
Lemon to Nye: U.S. 'Doing Enough' to Fix 'Root Cause' of Hurricanes?

September 21st, 2017 11:09 AM
Wednesday on CNN Tonight With Don Lemon, the host brought on a former children’s television host to push the idea that the recent hurricanes and earthquakes were the result of manmade climate change. What made the segment even more ludicrous, was that Lemon pointed out that actual climate scientists have said these natural disasters aren’t due to climate change, but he continued pushing for that…

Hard Left Night at Emmys: Antifa Supporters, Obamas, Climate Change

September 11th, 2017 10:43 AM
“The Obamas won an Emmy!” At the Creative Arts Emmys in Hollywood, the real winner was the liberal agenda, as represented by CNN, the Obamas, climate change, drag queens, and the Women’s March.

Celebrity Extremist Nye: Just Wait for ‘Climate' 'Clowns' to ‘Die' Off

July 20th, 2017 11:35 AM
Celebrity climate extremist Bill Nye thinks the solution to dealing with “climate deniers” might be to just wait for them to “die” out. Talking to the Los Angeles Times on Thursday, he mocked “people who are afraid in general” as older and added, “Climate change deniers, by way of example, are older. It’s generational. So we’re just going to have to wait for those people to ‘age out,’ as they say…

CBS to Bill Nye: Why Are People So ‘Reluctant’ to Just Trust You?

July 10th, 2017 5:34 PM
The journalists at CBS This Morning on Monday conducted a fawning interview with environmental activist Bill Nye. Rather than offer any hard questions, Charlie Rose offered softballs such as asking, “Are other countries more curious about science than we are?” 

Nye Rants: 'You Can't Build a Border Wall Against...Emissions'

June 1st, 2017 2:41 PM
Bill Nye, the bow-tie wearing “Science Guy”, who, despite his degree in mechanical engineering, has somehow obtained clout as an expert on anthropogenic climate change, appeared with Americans for Tax Reform president Grover Norquist on Stephanie Ruhle’s program on MSNBC Thursday morning to discuss the ramifications of President Trump’s reported plans to leave the Paris Climate Agreement.…

Bill Nye Episode Re-Release Deletes Male-Female Determination Segment

May 2nd, 2017 9:06 PM
On Thursday, Julia Seymour at NewsBusters noted that in his new, ridiculously hyped Netflix series, so-called "Science Guy" Bill Nye "preached gender fluidity as 'forward thinking.'" In what can hardly be a coincidence, Daniel Payne at the reports that "someone cut from a re-release of the episode" a 76-second segment from Nye's original 1996 program on "Probability" explaining how…

Bill Nye ‘Saves the World?’ Where’s the Science, ‘Science Guy?’

April 27th, 2017 11:29 AM
It was a “moment made for Bill Nye,” so The Washington Post said. The Post was referring to the April 22, March for Science, but they could just has easily been making a broader point about Nye’s recent resurgence and the media reaction. It doesn’t seem to matter that his new show is heavy on entertainment, light on science and filled with liberal propaganda.

WashPost Gushes Over Alarmist Bill Nye: ‘Icon’ Ready for a ‘Movement'

April 25th, 2017 4:57 PM
The Washington Post on Monday offered a glowing look at “icon” Bill Nye, celebrating his “movement” coming to fruition at this past weekend’s March for Science. Writer Caitlin Gibson sounded as though she was describing a rock star: “The moment he emerged onstage in a black jacket and red bow tie, the crowd noise hit near-deafening decibels. A sea of iPhones appeared, everyone stretching and…

Bill Nye to Target 'Religious Leaders,' 'Climate Deniers' In New Show

February 9th, 2017 4:16 PM
For years, the liberal media have given Bill Nye a platform to rant about his liberal views and now Netflix will give him an entire show. Nye, “The Science Guy,” is one of the media’s favorite global warming alarmists. He will star in a new Netflix show called Bill Nye Saves the World which will debut in the Spring of 2017. Variety’s TV Editor Laura Prudom reported that the show will attempt to… Plays Up Bill Nye's Honorary Degrees to Chide Palin

April 19th, 2016 4:06 PM
Vanessa Schipani ran to Bill Nye's defense in a Monday item for, and underlined that "former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin falsely said she is 'as much a scientist' as Bill Nye...Nye has multiple credentials that make him more of a scientist than Palin, including a bachelor of science in mechanical engineering from Cornell, experience working with NASA and various patents." Schipani also…

Bozell Moderates Climate Change Panel at ‘Climate Hustle’ Premiere

April 15th, 2016 12:27 PM
The MRC has spent many years documenting the liberal media’s bias towards climate alarmism, from warnings of an “inevitable” ice age, to misreporting 2014 as the “hottest year” on record. As an expert on the media’s record of promoting fear of climate change, MRC President and Founder L. Brent Bozell moderated an invitation-only panel discussion on the subject featuring former Gov. Sarah Palin,…

Bill Nye Predicts: GOP 'Climate Change Deniers' Won't Win Election

April 6th, 2016 1:04 AM
On Tuesday night’s roundtable on the Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore, the late-night liberal host had Bill Nye “the Science Guy on as his guest to talk about the 2016 Presidential election and how the Republican candidates haven’t made climate change an important election issue. Nye claimed that the GOP candidates were climate change “deniers” because they were funded by “the fossil fuel industry…

Morning Joe Throws Hardballs at Bill Nye, Climate Panic Guy

November 10th, 2015 12:21 PM
Morning Joe Tuesday featured a discussion with Bill Nye, known as the Science Guy from his television days, and his new book, “Unstoppable.” The book is about getting America to lead on fighting Climate Change, particularly in transitioning from fossil fuels to wind and solar energy. Scarborough on Climate Change, threw to Nye, about the signficance of China and other developing countries on…

CNN's Costello Cues Up Bill Nye: 'Ready to Fight the Haters'

May 29th, 2015 2:38 PM
On the May 29 edition of CNN Newsroom, Carol Costello brought on Bill Nye “the science guy” (who is not a scientist) to lecture conservatives about the supposed importance of climate change. Prior to the interview Costello introduced Nye as someone who is “ready to fight the haters,” and resorted to the usual liberal talking point: “Before we begin, I just want to say 97 percent of scientists say…