
Obsession: CNN, MSNBC Spend 428 Minutes on Cohen, 12 on NoKo Summit

February 28th, 2019 1:08 AM
For all the liberal media’s prior pontifications about Wednesday being a “split screen” between two major events for President Trump, the congressional testimony of his former personal lawyer Michael Cohen and the denuclearization summit with North Korea, they were sure to only give the latter just a few pixels.

Brian Williams Mixes Up Facts (Again) on Trump's Wall Promise

February 13th, 2019 4:07 PM

One of the guests on MSNBC's 11th Hour last night, Toronto Star reporter Daniel Dale, was introduced by host Brian Williams as "Twitter's most prolific presidential fact-checker." Unfortunately, Dale couldn't bring himself to fact-check an obviously dubious claim from Williams. Then again, we've all come to expect such assertions from Williams, most especially about his leap-tall-building…


FLASHBACK: Media Adored Obama’s State of the Union Speeches

February 5th, 2019 8:50 AM
If tonight’s coverage is anything like President Donald’s Trump’s first State of the Union Address look for the media to trash the speech and vilify the President. Of course there was a time the media threw verbal bouquets after the SOTU speech – when Barack Obama was delivering them. The following are the most absurd media reactions to Obama-era State of the Union speeches, as culled from the…

Brian Williams Blames Russian ‘Election Meddling’ for Brexit

January 15th, 2019 4:27 PM
Breaking into live coverage of the Senate confirmation hearing for President Trump’s Attorney General nominee William Barr, on Tuesday afternoon, MSNBC anchor Brian Williams informed viewers about the Brexit deal being rejected by Parliament in the UK. He insisted that Britain’s decision to leave the European Union was the result of Russian “election meddling.”

Watch How Even Lyin’ Brian, Guests Thought the Dem Response Was Bad!

January 9th, 2019 12:58 AM
On Tuesday’s 11th Hour, host Brian Williams tag-teamed with guests James Carville and Michael Steele to trash President Trump’s primetime address, but even this — um — special trio couldn’t escape two segments talking about the night’s events without absolutely lampooning the much-maligned and parodied Democratic response by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.

MSNBC Guest: ‘It’s Possible’ to Have a Conversation Without Trump

December 7th, 2018 8:07 AM
Sometimes the liberals on the MSNBC cable television channel become so involved in their take on a story that they need a conservative guest to remind them that there’s a big world out there they never cover. That was the case on Thursday, when the frequent Trump critics on the weekday Morning Joe program were reminded by presidential biographer Jon Meacham of an obvious truth: “It is possible…

Matthews: Trump at Funeral Is Like Prince Charles ‘in New Guinea’

December 5th, 2018 2:24 PM
Of course, the journalists at MSNBC had to psychoanalyze the body language of the Presidents attending the funeral of George H.W. Bush. Chris Matthews weirdly declared, “I think Prince Charles felt more comfortable in New Guinea than this President felt here today.” 

Check Out These Key Takeaways from Hollywood Reporter’s Media Poll

November 15th, 2018 3:59 PM
On Tuesday, The Hollywood Reporter released an extensive poll on the news habits of consumers plus a poll of 51 cable and broadcast network news hosts and late-night comedy hosts. In the full blog, check out the seven areas that The Hollywood Reporter article on their own poll didn’t have quite the time to do a deep dive on.

Kelly Appears Likely to Be Fired by NBC; Reid, Williams Still Employed

October 25th, 2018 4:27 PM
On both Wednesday and Thursday, reports and rumors swirled that Megyn Kelly would either depart or be fired by NBC News following controversial remarks about wearing blackface (even though she apologized). Throw in the fact that Kelly changed agents and it’s been a less-than-stellar week for the former Fox News Channel host, who’s stood out from her liberal colleagues and even called out NBC on…

Serial Fibber Williams: JFK Served Under General Eisenhower in WWII

October 15th, 2018 1:27 PM
Serial fibber Brian Williams told yet another whopper on Friday night from his home in MSNBC exile known as The 11th Hour with Brian Williams. So what else is new? What makes his latest historical untruth ironically special is it came as Williams along with historian Michael Beschloss were fact checking President Donald Trump for a supposed error he made during his speech at a rally in Lebanon,…

Media Go CRAZY Over Kavanaugh Confirmation

October 8th, 2018 2:44 PM
Liberal journalists lost their collective minds during the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation process as they filled their programs with dire predictions for the “millions of women” that will be “annihilated.” Lefty celebrities also went nuts. Actress Molly Ringwald condemned the GOP as the “Rape Party.” The following are the most recent examples of liberal journalists and celebrities going crazy over…

Heroic MSNBC Analyst Apologizes 'For All Men'

September 27th, 2018 3:47 PM

MSNBC legal analyst Daniel Goldman on Thursday afternoon apologized on behalf of men everywhere for Senator Lindsey Graham’s “shameful” refusal to label Judge Brett Kavanaugh a sexual assaulter without evidence. 


Brian Williams Horrified That Lindsey Graham Called Ford a 'Nice Lady'

September 27th, 2018 3:11 PM

After Christine Ford's testimony, Lindsey Graham described her to reporters as a "nice lady who has come forward to tell a hard story." How dare Graham insult a woman that way! Reacting to it during the subsequent panel discussion, Brian Williams archly asked MSNBC legal analyst Daniel Goldman: "when he calls her a nice lady?"


Jon Meacham: This Is Donald Trump's 'Real-Time Final Days Playing Out'

September 7th, 2018 4:51 PM
The economy is booming but did you know that these are the final days of Donald Trump's presidency? That is the absurd premise put forward on MSNBC's The 11th Hour with Brian Williams on Wednesday by that master of hyperbole, Jon Meacham, the man at the helm of Newsweek as it sank like the Titanic. In response to serial fabulist Brian Williams conjuring up images of Richard Nixon "three scotches…