AP Lets Obama's Untrue Critique of Romney As 'Willing to Let (Auto) In

February 2nd, 2012 10:09 PM
On Tuesday, Ken Thomas of the Associated Press covered President Barack Obama's appearance at the Washington Auto Show and allowed Obama's criticism of Mitt Romney as being among those "willing to let this industry die" to stand, ignoring known history in the process. Obama's statement marks him as a true ingrate, because for better or worse (my opinion: worse; your mileage, so to speak, may…

MSNBC's Roberts: Indiana's New Right-to-Work Statute a Blow to 'Union

February 2nd, 2012 3:18 PM
MSNBC's Thomas Roberts isn't even trying anymore to be an objective journalist. Yesterday's passage of a right-to-work bill in Indiana was a measure "stripping the state of union rights," Roberts insisted during the 11 a.m. Eastern hour of MSNBC programming. "That makes Indiana not just the 23rd union-busting state, but the first new right-to-work state in ten years," the anchor noted as he…

Biz News Wire Reuters Spins Passage of Ind. Right-to-Work Bill with Li

February 2nd, 2012 11:50 AM
The passage of "controversial" right-to-work legislation in Indiana is a "blow to organized labor." That's the spin by Reuters reporter Susan Guyett, who front-loaded her coverage of the bill's passage by focusing on anger from liberals and labor unions over the new legislation (emphases mine):

Scarborough & Dean Brawl Over Dem/Union Obstruction Of Education Refor

January 26th, 2012 8:14 AM
Howard Dean: "I need to take you on a tour of America's public schools; that's what I need to do." Joe Scarborough: "I've been fighting for education reform for a generation, and every time we've tried to reform schools . . . it was the Democratic party on the House floor and on the Senate floor and in the White House that stood in the way. I do not need lectures from you on education reform…

Betrayed Staffers Rebel Against the 1% in New York Times Executive Sui

January 6th, 2012 10:40 AM
Talk about the 1% Percent! Even as the New York Times is freezing pensions for foreign citizen employees in overseas bureaus, it granted a $15 million golden parachute to former chief executive Janet Robinson after she abruptly departed the New York Times Co. t the end of 2011. An online open letter to Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. from the local Newspaper Guild dated December 23 has so far…

'Rizzoli and Isles' Episode's Arsonist Fireman Blames Boston 'Budget C

December 29th, 2011 12:55 AM
I know, we're supposed to give TV shows and the like a bit of dramatic license to push a plot line. But doesn't it seem that an awful lot of the license taken tends to be pro-big government and left-leaning? One pretty obvious example came along Monday night during the Season 2 finale of TNTs' "Rizzoli & Isles" (which ran again late tonight). The plot of "Burning Down the House" centered…

Ten Months Later, AP's Scott Bauer Still Contradicting Himself, Missta

December 15th, 2011 11:32 PM
In February, yours truly sensed a misstatement of reality on the part of Associated Press reporter Scott Bauer in his description of the budget repair law the Wisconsin Legislature was then considering. At the beginning of his report, Bauer wrote that the law would "end a half-century of collectively bargaining," but later wrote that "unions could still represent workers" (That doesn't exactly…

Union Election Requires Photo ID; Politico Fails to Note Irony

December 12th, 2011 8:59 PM
On Wednesday, the Politico ran a story about the International Association of Machinists Union at Boeing agreeing to approve a contract extension, the result of which ultimately led to the National Labor Relations Board dropping its controversial decision to prevent the company from beginning to operate a mostly-constructed plant in South Carolina. Though it deserves separate commentary, that…

AP Attempting to Rewrite History of Obama's and Dems' Occupy Movement

November 21st, 2011 8:34 PM
Give John Nolte a gold star. In a Friday post at BigJournalism.com entitled "Panicked AP Attempts to Memory-Hole Democrats’ #Occupy Endorsements," Nolte latched onto the beginnings of the establishment press's desperate attempt to distance President Obama and the Democratic Party from the rapidly devolving Occupy movement. The disingenously headlined item Nolte caught, apparently from an…

Newspaper Guild Endorses Occupy Movement's Thursday 'Day of Mass Actio

November 16th, 2011 8:57 PM
Five weeks ago, Dan Gainor of the Media Research Center's Culture & Media Institute thoroughly documented (at NewsBusters; at MRC) how "two separate news unions, including the newspaper guild, the recognized union for many print and online journalists, and the Writers Guild of America, East (WGAE) are fully behind the radical message of Occupy Wall Street." Now that the Occupy encampments…

NYT's Steven Greenhouse Cheers on Big Labor-Occupy Wall Street Romance

November 9th, 2011 3:43 PM
New York Times labor beat reporter Steven Greenhouse took to the front of Wednesday’s Business Day to tout increased Big Labor involvement in the leftist Occupy Wall Street camp-out, “Standing Arm in Arm – Occupy Movement Inspires Unions to Embrace Bold Tactics.” Greenhouse employed his standard pro-labor promotional tone:

Networks Cheer 'Big Victory' for Unions in Ohio, Ignore Rejection of O

November 9th, 2011 2:54 PM
On Wednesday, all three network morning shows found time to tout the defeat of an Ohio law curbing union power in Tuesday's election, while ignoring passage of another ballot initiative that made the ObamaCare heath insurance mandate illegal in the state. On NBC's Today, news anchor Natalie Morales declared: "In Ohio, voters rejected a new law that would limit the collective bargaining…

AP: Ohio's Turndown of Union Limits a National Story, But Not Rejectio

November 9th, 2011 2:47 PM
Perhaps partially explaining the treatment of Ohio's ballot issues on shows like MSNBC's "Morning Joe" as noted by Noel Sheppard at NewsBusters earlier today, I have found that the Associated Press predictably trumpeted the 61%-39% rejection of Issue 2, which would have required cost-sharing for public-sector employee health and pension benefits while curbing the scope of collective bargaining…

Scarborough: Conservative Leaders Telling Me They'd 'Rather Lose' Than

November 2nd, 2011 8:33 AM
Could this be a watershed week in the Republican presidential primary?  Joe Scarborough seems to think so.   On today's Morning Joe, he said something remarkable: that in the last week, stalwart conservatives and "conservative leaders" have begun telling him that they would "rather lose" than elect Mitt Romney. Video after the jump.