event of layoffs, non-white teachers would be saved (regardless of the performance) and white teachers would be laid off, no matter their tenure status or performance. And, on the latter’s show, the president and vice president of the teacher’s union lashed out at…


Doocy Grills KJP on Flailing Biden After INSANE April Ryan Question

July 7th, 2022 6:45 PM

During Thursday’s White House press briefing, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre found herself facing a mountain of questions about WNBA star Brittney Griner’s unjustified detainment in Russia, but she saw plenty of others with some coming from the left on abortion and diversity and, of course, a helping of Peter Doocy.

ICE agent making an arrest

National ICE Council Demands Separation from Parent Union AFL-CIO Due

June 23rd, 2022 4:39 AM

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has had enough of leftist unions' mission to take down their agency, as they are now filing charges with the U.S. Department of Labor to break away from their parent union, the AFL-CIO, and the affiliated American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE). 


No Time For Kavanaugh, Cross Focuses on Need For Stripper Unions

June 11th, 2022 1:37 PM

Unlike most cable news hosts, MSNBC’s Tiffany Cross has two hours for her Saturday show. Despite the extra hour, Cross could not find time to discuss the assassination attempt against Justice Brett Kavanaugh, but she did find time to talk about another supposedly grave issue facing the Republic: the lack of stripper unions.


'The Simpsons': Robert Reich Sings ‘Greedy Rich Men Kicked Our Ass’

May 23rd, 2022 7:53 AM

The history of post-war America’s economy was set to music in the season finale of The Simpsons. Airing on Fox on May 22, the episode titled “Poorhouse Rock” used a musical production to explain the rise and fall of the middle class in America, courtesy of a cameo appearance by Robert B. Reich.


School Daze Thanks to Far-Left Unions

January 11th, 2022 12:21 PM

For the third straight day last week, the Chicago Teachers Union canceled classes, choosing to return to virtual learning and citing dangers from the Omicron variant as their excuse. To many, this is seen as nothing more than a teachers’ strike and power grab executed by a union that historically supports Democrat politicians. Democrats send federal aid to the union, and the union then uses it…


NBC Backs Chicago Teachers' Union on Closures, Kids Could Die

January 5th, 2022 9:33 PM

Late Tuesday night the Chicago teachers union voted to cancel all in-person classes for all public schools. This decision left parents to scramble to find babysitters and other accommodations for their children during the school day. Wednesday night’s edition of NBC Nightly News decided to take the side of the teachers’ unions. 

Let Parents Choose What's Best

November 11th, 2021 3:22 PM

As Virginia's gubernatorial election drew to a close last week, Democrat Terry McAuliffe brought in teachers union president Randi Weingarten. He thought that would help? I suppose he, like many progressives, believes everyone thinks the way he does. “I'm not going to let parents come into schools and ... make their own decisions,” he'd said. “I don't think parents should be telling schools…


Showtime's American Rust: 'Move or Shut Down' Is Price of Unionization

October 10th, 2021 11:26 PM

This week, Showtime's American Rust dramatized the conflict between a local small businessman and his employees in an economically desperate Rust Belt Pennsylvania town.


BLM Brooklyn 99 Claim: Fewer Cops DON’T ‘Make Community Less Safe’

August 19th, 2021 11:50 PM

Pro-BLM NBC sitcom Brooklyn Nine-Nine took on the issue of fake hate hoaxes that waste police detectives' time and resources. Unfortunately for the audience, the "hate hoax" the writers cooked-up was cops faking hate against themselves.