Stossel Column: Teachers Unions Fail Science

January 14th, 2021 6:44 PM

Is your child's school open now? Probably not -- because teachers unions say that reopening would "put their health and safety at risk." They keep schools closed by lobbying and protesting. "If I die from catching COVID-19 from being forced back into Pinellas County Schools, you can drop my dead body right here!" shouts one demonstrator in my new video. But schools rarely spread COVID-19.…


Univision Gives FL Teachers’ Union a National Platform for Propaganda 

July 23rd, 2020 12:24 PM

Univision’s anchors, perpetually on the hunt for “news” to fit their political agendas, have now painted a bullseye on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Case in point: its sympathetic coverage of a lawsuit filed by Florida's largest teacher’s union against DeSantis. Only one point of view was offered: that of a teacher and union activist who actively campaigned for Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden.…

Lib Media-Led Union Votes to Request ‘Public Financing for Journalism’

May 4th, 2020 6:17 PM
One of the premier national unions for liberal outlets such as NBC News Digital, The Washington Post and The New York Times actually voted to request the government finance the news industry with taxpayer dollars. Surprisingly, it was The Times that released the story Sunday May 3. The article noted how the president of the “most prominent journalists’ union in the country, the NewsGuild, crossed…

NBC Manipulates Video: Cuts Around Biden Threatening to Assault Man

March 10th, 2020 9:19 PM
In a viral moment from an auto plant in Detroit Tuesday, a raging Joe Biden lashed out and threatened to assault (slap) an autoworker who confronted him about his support for curtailing Second Amendment rights. The threat was omitted by all the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) and Univision, with CNNEE and Telemundo ignoring the incident altogether. But what NBC Nightly News did was…

'Young Turks’ Progressive Founder Urges His Staff Not to Form a Union

February 25th, 2020 3:48 PM
One of the common mottoes liberals love to use is: “Do As I Say, Not As I Do.” That was the case on Wednesday, February 12, when host Cenk Uygur -- creator of The Young Turks news and commentary television program -- insisted that his employees not create a union. The reason Uygur gave for his hypocritical stance was that it would force the small network into bankruptcy even though it would…

The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez School of Economics

January 22nd, 2020 1:51 PM
On Monday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, (D-N.Y.), sat for a discussion with author Ta-Nehisi Coates. She dropped a number of shocking statements -- statements that elicited nothing but murmurs of agreement from Coates. AOC claimed: “No one ever makes a billion dollars. You take a billion dollars.” How, pray tell, are American billionaires responsible for such massive theft? According to AOC,…

De Niro at SAG Awards: 'We're in Such a Dire Situation'

January 19th, 2020 10:26 PM
It seemed only natural that January 19's 26th annual Screen Actors Guild Awards on TNT and TBS would get political. Why is that? Well, known Trump-basher Robert De Niro was being honored with a life achievement award.

'We Don't Get to Relax!'NBC Sitcom 'Superstore' Plays Union Card Again

December 12th, 2019 11:40 PM
The NBC sitcom Superstore consistently promotes propaganda that is both pro-union and pro-illegal immigration. The “Superstore” of the title is meant to be a stand-in for Wal-Mart, a regular punching bag of the left that has actually raised the standard of living for Americans living in poorer areas.

Only ‘What Matters’ to Dems: NBC Pushes for Strengthening Unions

November 6th, 2019 8:46 PM
As part of their new “What Matters” series, the segment they admitted was only meant to gauge the interests of Democratic voters, Wednesday’s NBC Nightly News sat down with Senator and 2020 hopeful Amy Klobuchar (MN) and asked her how she would help to strengthen unions in America.

Super Woke ‘Superstore’ Fights ICE and Corporations

September 26th, 2019 10:11 PM
Last season, the NBC comedy Superstore ended with a dramatic ICE arrest. During last season’s finale, the audience was supposed to feel sympathy for Mateo (Nico Santos), the illegal immigrant who stole a woman’s identification to get his job. The season premiere, “Cloud 9.0,” on September 26 began with a vigil by the Cloud 9 store’s employees to protest their illegal co-worker's detainment.

Blind Spot: ABC/NBC Skip Raids, Corruption Probe of Auto Union Bosses

August 28th, 2019 8:28 PM
Credit where it’s due: During Wednesday’s evening newscasts, CBS Evening News was the only network news program to report on the FBI’s expansive raids of current and former leaders of the United Auto Workers union. The corruption probe had been going on for four years and netted numerous convictions. Despite all of that, ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News completely ignored the story.

Reality Check: Pro-Abortion 'Rewire News' Under Fire for Union Layoffs

July 31st, 2019 8:28 AM
For everybody enjoying Vox Media and Bernie Sanders Campaign union workers revolting over their liberal overlords’ hypocrisy, here’s a new one for you: The pro-abortion site Rewire.News is getting hit from the left for laying off union members.

MSNBC Hails Teacher Union, Warns Betsy DeVos Is 'Hyper-Extreme'

July 5th, 2019 10:02 PM

Education and charges of de facto segregation have been causing quite the conversation in the Democratic Party since Kamala Harris and Joe Biden's on-stage fight over busing at the recent Democratic debate. They have argued that it is just horrible that minority students are trapped in failing schools. On Friday's edition of MSNBC Live host Yasmin Vossoughian welcomed Heidi Przybyla and NPR…


NBC Promotes Kamala Harris’s ‘Big Idea’ to Jack Up the Death Tax

June 11th, 2019 11:51 PM
As NewsBusters reported Monday night, NBC News has launched a new report series dedicated to promoting the “big ideas” put forward solely by Democratic 2020 candidates ahead of the debates in a few weeks. Tuesday’s edition followed California Senator Kamala Harris as she campaigned in South Carolina to jack up the death tax to pay for an increase in teacher salaries.