
ABC Lets Michael Moore LIE About Bush Handling of 9/11 Aftermath

September 13th, 2021 10:25 AM

On Saturday morning's GMA, ABC's Dan Harris allowed liberal propagandist Michael Moore to sully the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks by falsely claiming that the George W. Bush administration gave Osama bin Laden's family a special pass to leave the country while all other planes were barred from flying.


PATHETIC: Abortion-Loving MSNBC Gushes Over Teen Activist

September 5th, 2021 10:30 PM

On Saturday afternoon, MSNBC weekend host Alex Witt displayed the liberal new network's pro-abortion activism by gushing over teenage abortion rights advocate Paxton Smith, who gave a valedictory speech a few months ago that was hyped by the left.


MSNBC’s Hateful New Host Justifies Hillary’s ‘Deplorable’ Smear

April 20th, 2021 5:15 PM

MSNBC has long displayed its hatred for Trump supporters and it is continuing to show its contempt even now that he is out of office. On Sunday afternoon’s Alex Witt Reports, MSNBC host Alex Witt brought on political analyst and MSNBC host Mehdi Hassan to go on an unhinged diatribe against Trump voters. The hateful Hassan justified Hillary Clinton labeling Trump supporters “…


No Objection on MSNBC as Guest Rants: GOP Wants ‘Americans Murdered'

April 19th, 2021 10:04 AM

The media has decided once again to fall in line with the Democrats’ gun agenda. Demonstrating the media’s parroting of Democratic talking points about guns, on Sunday afternoon’s Alex Witt Reports MSNBC host Alex Witt collaborated with Representative Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) to push for gun control. Witt indulged in some gaslighting by claiming that Democrats are not trying to implement…


FACT-CHECK: MSNBC Host Omits Key Detail on Minimum Wage Study

January 19th, 2021 5:03 PM

On Sunday’s Weekends with Alex Witt, MSNBC host Alex Witt tag-teamed with New School professor of economics and urban policy and Institute On Race and Political Economy director Darrick Hamilton to eagerly promote Joe Biden’s economic agenda without a real grasp of the facts and some smokescreens. While discussing Biden’s proposal to increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour, Witt…


MSNBC's Velshi & Witt Spread Misinformation About Illegal immigration

November 26th, 2020 6:20 AM

On Sunday, MSNBC hosts Ali Velshi and Alex Witt both did their part to spread misinformation to their viewers about illegal immigration and border security, with Velshi wrongly claiming that it is not illegal for asylum seekers to cross the border illegally, and Witt letting her guest understate the amount of new border wall built by the Donald Trump administration.


Let the Fawning Begin! Doris Kearns Goodwin Likens Joe Biden to FDR

November 9th, 2020 3:13 PM

Appearing as a guest on Sunday's MSNBC Live with Alex Witt, former NBC News presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin enthused over Joe Biden as the next President, likening his defeat of Donald Trump to Franklin Delano Roosevelt defeating Herbert Hoover, and touting his ability to connect with voters as being like Roosevelt.


MSNBC Lets Franken Lie That ACB Supports Sterilization of Transgenders

October 5th, 2020 11:33 PM

Disgraced former Senator Al Franken joined Alex Witt on her Saturday show for a lengthy discussion about the news of the day, which after President Trump's health included the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett. During the segment, the network that laments the lack of truth in the politics let Franken get away with the lie that Barrett has taken money from an organization that favors the…


Moore: GOP Wants Court to 'Keep Their Feet on the Necks of Women'

September 20th, 2020 8:35 PM

Appearing as a guest on Sunday's MSNBC Live with Alex Witt, liberal film maker Michael Moore condemned Republicans for pushing to quickly fill Ruth Bader Ginsburg's seat on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Jon Meacham

MSNBC's Biden Backers Demand Voters End Trump's 'Reign of Terror'

July 26th, 2020 8:23 PM

On Sunday afternoon's MSNBC Live with Alex Witt, MSNBC contributor and liberal historian Jon Meacham conflated segregationist Democrat George Wallace with non-segregationist Republican conservatives like Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater. After Meacham encouraged viewers to vote against President Trump's "reign of terror" in November, MSNBC Republican Michael Steele…


MSNBC Lets Merkley Claim Trump in 'War on Children'

August 26th, 2019 12:12 AM
On Sunday afternoon, as MSNBC host Alex Witt interviewed Oregon Democratic Senator Jeff Merkley about detention of illegal immigrants, she not only gave no pushback on Merkley's incendiary claim that the Trump administration is in a "war on children," but she even added her own liberal commentary as she suggested that keeping illegals detained until their cases are concluded would not act as a…

After Months of Denying, Cable Journalists Admit ‘Crisis’ at Border

April 2nd, 2019 10:17 AM
Talking heads on liberal cable news are finally warming to calling the situation on the U.S.-Mexico border a crisis, at least since former Obama DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson blessed that term on the March 29 edition of MSNBC’s Morning Joe.  But some of us are old enough to remember a time – barely two months ago – when cable hosts were screaming to high heaven that there was no such border crisis. 

MSNBC Hosts Fret Kelly Craft's Neutrality on Climate Change

February 25th, 2019 10:40 AM
On Sunday, two MSNBC hosts fretted over U.N. ambassador nominee Kelly Knight Craft's views on global warming as host Alex Witt invited Virginia Democratic Congressman Don Beyer to bash her on the subject, and, later in the day, Kasie D.C. host Kasie Hunt also gave attention to and seemed befuddled by her views.

NBC's Bardella 'Triggered' by GOP Guest, Rants About White Crime

January 6th, 2019 11:03 AM

On Saturday's Weekends with Alex Witt on MSNBC, NBC contributor Kurt Bardella flipped out when he was faced with something rarely seen on MSNBC -- a right-leaning guest who actually made a conservative argument counter to the network's left-leaning guests, as opposed to the typical MSNBC Republicans who often agree with liberals.