AFL-CIO Goes All-In with Occupy

July 11th, 2012 4:05 PM
The AFL-CIO has not been bashful about its support for the Occupy Wall Street protesters. And the union giant recently posted an article by Tula Connell hyping a booklet entitled “Economics 101 for the 99%.” The booklet was produced for the Occupiers by a socialist group called the Center for Popular Economics. Connell wrote that the booklet will clarify “such concepts as the role of the…

Media Fail: Government Motors Inflates Sales by Selling to...the Gover

July 10th, 2012 10:44 AM
The Jurassic Press was in full-throated ObamaChorus mode in reporting on General Motors (GM)’s allegedly strong June sales. Very few failed to receive the sheet music.

Open Thread: Greeks in Private Sector vs. Public Sector

June 14th, 2012 10:38 AM
With its early retirement age and perpetually striking unions, the idea that the average Greek is lazy has a lot of truth to it. But things are not quite as simple as that. In fact, Greeks are a lot more hardworking than you would think. The stereotype is partially true, however:

The Media’s Lockstep Elation About a Chevy Volt Non-Improvement

June 11th, 2012 8:50 AM
The $82 billion auto bailout has been a Crony Socialist nightmare mess. We’re going to lose at least $30 billion on the deal.  And that’s only if the Barack Obama Administration’s math can be trusted - a dicey proposition at best. The Administration eviscerated two hundred-plus years of bankruptcy law, throwing bond holders over the side to over-reward their United Auto Workers shock force…

Harry Reid, October 2011: 'Private-sector Jobs Have Been Doing Just Fi

June 10th, 2012 10:30 AM
Last year, Harry Reid said pretty close to the same thing President Obama said on Friday about the health of the nation's private sector. Obama claimed that "The private sector is fine." On the Senate floor on October 19, Reid claimed that "It's very clear that private-sector jobs have been doing just fine." Don't feel bad if you don't know this, because the press mostly ignored it. The few…

NYTimes's Myopic Take on Wisconsin: All About 'Stunning Amount' Spent

June 7th, 2012 2:56 PM
Wisconsin's reforming Republican Gov. Scott Walker easily turned back a recall attempt by labor activists angry at him for ending collective bargaining for public service unions. But the New York Times, pushing its own agenda, would prefer the story to be about the "stunning amount" of money in politics. The Times and other media have obsessed over the big spending by Walker supporters, which…

Michelle Malkin Column: Teachers Unions Earn 'F' for Wisconsin Recall

June 6th, 2012 5:53 PM
They really outdid themselves. In Wisconsin and across the nation, public school employee unions spared no kiddie human shields in their battle against GOP Gov. Scott Walker's budget and pension reforms. Students were the first and last casualties of the ruthless Big Labor war against fiscal discipline. To kick off the yearlong protest festivities, the Wisconsin Education Association Council…

Hysterical CNN, AP Headlines: 'Walker Survives

June 5th, 2012 11:50 PM
As of 11:15 p.m., with about 74% of the votes counted, Wisconsin Governor Scott was ahead of Scott Barrett by roughly a 56-44 margin. Late-arriving votes from Democrat-heavy areas of Milwaukee and Dane Counties seemed likely to narrow the margin to perhaps 10 points. (UPDATE: Because heavier margins of support for Barrett in those two counties, the final margin was 6.9%, roughly the same as…

Fibbing to the End: AP's Bauer Claims That Act 10 'Stripp(ed) Most Pub

June 5th, 2012 6:08 PM
As he has for nearly 16 months, the AP's Scott Bauer once again included a false statement about what the budget repair legislation also known as "Act 10" passed by Wisconsin's legislature and signed by Governor Scott Walker last year did to public-sector unions and their ability to collectively bargain. He wrote: "Enraged Democrats and labor activists gathered more than 900,000 signatures in…

Cal Thomas Column: On Wisconsin

June 5th, 2012 7:30 AM
If the polls are right, the vote next Tuesday in Wisconsin on whether to recall Gov. Scott Walker, Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch and four Republican state senators could amount to a redial of their original victory. Voters who first elected the conservative Walker on a promise to fix the state's dismal economy and crushing debt appear ready to reaffirm their judgment. They would be making the…

CBS: Walker Might Become Anti-Union 'Poster Child' If He Wins Recall

June 4th, 2012 5:12 PM
On Sunday's CBS Evening News, John Dickerson candidly admitted that a failed recall attempt of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker "would be a big blow" to the unions, and that it "would be a sign to any Republican contemplating similar action to limit unions that you could survive, and Walker will become the poster child and hero of that effort." Poster child? Dickerson predicted that there "would…

AP Coverage of Walker, Barrett Wis. Recall Campaign Visits Lacks Sense

June 3rd, 2012 9:58 AM
As one who has made the occasional dumb mistake (which readers tend to be quite adept at catching), I figured I'd give the Associated Press's Todd Richmond and his editors a while to correct a pretty obvious miscue relating to a Wisconsin gubernatorial recall campaign visit by challenger Tom Barrett. In a report whose first version appeared yesterday morning and currently has a 2:42 p.m.…

USAT's Ben Jones Also Ignores Massive Union Funding of Wis. Recall Ele

May 31st, 2012 7:33 AM
On May 27, going to the same theme Scott Bauer employed at the Associated Press yesterday, USA Today's Ben Jones did his level best to cast Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker as the richly funded perpetual campaigner, while portraying Walker's recall challenger, former Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, as the underfunded man of the people underdog. Of course, as was the with Bauer's bombast, there's not…

AP's Bauer Obsesses Over Walker Fundraising, Ignores Union Money and R

May 30th, 2012 6:27 PM
Though he hasn't been alone in his applying the campaign fundraisng double standard in Wisconsin's recall election, Scott Bauer at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, has a particularly odious item today about the dollars raised by each side. It's particularly odious because the word "unions" appears only once -- as the target of Walker, who has, as Bauer sees it, "rocketed to…