Union Shill Ed Schultz: Unionized College Athletes Won't Strike

March 29th, 2014 4:47 PM
One of the most frequent laments from liberals is that the decline of unions has hurt American workers and our economy. And among the reasons that unions are in decline are dubious claims by liberals about them. It's even worse when the person making the claim fancies himself an outspoken advocate for workers' rights and one who, not incidentally, is being abundantly compensated for his…

Sore Loser Schelzig at AP Razzes Corker Because VW-Chattanooga Hasn't

March 3rd, 2014 9:47 PM
The people who pretentiously call themselves journalists at the News Media Guild-represented Associated Press are really having a hard time getting over the representation election the United Auto Workers union lost two weeks ago at the Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The latest whine came from Erik Schelzig Friday afternoon. He must have believed he was being really hard-hitting…

UAW Appeals VW-Chattanooga Election Result to NLRB; AP Report Ignores

February 22nd, 2014 4:07 PM
In a complete non-surprise given their officials' reactions last week, the United Auto Workers union has filed an appeal with the National Labor Relations Board of the election they lost at Volkswagen's Chattanooga, Tennessee plant. As would be expected for an organization whose journalists are members of the News Media Guild, a Friday evening report by Associated Press reporters Tom Raum and…

Sore Losers at MSNBC and American Prospect Play 'Race' and 'Culture' C

February 18th, 2014 3:15 PM
File this under "Pathetic" and "Predictable." On Alex Wagner's MSNBC show yesterday, Wagner set up Timothy Noah, an MSNBC.com columnist, with the latest and most desperate excuse for the UAW's failure to gain the ability to represent VW-Chattanooga workers in a plantwide election last week. She did so by referring to an American Prospect column earlier in the day by Harold Meyerson, who blamed…

OpenSecrets.org Shows Koch Campaign Money Dwarfed by Dozens of Other G

February 17th, 2014 3:28 PM
NOTE: Go to the end of this post to see my reaction to an email NB received from OpenSecrets.org.  The web site OpenSecrets.org has done a great deal of useful work. Especially helpful are its lists of high-dollar political campaign donor organizations. The web site's 1989-2014 and 2012-specific lists, to name just two, demonstrate that the hyperventilating on the left and in the…

Press Coverage of UAW's VW-Chattanooga Loss 'Somehow' Overlooks One 'O

February 15th, 2014 8:21 PM
The three Associated Press reports I've seen on the UAW's failure to win the right to represent hourly workers at the Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee — the first two were covered in NewsBusters posts here and here; the wire service's 3:52 p.m. report is here — all mention in one way or another what UAW President Bob King is now calling "unprecedented outside interference" in the…

Update: AP Revision to VW-Chattanooga Story Laments UAW's Loss of 'Pot

February 15th, 2014 11:08 AM
Following revisions to initial stories at the Associated Press, aka the Adminstration's Press, can be a revealing if sometimes tedious exercise. A case in point is how reporters Tom Krisher and Erik Schelzig, who are both more than likely represented by the News Media Guild in their jobs at the wire service, changed the tone of their second report following the rejection by employees at…

UAW Fails to Organize Tenn. VW Plant; AP Report Calls Loss 'Devastatin

February 15th, 2014 12:50 AM
Late news out of Chattanooga, Tennessee Friday night was that workers at that area's Volkswagen plant rejected representation by the United Auto Workers union. The opening paragraph at the 11:17 p.m. story filed by Tom Krisher and Erik Schelzig at the Associated Press, both of whom are more than likely members of the News Media Guild, calls the result "devastating." Later paragraphs imply…

Not Establishment Press News: Two Large Unions' Deep Dissatisfaction W

February 2nd, 2014 2:26 PM
Over at the Associated Press's national site, there's a story about how "Some of the largest public labor unions in Illinois filed a long-awaited lawsuit Tuesday challenging the state's new pension reform law." Given that it involves hundreds of thousands of workers, it's probably fair to say that the news deserves national attention. But how about another story which involves over 800,000…

AP's Hananel Weakly Covers Union's Threats Against USPS-Staples Retail

January 19th, 2014 10:29 AM
Presumed union member (the News Media Guild) and Associated Press reporter Sam Hananel's Sunday morning coverage of union threats against a pilot partnership between the U.S. Postal Service and Staples Inc. fails to deliver on at least three counts. First, while noting that American Postal Workers Union (APWU) boycott threats ended a similar effort at Sears stores in the late-1980s, Hananel "…

Ed Schultz Lashes Out at Liberals for ‘Income Envy

December 13th, 2013 5:29 PM
Radio and TV blowhard Ed Schultz decided to take a break from his normal act of ranting against Republicans today by raging against some fellow liberals who had the temerity to criticize him and other MSNBC hosts for declining to publicly take the side of union members in a dispute they're having with the cable channel's parent company, NBC Universal. Schultz, whose shtick is that he is just…

Covering Wal-Mart in DC, Media Don’t Question Claims of ‘Worker Ad

October 26th, 2013 6:57 PM
For the past several weeks, Washington D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray has been playing defense in the news media against “advocates for workers” who favor a “living wage bill.” That’s partly the result of shrewd marketing on the part of lawmakers who favor the legislation – who doesn’t favor a “living wage?” But it’s also because reporters do not typically question self-described “worker advocates”…

NPR Boosts California's SEIU-Assisted ObamaCare Enrollment

October 11th, 2013 6:38 PM
Sarah Varney's report on Friday's Morning Edition is just the latest example of NPR's one-sided coverage of the health care issue in general, and ObamaCare specifically. Varney spotlighted how California's government gave a local chapter of the SEIU – a major supporter of President Obama during his two presidential campaigns – $1 million to enroll people in the state's insurance exchange.…

Walter E. Williams Column: Racial Trade-offs

October 8th, 2013 6:49 PM
Trade-offs apply to our economic lives, as well as our political lives. That means getting more of one thing requires giving up something else. Let's look at some examples. Black congressmen and black public officials in general, including Barack Obama, always side with teachers unions in their opposition to educational vouchers, tuition tax credits, charter schools and other measures that…