Politico Reporter/Union Organizer Whines About Long Hours at Age 28

January 31st, 2015 6:50 PM
The world's smallest violin this week goes to Politico labor reporter Mike Elk. Elk, who has bragged about unionizing workplaces where he has previously toiled, is working on doing the same thing at the alleged news site, which is really a Democratic Party stenography machine posing as one. His major complaint, seen in an item by Erik Wemple at his Washington Post blog, follows the jump (bolds…

Shhh: Unionized Percentage of Workforce Is at an Over 100-Year Low

January 27th, 2015 10:02 PM
On Friday, Melissa Quinn at the Daily Signal, after the release of the government's "Union Members -- 2014" report, uniquely observed that the unionized percentage of the public- and private-sector nonagricultural wage and salary U.S. workforce had reached "its lowest rate in 100 years." From what I can tell in web and news searches, despite the fact that virtually any 100-year record is…

AP Spins Today's Glum (For Organized Labor) Union Membership Report

January 23rd, 2015 4:46 PM
Someone looking at the annual "Union Members" report released this morning by the Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics would logically conclude that 2014 was a year organized labor would rather forget. While average nonagricultural wage and salary employment increased by over 2.32 million from 2013 to 2014, union membership only went up by 48,000, or about 2 percent of the nationwide…

NBC Skewers Uber in One-Sided Segment; Hypes ‘Rough Ride’ Over Safety

December 18th, 2014 11:52 PM
In addition to its slanted coverage of the news regarding Cuba, NBC Nightly News on Thursday offered up a biased segment against the growing transportation company Uber by using two incidents involving its drivers to conclude that Uber’s currently experiencing “a rough ride” over “increasing concerns” regarding safety. NBC News correspondent Janet Shamulian only interviewed two individuals…

Many UFCW Members Earn Far Less Than the $15/Hr. It Demands of Walmart

December 7th, 2014 9:52 PM
Just before Thanksgiving, Our Walmart and the United Food and Commerical Workers went into high gear in their effort to draw attention to their advocacy of $15-per-hour minimum wage at the nation's largest retailer. Just after the holiday, I pointed to a column by the Manhattan Institute's Diana Furchtgott-Roth, who quickly discovered that many Kroger employees represented by the UFCW earn far…

OUR Walmart Demands Chain Pay $15/Hr.; UFCW-Unionized Kroger Pays Less

November 28th, 2014 1:55 PM
In a Tuesday column originally appearing at RealClearMarkets.com (found in more readable form at Economics21.org), the Manhattan Institute's Diana Furchtgott-Roth tore into the hypocrites at OUR Walmart, the union-backed effort to intimidate the nation's largest retailer into paying all employees at least $15 per hour. In the process, Furchtgott-Roth noted a particularly important fact which I…

Networks Ignore EPA Protest by Mostly Democratic Union Members

October 8th, 2014 4:22 PM
"More than 300 union members and their families from Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia gathered at the Environmental Protection Agency's headquarters Tuesday to protest a proposal to limit carbon emissions from coal-fired power plants that they said would kill jobs in Appalachia," the Washington Examiner's Zack Colman reported today. Colman also noted, that "Many of the protesters were…

The New York Times Has Zero Idea How the Internet Works - Or Is Lying

August 18th, 2014 8:52 AM
It takes a special man to cram so much wrong into a mere 342 words.  Or an Old Grey Lady. The New York Times’ utterly ridiculous Editorial Board recently as one addressed Title II Internet regulatory Reclassification and Network Neutrality - and they did so in utterly ridiculous fashion.  They either have absolutely no idea what any of this is - or they are lying through their printing…

Barely News: Teachers Union Head's Promise to 'Punch' Common Core Oppo

August 14th, 2014 2:58 PM
Give the New York Daily News credit for surfacing a video which originally appeared at Ed Notes Online, a publication whose "about" page says it opposes "the education corporate-based reforms ... undermining the public school system" and exposes "the motives behind the education deformers." The video shows Michael Mulgrew, the president of New York City's United Federation of Teachers,…

CBS Rips Into Former Reporter and Liberal Attorney for Daring to Stand

August 14th, 2014 12:53 PM
On Thursday, the hosts of CBS This Morning interrogated former NBC and CNN journalist Campbell Brown and prominent liberal attorney David Boies over their effort to reform the public education system by eliminating a union sacred cow, teacher tenure. Co-host Norah O'Donnell began the segment by proclaiming: "This could be a watershed moment for America's public schools or a misguided effort to…

Race Baiting New Republic Column: 'The Unelectable Whiteness of Scott

June 16th, 2014 5:30 PM
In a scathing column for The New Republic, Alec MacGillis charged–with scarce evidence–that Governor Scott Walker’s (R-Wis.) political success is the result of racial politics in the state of Wisconsin. MacGillis’s headline is predictable left-wing race baiting: “The Unelectable Whiteness of Scott Walker”. MacGillis suggested that the Badger State governor’s political rise is the product of…

UAW Gives Up on VW-Chattanooga Appeal; AP Pretends Dem Congressmen Can

April 21st, 2014 6:28 PM
Earlier today, just an hour before a hearing was to begin at the National Labor Relations Board, the United Auto Workers union dropped an appeal of the election it lost in February as it attempted to become the bargaining representative for workers at Volkswagen's Chattanooga, Tennessee plant. In a writeup which appears at the Associated Press's "Big Story" but which somehow failed to appear…

MSNBC.com Complains As 'UAW Throws In the Towel' Over Election Loss in

April 21st, 2014 5:31 PM
In mid-February, the United Auto Workers lost a crucial unionization vote at a Chattanooga, Tenn., Volkswagen auto plant. Rather than licking their wounds and accepting the outcome, a slew of liberal pundits, including MSNBC's Ed Schultz, cried foul and agitated for the United Auto Workers to call on the federal government to essentially insist on a do-over election, predicated on the notion…

AP Ignores Why Vegas Culinary Workers Have Authorized Strike: Obamacar

March 30th, 2014 10:13 AM
The headline and first paragraph at an Associated Press item on a union strike authorization vote in Las Vegas are both far more vague than they could or should be. Though the rest of Ken Ritter's coverage at least identifies the union involved, it completely fails to get to the heart of the matter, which is that Obamacare is causing huge increases in their employers' cost of providing health…