Bill Nye Compares Combating Climate Change to Winning World War II

May 11th, 2015 1:36 PM
Overcoming climate change is a challenge for those "coming of age," much like World War II was for the Greatest Generation, Bill Nye "The Science Guy" asserted. Nye claimed that climate change was "certainly the most serious problem facing humankind right now" while on HuffPost Live May 7 with host Josh Zepps.

Bill Nye on Europe's Jews: If Only They Were More Neighborly

February 22nd, 2015 12:11 PM
Heck, who cares if the "neighbors" in question have a knife to your throat. Bill Nye, foppish self-proclaimed Science Guy, appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher this past Friday night and demonstrated why he ought to stick with his true vocation as a global-warming bedwetter.

Bill Nye Pleads With MSNBC: More Climate Hysteria, Please!

February 16th, 2015 3:53 PM
Climate change enthusiast Bill Nye appeared on MSNBC, Monday, to lobby the network for more global warming cheerleading and the importance of linking all weather events to the phenomena. Talking to Joy Reid about the cold and snow hitting much of the country, he implored, "...Just say the word climate change. Just, like, 'It could be climate change. It's a possible connection to climate change.…

Nye Blames Blizzard on Climate Change, Knocks 'Unglued' Dissenters

January 26th, 2015 4:17 PM
A severe winter storm about to strike the northeast is caused by global warming? That's the unsurprising suggestion by climate change enthusiast Bill Nye on MSNBC, Monday.

Say What? Resolve to Ignore These Media ‘Experts’ in 2015

December 30th, 2014 11:29 AM
When you’re coming up with New Year’s resolutions just in time for the start of 2015, you may want to exclude advice from certain people the news media turn to as experts, but who fail to live up to the hype. Despite being continually cited by the media, these five scientists, celebrities and journalist-wannabes have all been criticized, debunked or refuted in the past year.

CBS Gives Bill Nye Platform to Attack Those Who ‘Deny’ Climate Change'

November 11th, 2014 10:28 AM
On Tuesday morning, Bill Nye “The Science Guy” appeared on CBS This Morning to promote his new book, and used his platform as an opportunity to trash individuals who question the existence of manmade climate change. Speaking about his book “Undeniable: Evolution and the science of creation” Nye argued that “it's not a coincidence that the creationists also deny climate change. It's a really… Pits 'Science Guy' Nye Against Republican Congresswoman

February 17th, 2014 1:51 PM has drawn a line in the sand regarding where it stands on the “consensus” of man-made climate change. Following Bill Nye’s appearance on Sunday’s Meet the Press,’s Ned Resnikoff continued to peddle the liberal line on climate change and conveniently dismissed any skepticism of human involvement on the issue. Just yesterday, David Gregory, moderator of Meet the Press, used…

NBC's Gregory and Bill Nye Team Up to Denounce Global Warming Skeptici

February 17th, 2014 11:15 AM
On Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, supposed moderator David Gregory teamed up with global warming activist Bill Nye to condemn skepticism on the issue voiced by Republican Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn. [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] When Blackburn dared to point out that "there is not consensus" on manmade global warming –  citing two dissenting climate scientists –…

Meet the Press to Host Climate Change Debate Featuring a Guy Who Playe

February 15th, 2014 4:52 PM
It is a sign of the unseriousness of the mainstream media that the NBC program "Meet the Press" will be hosting a climate debate Sunday featuring a person who plays a scientist on TV. Yes, tomorrow it is "Bill Nye the Science Guy" versus Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) on NBC's "Meet the Press."

NBC Cheers 'Firebrand for Science' Bill Nye Pushing Climate Change

July 22nd, 2013 11:37 AM
On Monday's NBC Today, correspondent Mara Schiavocampo offered a fawning report on the 20th anniversary of the popular children's show, Bill Nye, The Science Guy, describing its host as "Part teacher, part crusader." A sound bite followed of Nye declaring: "Climate change is happening." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] While Schiavocampo started by describing the…

NY Times Fawns Over Bill Nye: ‘Warrior for Science

June 20th, 2013 10:07 AM
Bill Nye got the “rock star” treatment from The New York Times on June 17. John Schwartz’s glowing 1,512-word profile of “The Science Guy” described Nye as a “warrior for science,” and “Springsteen of the nerds.” At the same time Schwartz lauded Nye, he trashed his opponents on the issue of climate change and clearly sided with climate change alarmism.

WaPo Weather Editor Rips Bill Nye the Uninformed Weather Guy on NE Bli

February 12th, 2013 2:08 PM
My review of previous NewsBusters posts relating to "Bill Nye the Science Guy" indicates that he's an atheist who doesn't think creationism should be taught in schools and, more pertinent at the moment, such an avid believer in "global warming" aka "climate change" that he believes those who doubt it or that it's caused by human activity are "unpatriotic." Nye's belief in what I prefer to…

Meteorologist Joe Bastardi Blasts Bill Nye and Piers Morgan for Their

December 4th, 2012 11:40 PM
As NewsBusters reported, global warming skeptic Marc Morano had a debate about climate change with Bill Nye the Science Guy on CNN's Piers Morgan Tonight Tuesday. After it concluded, WeatherBell meteorologist Joe Bastardi took to Twitter to lambaste Morgan and Nye for their views on this subject:

Global Warming Skeptic Marc Morano Debates Bill Nye the Science Guy on

December 4th, 2012 10:03 PM
UPDATE: Links added to transcript to give readers background regarding scientific points made by Morano. Global warming skeptic and founder of the website Climate Depot Marc Morano debated climate change with Bill Nye the Science Guy on CNN's Piers Morgan Tonight Tuesday. Video of the entire spirited discussion follows with full CNN transcript: