Coulter Column | On The Democrats and Their Sacrificial Scams

May 17th, 2012 10:42 AM
The real class warfare in this country isn't rich vs. poor, it's government employees vs. we, the taxpayers, who pay their salaries. Working for the government is supposed to be a trade-off: You can't be fired and don't have to exert yourself, but you will receive smaller remuneration than in the private sector, where layoffs are common (especially in the Obama economy!). Instead, government…

Establishment Press Ignores Ind. Union’s Legal Claim: Right-to-Work

April 24th, 2012 3:13 PM
As of 1:30 p.m., what follows was a story only at Big Government, The Blaze, and the Daily Caller. The news is that an Indiana union has expanded the scope of an already-filed lawsuit by claiming that the Hoosier State's recently enacted right to work law violates the Thirteenth Amendment's prohibition against slavery because it forces unions to work beside and negotiate on behalf of workers…

Malkin Column: The Real GSA Scandal: Job-Killing Big Labor Payoffs

April 18th, 2012 5:09 PM
Stop the presses: Big-spending Democrats are finally up in arms over a federal boondoggle. Details of the U.S. General Services Administration bacchanalia get worse by the day. We've graduated from overpriced breakfasts in Vegas, friends-and-family junkets galore and in-house videos mocking their own profligacy to extravagant bonuses, alleged kickbacks, obstructionism and bribes. But the…

NPR Touts Leftist Campaign Against 'Hardline Conservative Policies

April 5th, 2012 7:00 PM
On Thursday's Morning Edition, NPR's Peter Overby slanted towards a left-wing coalition targeting the conservative group ALEC. Overby trumpeted how Coke and Pepsi succumbed to pressure from the "campaign to put a spotlight on companies that sell products to a public that might object to hardline conservative policies, such as 'stand your ground' laws or requirements that voters show a photo I.D… A Gift from the 1 Percent

April 3rd, 2012 10:17 AM
Look out Huffington Post. The Occupy movement has a new website to aggregate content for left-wing activists. While Occupy is known for their claim to represent the 99 percent, suave parties and Hollywood money are what made this venture possible. Known for taking over New York’s Zuccotti Park and other locations nationwide, supporters now look to occupy the Internet. The liberal magazine…

O'Reilly, Goldberg Discuss NB Story on Unions Paying $200K to Ed Schul

March 20th, 2012 6:16 PM
It doesn't matter if Ed Schultz donated all union speaking fees to charity as he claimed in response to a March 9 NewsBusters post, according to media critic and former CBS reporter Bernie Goldberg. The pro-union Schultz was still obligated to tell his MSNBC viewers that he received nearly $200,000 from organized labor in 2011, Goldberg told Bill O'Reilly on "The O'Reilly Factor" last night…

Ed Schultz Fails to Substantiate Claim That All His Union Speaking Fee

March 13th, 2012 3:47 PM
Ed Schultz responded angrily to a March 9 NewsBusters post detailing how unions paid him nearly $200,000 in 2011, telling viewers of "The Ed Show" that night of receiving the money for speaking engagements and advertisements on his radio show website. All union speaking fees were donated to charity, Schultz claimed, as required by MSNBC policy. That Schultz has received $337,490 from unions…

Sharpton: 'It's Against The Law To Organize Unions' In Alabama

March 9th, 2012 11:23 AM
Did MSNBC ever vet Al Sharpton? Seriously. Much of the talk about HBO's Game Change docu-drama is focusing on the vetting of Sarah Palin or lack thereof by the McCain campaign. Is there any minimum standard of knowledge required to have one's own show on the Lean Forward network? Take Sharpton's mind-boggling misstatement on Morning Joe today.  The Reverend Al asserted that in Alabama, "it's…

Ed Schultz Paid Nearly $200,000 By Unions in 2011, According to Labor

March 9th, 2012 10:56 AM
What a shock -- labor unions paying one of their biggest cheerleaders in the media. Perhaps Ed Schultz could explain what he does for unions to warrant such largesse. I don't recall hearing anything along these lines on his radio program or MSNBC show. (graphic after page break)

Occupy the New York Times! Editor Meeting Greeted With Silent Union Pr

March 2nd, 2012 2:32 PM
Occupy the New York Times! In January Times Watch noted that Times staffers who were members of the Newspaper Guild of New York were protesting the New York Times Co. for freezing pensions for some employees, even as it granted a $15 million golden parachute to former chief executive Janet Robinson after she departed in 2011. An open letter to Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. has so far been…

Ed Schultz Lets Slide Obvious Lie About Scott Walker From Union Boss L

February 22nd, 2012 6:52 PM
Ed Schultz prides himself on all the time he's spent in Wisconsin over the last year, acting as bellicose cheerleader for its public-sector unions. Alas, much of that time was wasted as shown by Schultz ignoring or not catching a blatant falsehood about Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker from Leo Gerard, president of United Steelworkers (audio after page break)

Media Hail GM ‘Record’ Profits, Forget to Mention GM Doesn’t Pay

February 20th, 2012 9:49 AM
One thing I’ve learned in the year I have spent tracking General Motors cum Government Motors (GM) - and all its Crony Socialist, green non-energy “energy”, flammable absurdities - is the fact that the car media are every bit the Leftist open-channel steno pool as are the political media.   And with President Barack Obama running for reelection in large part on the utterly failed “success” of…

AP's Original Report on Obama at Master Lock Misstates His Related SOT

February 15th, 2012 3:59 PM
Today, President Obama visited Master Lock, a company he cited in his State of the Union speech on January 24 using the following words: "But right now, it's getting more expensive to do business in places like China. Meanwhile, America is more productive. A few weeks ago, the CEO of Master Lock told me that it now makes business sense for him to bring jobs back home. Today, for the first time…

Occupy Movement's Embarrassing CPAC Saga Invisible at AP

February 12th, 2012 11:50 PM
On Friday, the Daily Caller reported that Occupy movement protesters at CPAC were being paid $60 a day to be there. (Here I thought the left was really motivated these days. Guess not.) At the self-described Essential Global News Network known as the Associated Press, this fact and other inconvenient items about the movement's pathetic efforts at and around CPAC are being ignored. Before…