
ABC Comedy Declares 'Everything We Have' Is Because Of Unions

October 31st, 2017 11:20 PM
ABC’s The Mayor has been leaning to the left more with each episode to the point where they openly advocate for left-leaning politicians. When that’s not possible, I guess they go for the next best thing: left-leaning supporters. This week, they remind us of the important and still totally relevant role of the union in society.

With Roosevelt on Labor Day

September 7th, 2017 5:48 PM
WASHINGTON -- Labor Day weekend passed with soggy weather in Washington. It was not as soggy as in other parts of the United States, but it kept me indoors most of the time, so I decided to give some thought to the one American president who I associate with Labor Day, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. To be historically correct, I should associate President Grover Cleveland -- a conservative Democrat…

AP Ignores Almost All Details of UAW-Chrysler Training Center Scandal

August 12th, 2017 11:32 AM
On Tuesday morning, the Associated Press left no doubt that it does not want to see detailed news of the outrageous United Auto Workers-Fiat Chrysler training scandal spread beyond Metro Detroit. In an unbylined item which digested far longer reports seen at Detroit's major newspapers down to five paragraphs, the wire service kept the union out of its headline, failed to mention the union until…

NPR Affiliate Touts Claim Vouchers Would Send IL Back to 'Segregation'

August 10th, 2017 2:03 PM
On Wednesday, NPR’s Illinois affiliate WGLT promoted a claim without pushback by a McLean County, IL superintendent named Mark Daniel that, if the state passed a school vouchers program, the Land of Lincoln would plunge back half a century into “segregation.” Illinois is in a heated battle led by Republican Governor Bruce Rauner to enact a voucher program to allow students to succeed, individuals…

Bitter NYT Joins With UAW, Accuses Nissan of Race Bias, Scare Tactics

August 7th, 2017 9:36 AM
New York Times labor reporter Noam Scheiber, former editor for the liberal New Republic magazine, sounded rather bitter about another autoworker union setback in the South, under the loaded headline “U.A.W. Accuses Nissan of ‘Scare Tactics’ as Workers Reject Union Bid." He also played the race card in an article before the vote. In Times-world, if unions lose, something must be fishy.

AP Only Vaguely Refers to UAW Scandal in Covering Union's Nissan Loss

August 5th, 2017 11:54 AM
On Friday, the United Auto Workers failed in yet another attempt to organize an auto plant in the South. This time it was a Nissan plant in Canton, Mississippi. Unlike in the 2014, when workers at a Chattanooga, Tennessee Volkswagen plant narrowly rejected the union, Friday's result was a 62 percent to 38 percent shellacking. Coverage of the UAW's defeat at the Associated Press overnight was…

Nets Blackout Report Showing USPS Broke Law to Support Hillary/Dems

July 20th, 2017 12:08 AM
In a Senate hearing on Capitol Hill Wednesday, the United States Postal Service felt the heat of bipartisan scorn for decades of violations of federal election laws. “A new report tonight states that Postal Service employees were allowed to take leave from their jobs and still get paid as they campaigned for Hillary Clinton last year,” announced Fox News Channel Anchor Bret Baier during Special…

The Dirty Dem Dogs of Disruption

March 15th, 2017 3:35 PM
Here come the hyper-partisan hounds. A new nonprofit called American Oversight launched this week to combat President Trump's "culture of impunity." The outfit declared itself "nonpartisan" and claims its crusaders will fight for a "transparent and ethical government." But like Waylon Jennings once crooned, "Baby, that dog won't hunt." These Democrat operatives aren't interested in accountability…

AP Bitter That Boeing Plant Obama's NLRB Tried to Stop Didn't Go Union

February 16th, 2017 12:30 PM
Meg Kinnard at the Associated Press betrayed quite a bit of unhappiness Wednesday evening and Thursday morning in her coverage of workers' decisive rejection of a union organizing effort at Boeing Corp.'s 787-10 production plant in North Charleston, South Carolina. In two very similar reports found at the wire service's Big Story site, Kinnard solely blamed "Southern reluctance toward…

AP Ignores Falling Obama-Era Union Rolls, Takes Aim at Wisconsin

January 30th, 2017 2:02 PM
You would think that the establishment press and the rest of the opposition to Donald Trump's administration might be able to capitalize substantively (shrieking fundraising letters don't count as "substance") on Kellyanne Conway's shaky reference to "alternative facts" about a week ago. (She should have said, "I have different, more defensible estimates than you do," because she did.) So far…

The Strange Ignorance of PolitiFact

January 23rd, 2017 5:02 PM
It would be difficult to think of any principle more basic than that criminal defendants can’t be convicted except by proof beyond a reasonable doubt. But left-leaning “fact-checker” PolitiFact doesn’t even know it. In an error-filled January 19 “fact-check,” PolitiFact’s Anna Orso writes about “the ‘clear and convincing’ standard used in criminal trials.”  The clear and convincing evidence…

Sponsors of Anarchy

January 19th, 2017 3:34 PM
Clenched-fist troublemakers will use any mass gathering as an excuse to undermine civil society. Social media and the irresistible lure of virality have only strengthened their incentive to "FSU" (f--- s--- up). Here's another thing you can take to the bank: "Mainstream" protesters on the streets of D.C. will look the other way at these lawless vandals who leech onto any available cause. Their…

NYT Jumps on 'Cyberbully' Trump, Skips Obama Hitting Private Citizens

December 9th, 2016 10:32 AM
The front of Friday’s New York Times featured Michael Shear's interview with Chuck Jones, the now-famous president of Indiana United Steelworkers Local 1999, who came under withering attack by president-elect Donald Trump on Twitter on Wednesday night, after claiming that “Trump lied his ass off” about how many U.S. jobs Trump’s Carrier move would actually save. The headline: “Trump as Cyberbully…

Not News: Black Lives Matter Praises Castro's Harboring of Cop-Killers

December 6th, 2016 12:09 AM
No review of the reactions of leftists and the establishment press (but I repeat myself) to the death of Fidel Castro would be complete without seeing what the wonderful, caring people at Black Lives Matter wrote after the Cuban dictator died. BLM's reaction is posted at a website called Since that post doesn't link elsewhere, it was possible to hope that the content there doesn't…