Mika Brzezinski  Joe Scarborough MSNBC Morning Joe 8-3-21

Morning Joe Rips 'Ridiculous' Teachers Union for Rejecting Vax Mandate

August 3rd, 2021 3:45 PM

With Joe Scarborough leading the charge, Morning Joe absolutely tore into the New York teachers union today for its rejection of a vaccine mandate for teachers. Scarborough called the union's position "ridiculous," and accused the unions of "whining" for months that they couldn't return to classrooms until there was a vaccine, but now that vaccines are available, rejecting the mandate.


Paranormal Show Features Amazon-like Corporation as 'Evil' Entity

July 22nd, 2021 11:55 PM

Evil (formerly on CBS and now running on Paramount+), a series about a forensic psychologist teaming with a Catholic priest-in-training to investigate supernatural events, has targeted racism in the past, but their latest episode was about the evils of corporations and the need for unions.

Who Are the Real Bullies on Race?

July 9th, 2021 12:19 PM

As absurd, extreme and reckless as the American left has been on race, and despite growing public disapproval of their antics, they are doubling down rather than pulling back. On the Fourth of July, Utah's Black Lives Matter chapter described the American flag as “a symbol of hatred.” “When we Black Americans see this flag we know the person flying it is not safe to be around,” it declared. …


Doocy Presses Psaki on Unemployment Benefits Keeping People From Jobs

May 10th, 2021 5:27 PM

With Kristin Fisher having left to join the evil empire, Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy soldiered on during Monday’s briefing and found success in repeatedly questioning Press Secretary Jen Psaki over the fallout from Friday’s jobs report and whether increased unemployment benefits are keeping people from wanting to rejoin the labor force.


Nets Censor Proof Teachers’ Unions Dictating Biden Reopen Policy

May 4th, 2021 11:21 PM

Earlier this year, the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) defended President Biden from the obvious fact that he was beholden to Democratic special interests like the teachers’ unions, who were holding the welfare of students hostage by refusing to reopen schools. But over the weekend, the New York Post broke a major story that exposed how teachers’ unions were influencing Biden’s…


Clueless 'Kenan' Praises Striking Public School Teachers

April 20th, 2021 10:09 PM

Apparently, writers for the NBC sitcom Kenan have been in a coma for a year and have no idea what happened to schools across the country as a result of teachers' union strong-arming during the pandemic. The show so thoroughly failed to "read the room," as it were that it actually created an episode praising public school teachers who refuse to teach until they get more pay.


Doocy Schools Psaki: So Is It ‘Kids in Containers’ Instead of Cages?

February 24th, 2021 10:59 PM

After making his mark during Tuesday’s White House press briefing, Fox News’s Peter Doocy again tussled Wednesday with Press Secretary Jen Psaki over illegal immigration, wondering whether the term “kids in containers” was more apt for the detaining of illegal immigrant children since Psaki was turned off (read: triggered) by the description of “kids in cages.”


ABC Refuses to Admit Biden Is Beholden to Uncaring Teachers’ Unions

February 21st, 2021 11:18 AM

Between Sunday’s Good Morning America and This Week, ABC News and chief Washington correspondent Jon Karl tried to frame the Biden’s administration’s aversion to the science-driven reopening of schools as just a problem with messaging, and avoided the fact Biden was beholden to uncaring teachers’ unions. Karl even got into an argument with Republican Congressman Steve Scalise…


BOOM: Doocy Battles Psaki Over ‘Green Jobs,’ Not Deporting Illegals

February 8th, 2021 4:27 PM

Making his return to the White House Briefing Room on Monday for the first time since January 26, the Fox News Channel’s Peter Doocy sparred Press Secretary Jen Psaki over concerns about laid off energy workers and then a possible Biden administration directive to bar ICE from deporting illegal immigrants for crimes such as DUI and simple assault.


Newsmax, NY Post Reporters Hammer Psaki on Antifa, Teachers Unions

February 5th, 2021 5:10 PM

Friday’s White House briefing sent Press Secretary Jen Psaki into the weekend on another pesky note as she offered a litany of non-answers and snarky comebacks at reporters who asked questions about Antifa, coronavirus relief, immigration, schools, and the administration’s beloved teachers unions. The New York Post’s Steven Nelson was the reporter who got under Psaki’s skin even though his…


Fisher Grills Psaki: If Forced, Would Biden Pick Unions Over Kids?

February 4th, 2021 9:55 PM

Thursday’s White House Press Briefing featured more of the same with deflections from Press Secretary Jen Psaki as she downplayed the view of CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky that teacher vaccinations shouldn’t be a prerequisite to school reopenings and refused to state whether, if forced to pick a side, the administration would side with students over teachers unions.


ABC/NBC Omit CDC Director Saying Vaccines Not Needed to Reopen Schools

February 3rd, 2021 9:01 PM

ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News appeared to side with Democratic teachers’ unions over kids struggling with learning and suicidal thoughts on Wednesday, after they refused to tell viewers that CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said vaccines were not needed to reopen schools safely. CBS Evening News, on the other hand, did note her comments. Though,…


CBS Urges Biden for 'Cover' to 'Fellow Democrats' in Teachers' Unions

January 31st, 2021 12:59 PM

With teachers’ unions proving to be a major roadblock in preventing struggling kids from returning to school, CBS Face the Nation moderator Margaret Brennan used her show Sunday to press the Biden administration to use his “bully pulpit” to provide “political cover” for his “fellow Democrats” in the unions. This, as students were committing suicide across the country due to isolation…


Surprise: WH Press Bring Heat on Unions, WH Going Against ‘Science’

January 28th, 2021 8:46 PM

With Fox News out of rotation for White House Briefing Room seats, Thursday’s briefing left plenty of space for reporters from the liberal media to step up and commit random acts of journalism. Thankfully, some did with pointed questions calling out President Biden’s plethora of executive orders and the reality that the administration has sided with teachers unions over “science” when it comes…