
Even Andrea Mitchell Admits: Dems Obstructing Kavanaugh Hearing

September 4th, 2018 1:29 PM
MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell made an admirably even-handed observation Tuesday during the network’s live coverage of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearing on Supreme Court appointee Brett Kavanaugh. On Andrea Mitchell Reports, the veteran host remarked on the “very aggressive” posturing taken by Senate Democrats in the hearing, at one point admitting that the Democrats’ ultimate goal was simply to…

Brian Williams Investigates: Does Trump Hate Dogs?

August 15th, 2018 2:18 PM
In a segment that sounded like it was written for The Onion, MSNBC host Brian Williams tried to bring something different to the media’s reporting on President Trump calling former aide Omarosa a “dog.” So he brought on Washington Post’s Philip Rucker on his show August 14, to speculate whether or not the President hated actual dogs. The two liberal journalists took Trump to task, using Google…

Brian Williams Hypes GOPers Trashed by Liberal Relatives

August 14th, 2018 10:49 PM
On Monday's The 11th Hour on MSNBC, host Brian Williams devoted a couple of minutes to hyping the cases of two Republican publican figures who have recently been publicly excoriated by liberal family members. After noting reports of families being "torn apart" by political disputes in recent years, Williams brought up Virginia Congressman Bob Goodlatte coming under criticism by his son on Twitter…

This Week in Media Bias History: Feel Bad About Winning WW II?

August 11th, 2018 12:15 PM
Before he became the disgraced Brian Williams known for making stuff up, the NBC journalist was best known for some outrageous examples of media bias. On August 5, 2005, the then-Nightly News anchor interrogated Enola Gay navigator Dutch Van Kirk about dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima: “Do you have remorse for what happened? How do you deal with that in your mind?” 

Check Out This Hysterical Promo for Lyin' Brian's MSNBC Show

August 6th, 2018 2:30 PM
Doesn’t it almost always seem like things have to be dramatic and self-centered for Brian Williams? The disgraced former NBC Nightly News anchor and serial liar has a new promo out for his weekday MSNBC show The 11th Hour that’s quite the doozy with quiet orchestral music and promises to provide the best recap of the day’s news.

MSNBC's Ruhle Says Facebook Should Be 'Shut Down'

August 2nd, 2018 11:22 AM
In the wake of Facebook apparently discovering and shutting down Russian troll and disinformation pages, MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle has turned to an authoritarian solution. On the 11th Hour with Brian Williams Wednesday night, Ruhle said, “I'm not going to feel bad for Mark Zuckerberg. This is the world he created, and maybe it's a Frankenstein. Maybe he created a monster,” of the social media…

Trump Calls Out Media Bias, CNN & MSNBC Fear Orwellian Dictatorship

July 25th, 2018 1:13 PM
Over an 18-hour period spanning two days, anchors on MSNBC and CNN all read from the same script as they warned viewers that President Trump’s typical criticism of the liberal media during a Tuesday address was akin to the authoritarian regime described in George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984.

NBC/WSJ Poll Finds Majority Support Abortion Law. Here's What's Wrong

July 24th, 2018 4:08 PM
When it comes to polling, sometimes the questions reveal more than the answers. On Monday, an NBC/WSJ poll found that 71% of voters support Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in the U.S. on a federal level. That should be a surprising number. But it’s not – simply because of the poll’s wording.

Biased Hackjob: The Worst Moments from CNN’s ‘2000s’ Smear of Bush

July 23rd, 2018 4:02 PM
For some reason, CNN decided that it would air the latest installment of its comprehensive and informative miniseries on recent decades in America history with the 2000s despite the fact that many of the same actors, elected officials, journalists, and TV shows remained relevant into this decade.

Schmidt Claims McConnell 'Delegitimized' Kavanaugh, Supreme Court

July 12th, 2018 12:00 PM
Appearing as a guest on Wednesday's The 11th Hour with Brian Williams, MSNBC contributor Steve Schmidt claimed that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell "delegitimized" Justice Anthony Kennedy's seat on the U.S. Supreme Court -- and the Court itself -- as he reacted to the selection of Judge Brett Kavanaugh as Kennedy's replacement. He also repeated a debunked claim that "Kennedy's son is Trump…

MSNBC Kavanaugh Coverage: 27 Guests, ZERO Conservatives

July 10th, 2018 3:02 PM
On Monday night, MSNBC prime-time shows spent the vast majority of their time discussing President Trump’s pick for the Supreme Court. Of the 27 guests which appeared over the four-hour block from 8:00 p.m. to midnight ET, not a single conservative was given time to speak about the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh.

This Week in Media Bias History: Don’t Forget U.S. ‘Genocide'

July 7th, 2018 12:15 PM
If any cable network knows how to ruin a great American holiday, it’s MSNBC. On July 1, 2012, then-host Melissa Harris-Perry celebrated the Fourth of July by reminding everyone of the “imperialism, the genocide, the slavery.” Speaking of Independence Day, well-known fabricator Brian Williams in 2005 compared the hostage-takers in Iran to the Founding Fathers: “The first several U.S. Presidents…

Brian Williams Calls Krauthammer 'Drum Major' of Iraq War

June 22nd, 2018 3:15 PM
Noting the death of conservative author and columnist Charles Krauthammar late Thursday night, MSNBC anchor Brian Williams delivered an obituary that was positive overall, but was unable to resist laying blame for the Iraq War at the feet of the Pulitzer Prize-winning writer. 

FLASHBACK: Media Cheered Obama’s ‘Tear Down This Wall’ Cuban Moment

June 12th, 2018 12:25 PM
Donald Trump’s summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un has been met with skepticism from liberal journalists with the likes of CBS correspondent Bianna Golodryga railing: “The self-proclaimed dealmaker in chief has so far proven to be more of a deal breaker, tearing up international deals.” But this is a far cry from the liberal media’s reaction to Barack Obama’s December 2014 deal with…