Hardly Known: Carrier Plant's Workforce 50 Percent African-American

December 1st, 2016 11:24 PM
A friend told me he couldn't wait to see the videos of crowds of cheering Carrier workers when Donald Trump arrived at the company's plant in Indianapolis to celebrate management's decision to keep a substantial portion of its production there instead of moving it to Mexico. If there such are photos or videos out there, I haven't seen them. There may be a reason for that apparent absence or lack…

Pundit Gripes That Anti-Government Themes Help GOP Win Elections

November 16th, 2016 5:54 PM
In a Tuesday post, Esquire blogger Pierce complained that Ronald Reagan’s anti-government rhetoric discouraged many from voting, thereby benefiting Republicans, but Donald Trump’s anti-government rhetoric encouraged many to vote, thereby benefiting Republicans. Pierce noted that Reagan, in his first inaugural address, declared “that government was not a solution to the problem, that government…

Journalists Fail to Correct Obama Howler on Economy

November 16th, 2016 12:36 AM
At a press conference in Greece on Tuesday, President Barack Obama claimed that when he came into office, "the economy was contracting faster than it did during the Great Depression, but we were able to intervene, apply lessons learned and stabilize and then begin growth again." Naturally, Elena Becatoros and Josh Lederman at the Associated Press and Gardiner Harris at the New York Times, all of…

Blackish & Bluish: ABC Comedy Hits Blue-Collar Workers After Election

November 10th, 2016 2:22 AM
Though they may not have known it, Blackish just tackled one of the biggest issues surrounding the election: the blue-collar worker. Of course, I believe it was probably all a coincidence, but it actually is funny how it worked out - and I don’t say that often about ABC shows.

NBC's 'Superstore' Blasts 'Unethical' Corporations

November 4th, 2016 1:39 AM
The NBC comedy Superstore continues to insert pro-labor propaganda into its show. Thursday night's episode "Election Day" once again pits employees against their "unethical" corporation. 

Matthews Lets Biden Falsely Claim He's Never Criticized Tea Party

October 26th, 2016 11:00 PM
Joe Biden appeared on MSNBC's Hardball on Tuesday, and claimed that "You never heard me criticize the tea party." Millions of people with decent memories and the ability to hear know that this is not true. Those with longer memories know that Biden's strident criticisms of the Tea Party movement, its members and its political candidates and officeholders go back over six years.

Oregonian: 2.5-Percent Receipts Tax 'Could' Raise Consumer Prices

October 23rd, 2016 10:00 PM
I hope I'm right when I contend that most people in Oregon aren't as dumb as the writer of a photo caption in an article found at Oregon Live, the web site of the Oregonian, apparently is (or, one hopes, is only pretending to be). The caption's writer, commenting on a 2.5 percent gross receipts tax — not an income tax, but a tax off the top on sales — claims that "One question Oregonians have…

Freedom to Work

October 20th, 2016 2:51 AM
If a person wants to go into business as a taxicab owner, what requirements should be imposed to protect the public? The prospective taxicab owner should show that he is honest and can operate a vehicle safely. His vehicle should pass a safety inspection, and he should have a liability insurance policy. Some cities require the purchase of an existing license, sometimes called a medallion. A…

A Constitutional Right to Literacy

October 12th, 2016 12:27 PM
Detroit school students, represented by the Los Angeles-based public interest firm Public Counsel, filed suit last month against the state of Michigan, claiming a legal right to literacy based on the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. Ninety-three percent of Detroit's predominantly black public school eighth-graders are not proficient in reading, and 96 percent are not proficient in mathematics…

‘Superstore’ Strikes, Mocks ‘Bigots’ Against Transgender Bathrooms

September 23rd, 2016 7:26 PM
In its season two opener, NBC’s big box store comedy, Superstore, continued its sharp left turn left. At the end of the show’s first season, a majority of Cloud 9’s employees went on strike after the store manager was fired for “suspending” an employee, with pay, who had just given birth in the store because the corporate office had refused to offer maternity leave to its associates.

Not News: SEIU on Losing End of First-Ever Employer Defamation Verdict

September 8th, 2016 5:39 PM
"Firsts" — first man on the moon, first black president, first state to legalize something which was previously a crime, etc. — are supposed to be a big deal, right? Tuesday evening, the Houston Chronicle reported a first in the entire history of organized labor in the U.S., and the national press is ignoring it. That's likely because it's really bad news for Big Labor. The jury verdict in a…

Matthews: ‘Chilling How Good’ Biden Has Been, Touts Love for Trumka

June 30th, 2016 9:16 PM
In Thursday’s installment of head-scratching lines uttered by MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, the Hardball host proclaimed that it’s “[c]hilling how good” Joe Biden has been as Vice President and informed guest and AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka that his very appearances on television causes him to be “in a good mood when you come on this show.”

TSA's Union Power Grab: Thousands Slowing Down Airports

May 18th, 2016 12:48 PM
All you travelers stuck in mile-long TSA security lines are pawns. Convenient political pawns. Big Labor bosses want more power and more money. Stranded travelers are just the latest victims in this age-old game of D.C. extortion.  

Press Virtually Ignores Wendy's Plan to Install Self-Serve Kiosks

May 14th, 2016 11:00 AM
The establishment press has given an open mic to proponents of raising the minimum wage nationally, and has cheered $15-per-hour legislation passed in California and New York earlier this year as "historic." The silence from those same quarters, e.g., the Associated Press, the New York Times and others, is deafening now that one of the predictions of those who have criticized such sharp…