CBS This Morning Spotlights Atheist Bill Nye, Who Believes 'Creationis

August 28th, 2012 3:44 PM
Immediately following an antagonistic discussion with the former presidential candidate Rick Santorum, in which he demanded the Pennsylvania Republican to differentiate himself from  Mitt Romney, CBS This Morning’s Charlie Rose previewed the next interview that would be conducted by his co-anchor Gayle King, with a Chris Matthews-like swipe at the GOP as anti-science. “Republicans here in…

CNN Anchor Tells Bill Nye He's Losing to Conservatives 'Politicizing

July 2nd, 2012 6:40 PM
CNN's Carol Costello told guest Bill Nye "The Science Guy" on Monday that climate change skeptics are "politicizing this issue" and "winning." Of course, the two did not admit to the possibility of man-made climate change believers doing the exact same thing. "But the people who are politicizing this issue, they seem to be winning because not much is being done on the issue of climate change…

Bill Nye 'The Science Guy' Falsely Claims Not Many Countries Beside U

May 28th, 2011 3:07 PM
Bill Nye "The Science Guy" was on Fox News's "America's News Headquarters" Saturday trying to make the case that despite it being "very difficult to mathematically connect" this year's tornado activity to global warming, "Tornadoes are almost certainly a consequence." When host Uma Pemmaraju asked a seemingly simple question, "Are other countries seeing the same type of activity, the…

Global Warming Rap: 'Yo...We're Climate Scientists

May 12th, 2011 10:17 AM
An Australian television program has decided to advance the global warming myth by creating and airing a rap video called "I'm A Climate Scientist." For some reason, "Hungry Beast" felt it was necessary to include vulgarity to make its point (video follows with vulgarity-laden lyrics and commentary):

Nye Delighted About ClimateGate Exoneration 'Sham'; Calls Skeptics 'Ir

July 8th, 2010 9:19 AM
Surprise - a British panel ruled that the scandal known as ClimateGate that supposedly revealed the manipulation of certain data strengthen the case of manmade global warming was much ado about nothing. But, The New York Times in a July 7 story called these findings of an inquiry led by Muir Russell, a retired British civil servant and educator, "a sweeping exoneration" of the ClimateGate…

Joe Bastardi Debates Global Warming With Bill Nye the Science Guy

February 23rd, 2010 1:14 AM
A rare thing happened on Monday's "O'Reilly Factor": a climate alarmist and a global warming skeptic debated on American television Nobel Laureate Al Gore's favorite theory.In the alarmist corner was Bill Nye the Science Guy.In the skeptical corner was Accuweather meteorologist Joe Bastardi.  Moderating the event, and doing a fine job of it, was Fox News's Bill O'Reilly (video embedded below the…

Accuweather’s Bastardi Takes on Bill Nye & Global Warming on FNC

February 22nd, 2010 10:55 PM
On Monday's The O'Reilly Factor, FNC's Bill O'Reilly hosted a debate between global warming skeptic Joe Bastardi of Accuweather, and Bill Nye of PBS's Bill Nye the Science Guy, known for recently declaring that it was "unpatriotic" to dispute global warming. Bastardi argued that recent winter weather patterns are connected to El Nino, not global warming. He also linked sunspot activity to warming…

Rachel Maddow Strikes At Glenn Beck: 'I Didn't Lie. Back Off

February 17th, 2010 10:58 AM
The war between Glenn Beck and Rachel Maddow continued Tuesday night when the MSNBCer told the Fox Newser to back off.Maddow was responding to Beck's accusation on his radio show the previous day that she had intentionally omitted a key sentence of his during her attack on him last week. During a nine minute segment designed to try to redeem herself in front of her tiny audience, Maddow refused…

Glenn Beck Calls Rachel Maddow 'Dishonest' 'Propaganda

February 16th, 2010 12:34 PM
Conservative talk radio host Glenn Beck has struck back at Rachel Maddow for her gross misrepresentation of his position on global warming by calling her a dishonest purveyor of propaganda.As NewsBusters previously reported, Maddow last Friday cherry-picked some statements by Beck to make it appear that he believed the recent snowstorms in the nation's capital disprove Nobel Laureate Al Gore's…

In Blizzard, Conservatives Mock Global Warming Alarmists, Left and Med

February 15th, 2010 3:39 PM
Back to back Washington, D.C. blizzards prompted conservatives to mock the global warming crowd last week. Grandchildren of Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., built an igloo on the National Mall and christened it "Al Gore's New Home." Fox News anchor Glenn Beck employed his trademark sarcasm to make fun of the "disappearance" of warming priest Al Gore and devotee Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. since the…

Rachel Maddow Cherry-picks Glenn Beck To Call Him A Liar

February 13th, 2010 1:29 PM
MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Friday cherry-picked statements from Glenn Beck's radio show to accuse him of lying about global warming.In a brief segment on the MSNBC program bearing her name, Maddow said the Fox News star claimed the snowstorm that hit the East Coast this week disproves Al Gore's favorite myth.Unfortunately, Maddow conveniently left out the part when Beck said "one storm does not prove…

Bill Nye 'The Science Guy': Denying Climate Change 'Unpatriotic,' 'Ina

February 11th, 2010 7:02 AM
Challenging someone's patriotism is a pretty hefty charge to level in the political arena, based on the response when Barack Obama's patriotism was challenged during the 2008 election cycle. However, there seems to be a different set of rules when it comes to questioning the authenticity of the manmade global warming argument in the wake of record-setting snowfall in the Mid-Atlantic. And this…