Journalist Union Pushes ‘Social Justice Journalism’ to College Stu

October 24th, 2012 3:06 PM
Just in case objective journalism wasn’t dead enough, the Newspaper Guild is making sure of it. The Guild’s San Francisco-area chapter’s latest intern program aims to teach college students “social justice” in journalism.

Media Debate Fail: Obama, the Auto Bailout and China

October 23rd, 2012 9:52 AM
In their third Presidential debate analysis, the Jurassic Press Media last night and thus far this morning have failed utterly in their role as fact checker and record-corrector - at least when it comes to what President Barack Obama had to say.  As but one glaring example, there were the President’s absurd assertions regarding the auto bailout and China.

Fact Checking the Fact-Challenged Obama Auto Bailout Czar

October 18th, 2012 8:37 AM
Ex-Barack Obama Administration $82 Billion Auto Bailout Czar Steve Rattner has a bit of a problem telling the truth. What Rattner does not have is a problem with the Jurassic Press Media calling him on his serial flights of factual fancy.

WashPost Lamely Claims Scott Walker 'Fumbled on Twitter' In Backing Pa

September 26th, 2012 9:04 AM
The Washington Post Sports section on Wednesday turned political with an article headlined "Wisconsin governor fumbles on Twitter: Walker sees collective bargaining in a new light after Packers' loss." Would the Post actually fail to recognize the difference between private-sector unions and public-sector unions, the subject of Walker's reforms? Yes. Strangely, the author wasn't a sports…

‘Record’ Volt Sales?  Not Really -- GM Counts $159 Leases for an

September 26th, 2012 8:46 AM
The Jurassic Press have long had a field day puffing up bailed out General Motors (GM) and their electric automotive windmill - the Chevrolet Volt. When it came to August Volt sales numbers, the Media were Justin Bieber-excited.

Almost 40% of Chicago's Public School Teachers Don't Send Their Kids t

September 13th, 2012 4:04 PM
As the Chicago teachers’ strike continues, let's review what we've learned, no thanks to the broadcast media, which downplayed the story. We know that on average Windy City educators make $71-76,000 a year and they've turned down a 16 percent pay increase, which amounts to $11,360.  We know that they contribute only a tiny sliver of their pay, 3 percent, to their retirement package, and we know…

AP Photo Captions in Coverage of Chicago Teachers' Strike Mention 'Eva

September 11th, 2012 8:45 PM
If you tried to get a handle on the showdown between Chicago Public Schools and its teachers' union based on picture captions from the Associated Press, you would think that the teachers' strike has nothing to do with money. The reality is that Chicago's teachers are, depending on the figures quoted, either the highest-paid cadre of K-12 educators in the nation or so darned close to it that…

Day Two of Chicago Teacher Strike: NBC's Kevin Tibbles Ignores 35 Perc

September 11th, 2012 4:22 PM
Reporting from Chicago this afternoon on MSNBC, NBC News reporter Kevin Tibbles described yesterday's teachers union picket lines as "festive" occasions but worried that the mood may sour if an accord is not reached soon. Yet while other media outlets have reported and confirmed that the Chicago teachers union had requested a 35 percent pay hike, Tibbles completely ignored the issue of pay,…

Chicago Teachers May Strike on Monday; News Coverage Doesn't Disclose

September 8th, 2012 9:47 AM
Less than 48 hours from now, Chicago's teachers, whose union head insists, as quoted by the Associated Press, that "we are here to negotiate for better schools in Chicago," may walk off the job, leaving the children entrusted to them to languish in half-days of activities unrelated to learning "staffed by non-union and central office workers." There seems to be an unwritten rule that news…

Eastwood's 'Empty Chair' Speech Gets Under Big Labor's Skin, Provokes

September 3rd, 2012 10:56 PM
The Politico, in its report on what turned out to be the center-right's "Empty Chair Day," covered the reaction of one prominent member of organized labor to Clint Eastwood's supposedly horrible (if you believe leftist pundits) speech at the Republican National Convention. If it was really that awful, they would be taking pity on Clint. Instead, they're getting hostile, meaning that the…

Let's See How Many in the Press Go After Obama for Misery Inflicted on

August 7th, 2012 11:59 PM
Since Mitt Romney is supposedly responsible for the death from cancer of a woman who died in 2006, seven years after the presumptive GOP nominee left Bain Capital, it seems more than fair to talk about what has resulted from the Obama administration's blatant favoritism towards UAW members while shafting former Delphi salaried workers. Tonight, the Associated Press's Adwatch entry by Stephen…

AP's Expanded Report on Heartland Primaries Delivers More Scary Conser

July 31st, 2012 8:34 AM
Last night (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog) I critiqued a short Associated Press item posted earlier Monday by reporter John Hanna which seemed quite alarmed at the notion that "Conservatives in Republicans are turning against moderates in their own party." Hanna expanded his report on Monday. Its apparently final version, time-stamped at 5:16 p.m. at the AP's national site, goes further into…

Laid-Off Worker in Anti-Romney Ad Now Says He Won't Vote for Obama; Wi

July 18th, 2012 3:32 PM
Donnie Box, a steelworker in Missouri who lost his job and is the focus of an anti-Mitt Romney advertisement being run by a Super PAC that supports President Barack Obama, now says he will not vote to re-elect the president in November. "I could really care less about Obama," the lifelong Democrat says in an article written by Mike Elk on the In These Times website before criticizing the…

Media Fail: Chevy Volt Makes NO Money, Costs Taxpayers Hundreds of Tho

July 17th, 2012 9:54 AM
The Jurassic Press is missing much in their reporting on the $50 billion bailout of General Motors (GM).  The Press is open channeling for President Barack Obama - allowing him to frame the bailout exactly as he wishes in the 2012 Presidential election.  The President is running in large part on the bailout’s $30+ billion loss, uber-failed “success.”  And the Press is acting as his…